FAMU Trustees Caught up in Crist Recisions

da rattler
Governor Charlie Crist today wrote to to Senate President Ken Pruitt withdrawing 283 gubernatorial appointments for 100 boards, councils, districts and commissions. Each of these is subject to senate confirmation and has not been confirmed.

Governor Crist, as have many of his predecessors including Governor Jeb Bush, is withdrawing all pending nominations and will submit his own nominations in the coming weeks and months.

Nominations for FAMU Trustees Challis Lowe (an appointee of the Board of Governors), who has not yet been confirmed by the Senate, and Jesse Tyson could likely to be affected. Mr. Tyson was appointed late last fall by Mr. Bush.

See: FAMU gets new trustee

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  1. I wonder if Challis Lowe will get caught up in this. You know she never was confirmed by the Senate last year. She shouldn't even be on the BOT let alone its chairman.

  2. waiting on the other shoe to drop now....lol

  3. Let the games begin!!!

  4. If Gov. Crist can get Challis Lowe and Jesse Tyson off the BOT before the final presidential selection vote, then it will be a godsend. We'll need to have special day on campus in his honor.

    Lowe and Tyson and operatives of James Corbin's agenda. They are liabilities to our institution.

  5. Here's the full text of Gov. Crist's letter.


    Jesse Tyson is gone! However, the Democrat article did say that all Bush's appointees would continue to serve until Crist's new appointees are confirmed by the Senate.

    Let's hope that the new governor doesn't wait this long to take action on getting a replacement for Tyson. We need someone who cares about FAMU to get his board seat yesterday!

  6. Tyson is not enough...Lowe MUST go, too! BTW, can anyone on RN tell us why she left Ryder for Dollar General? Gov. Crist, if you read RN, please replace Challis Lowe on the FAMU BOT. All you James Corbin cronies...get to steppin'!

  7. When the MLK Convocation at the best college for African Americans is no longer an All-University Convocation...it's not the holiday or its significance that's lost it's relevance...but the administration. This is truly sad!

  8. Tyson is not enough...Lowe MUST go, too! BTW, can anyone on RN tell us why she left Ryder for Dollar General?

    From what we've been told, she got into a physical altercation with one of her colleagues at Ryder, and was run off.

  9. I hope that Lowe and Tyson leave...they both are disconnected from the faculty, staff, and students. They just show up to board meetings and vote. Too bad Corey Alston stepped down, he was the best thing that started to turn the BOT around! I hope Crist appoint someone who listens and can bring FAMU together

  10. Crist needs to give Tyson a KO!

  11. Crist needs to give Tyson a KO!

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