SBI professor dies rock climbing

da rattler
Kenneth Gray a professor in the School of Business and Industry suffered a heart attack and died while during a rock-climbing excursion in Tennessee, Saturday.

The Set Friday Blog attributes the following quotes to SBI professor Amos Bradford, "We were all shocked. Since last night we're trying to pick ourselves up off the floor and get our bearings." Gray is survived by his mother, brother, wife and two daughters.

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  1. Condolences to the family of Professor Kenneth Gray. In view of all the stresses that (perhaps) he was under as a professor at the university, he looked for a hightened sense of relief.

  2. May God bless his family and as a rattler may we as a family remember and pay respect to his legacy on the Hill.

  3. I, as a FAMU journalism student, just interviewed Professor Gray for a story. As a matter of fact, I just got an e-mail from him last week about a follow-up interview. It is so eerie how fleeting life can be. Although I didn't know him well, I am in complete shock. He was an extremely intelligent and personable man. My heart most certainly goes out to his family, friends, colleagues and students.

  4. May God rest his soul and soothe his family.

  5. WOW. Dr. Gray will be sorely missed. He was a mentor and a friend.

  6. The good die young. I didn't know Dr. Kenneth Gray, but from all reports he was an enormous talent. What a loss, for his family, his friends, the business world, the School of Business and Industry and the FAMU community. What a tragedy, and what's so horrific is that at 55, he had so many wonderful years ahead; he probably had not even reached the pinnacle of his success. Isn't it ironic that he was on a mountaintop when his life ended? I think his death was symbolic of how he lived his life: reaching, reaching, reaching for the top and not letting anything stand in his way of the pinnacle of success. What a loss, but what a way to have lived your life.

  7. Dr. Gray was a great professor, and a great person to have in the Rattler family. He will be greatly missed. My condolences and god bless.

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