Auditors Find Problems at UMES

da rattler

A recent audit of the University of Maryland Eastern Shores turned up 16 audit findings, eight of which were reoccuring from previous audits.

Among the finding noted by the Maryland Office of Legislative Audits was a $2 million difference in student accounts receivable records and “related control records” which had not been investigated and resolved, and 3,800 grade changes between July 2003 and February 2005. The audit also turned up problems with internal control deficiencies in financial aid, federal grants, cash receipts were not controlled to ensure subsequent deposit, and the UMES computer network was not adequately protected from both internal and external exposures.

Of the eight findings contained in a previous audits dating back to 2001, Maryland Auditors determined that by August 2005, only one finding had been statisfactorily addressed.

UMES was also cited for not adequately following up on alleged fradulent procurement activity in the Physical Plant Department, and did not referr evidence of possible criminal conduct to the Maryland Attorney General -- Criminal Investigations Division.

The August 2005 audit is the most recent audit availabe for UMES.

Link to pdf of UMES Audit

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  1. RN you are a baaad mofo!! Don't tell me Johnson and her UMES crew can't balance their books either?

  2. Game Over.

  3. No way is this true! Ya'll just making stuff up.

  4. Double Damn!

  5. this needs to hit every major media outlet in florida and hit the governors office

  6. The state auditor's summary says it all:

    1) Possible criminal actions being swept under the rug.

    2) A $2M discrepency in student account records.

    3) Inadequate control of the grade change process (give yourself all the A's you want) -- a problem that has been around since 1988.

    4) Failure to collect outstanding accounts (don't want to pay? no problem).

    5) Procedural and control deficiencies in financial aid, federal grants (let's antagonize NSF), information systems, cash receipts, and equipment.

    And easier question is: What the hell is Thelma Thompson doing right in UMES' financial division?

    It looks like Thompson and Castell Bryant are two birds of a feature. While Castell was jacking up FAMU's financial books in 2005, Thelma was doing the same at UMES.

  7. Is Thelma blaming Fred Humphries for the financial problems at UMES as well?

  8. No, she's blaming Ammons.

  9. Man, UMES is broke down under Thompson. No real foundation or research. No football program. Sloppy financial records.

    This is what they what to bring to FAMU? Rattlers, we are in a fight for our lives. Avoid Thompson like the plague!!!

  10. hot damn.

    This is the type of person that is right up Lowe and Corbin's alley. UMES alums are pissed off and in a worse disposition.

  11. I heard the people of the great state of Maryland are praying we take her off of their hands. They've got their fingers crossed just like the folks in Alabama when we selected Gainous. They were laughing their asses off.

    Please RN don't let it happen again. Get Up, Stand Up and be counted!

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