Challis resigns!

da rattler
Facing the inevitable, FAMU BOT Chair Challis Lowe this afternoon has resigned from the FAMU Board of Trustees. The controversial chairwoman who tookover after James Corbin failed in his attempt to be reappointed to the FAMU BoT has presided over one of the sharpest periods of decline in the university's 120 year history. Enrollment is falling. Lawmakers are angry. And the most recent state audit turned up 35 audit exceptions, the most in the university's history. Under Mrs. Lowe's watch, the state Board of Governors, which oversees universities, formed a special task force to oversee FAMU finances.

Lowe had teamed with interim president Castell Bryant and both became polarizing figures in the FAMU community. Former Trustee Barney Bishop described Lowe as Ms. Bryant's personal "rubber stamp".

The state Senate was unlikely to confirm Lowe, as State Sen. Steve Oelrich, R-Gainesville, told the St. Petersburg Times on Tuesday that his committee will dedicate the entirety of its last meeting next week to issues of campus security, in the wake of shootings at Virginia Tech.

Lowe not on senate agenda

Has Challis lost her mind?

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  1. One down, one to go!



  3. With Lowe's resignation, who on the BOT is just as capable as Lowe, but committed to doing what's best for FAMU; rather than what's best for the leader even when that leader is not committed to doing what's best for FAMU? I can't think of anyone presently on the board that is as capable as Lowe. Hopefully, Lowe's replacement can provided the needed leadership. We need a Lowe-type chairperson to support Ammons who, I believe, will do what's best for FAMU.

  4. Capable! Capable! That woman was crazy, unprofessional, devious, and out to destroy FAMU with Castell, Corbin, Allen, Jenkins, Branker and some others.

    We don't need anyone that capable ever again on our board.

    We don't ever need another Lowe type person serving on our board.

    Good Riddance!

  5. Good riddance! Challis Lowe is completely inept as a FAMU trustee. She did nothing to hold interim president Castell Bryant accountable for the deficit or enrollment drops she created.

    Lowe also voted for presidential candidate Thelma Thompson, a woman who LIED about the financial state of her university. Thompson claimed that she'd been receiving good audits when the Maryland state auditors reports showed the complete opposite.

    With Lowe gone, incoming President James Ammons will have a much better chance of being able to undue the damage that Bryant has inflicted upon the university.

    Lowe is going to get what's coming to her one day. Ryder wised up and fired her. It's only a matter of time before Dollar General does the same.

  6. I can't think of anyone presently on the board that is as capable as Lowe.

    Then you're not thinking, at all.

  7. Two down four to go.

  8. Saw Challis today -- looks like her right hand has forgotten its cunning and her tongue has cleaved to the roof of her mouth.

    FAMU Forever!

  9. Anonymous said...
    Saw Challis today -- looks like her right hand has forgotten its cunning and her tongue has cleaved to the roof of her mouth.

    FAMU Forever!

    4/18/2007 10:55 PM

    Did you bid her farewell and a Kiss My Ass.. ROFLMBAO

  10. Anonymous said...
    With Lowe's resignation, who on the BOT is just as capable as Lowe, but committed to doing what's best for FAMU; rather than what's best for the leader even when that leader is not committed to doing what's best for FAMU? I can't think of anyone presently on the board that is as capable as Lowe. Hopefully, Lowe's replacement can provided the needed leadership. We need a Lowe-type chairperson to support Ammons who, I believe, will do what's best for FAMU.

    4/18/2007 9:30 PM

    You nugget!!! If we need another Lowe on our Board, then why in the hell would we want Challis gone in the first place. Lay off the ciggie-weed!

  11. 6:35---One down, SEVERAL to go!

  12. 9:44--the 9:30 poster makes a strong point. While s/he doesn't say the board needs a Lowe-clone, I believe the point is that a strong capable person is needed. Lowe, whether anyone agrees with the woman or not, was/is a strong person. Now, the direction of her strength and to whom it is directed is a completely different story. Just because she was a rubber-stamper and was at times quite unprofessional, that doesn't mean that she wasn't a strong sister. Now, I'm as
    hally-luya glad that the woman is taking a hike, but whether we want to acknowledge her as capable, we must give the devil her due.

  13. We don't need anyone AS capable as Lowe. That is a low hurdle to jump. We need someone MORE capable than Lowe. I am still waiting to see that woman's managerial skills. Given that she is a huge fan of both Castell and Thelma Thompson, I can tell she has absolutely no skill in evaluating human capital.

  14. Gotta Go, Gotta Go!

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