Knock. Knock. Who's there? SACS!

da rattler

Upon taking over, it seems that interim (whatever ya call him) Larry Robinson has discovered another potential mess left by his predecessor Mrs. Bryant.

As we understand it, on the heels of our latest audit our accrediting agency, the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges, Division of Colleges, sent Mrs. Bryant a letter asking her for detailed information about the audit. In her usual manner, we are told, what she sent was a response so flagrantly evasive and non responsive that SACS sent the University a very stern request demanding a specific list of information pertaining to the audit. With Bryant having just stepped down, that letter was received by Mr. Robinson.

This prompted Robinson to phone trustees last week to alert them of the situation.

The problems with SACS are so potentially dangerous that it prompted the accreditation agency to move up its scheduled meeting with the University from October to June.

Also see: SACS contradicts Hobbs and Bryant

SACS expert not a part of the team

SACS Mess Part I

Looming SACS mess Part 2

Total Meltdown

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  1. AGAIN, I must say...all of those trustees that were there when Bryant was "in charge" must go, especially Laura Brankerm RB Holmes, and Pamela Duncan. GET TO STEPPIN!

  2. I hope the BOT starts exercising this new found accountability. Castell and Austin should never grace the halls of higher education or education period, ever again!

  3. All TRUE! Get to steppin', before somebody gets hurt. This is WAY out of hand and ALL Rattlers MUST be aware and get to making calls and writing letters. I'm mad as can be, and I'm a student. There really does need to be a campaign to round-up all Rattlers and get this house in order! I know ya'll know about gentrification. ask D.C. residents.

  4. Where is Vivian Hobbs the in-house SACS guru? I thought this was under control.

  5. Clearly, Vivian, Castell, and Austin are clueless!

  6. oh god casthell what have you done to us! thank god almight our son is coming home to save us from such malfeasance and incompetence of what this evil woman/despot has done to our beloved FAMU!

  7. Knock. Knock. Who else is there? The ABA. Disenfranchised students. Displeased alumni. Current students leaving. Future students not even looking at FAMU?

    It's time for Alumni to shake and clean this house before all the rattling permanently quiet the Rattlers!

  8. VH is not only clueless, girlF is incompetent--there's a difference betw. the two: 1, you don't know what's going on, 2, if you did, you are incapable of doing what needs to be done. Well, now, let's see...that might be an apt description for the whole danggone CVB Kitchen Cabinet, to tell you the truth. Come to think of know, I think I might be right.

  9. listen up: james ammons cannot save us. the man might be able to do a lot of things, but "save us"? I don't think that's possible.

  10. Hey Castell:

    Knock. Knock. Who's there? FBI & FDLE !!!


    Rattlers, we were able to get rid of the 5 with due diligence. Let's not stop until ALL of those that allowed this to happen (yes, you allowed this to happen and even if you voted for Ammons you must go, too) are gone. We can do it. We've done it successfully 5 times before.

    If they had any shame or common sense, they would resign, but it's OBVIOUS they don't have any of that! Oh, that's're "livid" now! Yeah right!

    Our work isn't CLOSE to being done!

  12. PLEASE let it by the FBI and FDLE!

  13. if anyone finds out either cassie or debbie are seeking employment in higher education ever again, please let the masses know so can can warn the next institution and save them!

  14. Cassie and crew will not ever need another job after this scandal....they are all set for life...they will get paid along the way in small enough chunks and disguised in such a way the FBI radar will miss it or count it as minimal. Remember they (FBI, etc.) know at whatever detail is applied to FAMU with also be an option to apply to other major Universities also. There's crooks in every crevace because the primary support of Higher Education in America comes from the common taxpayer. They will only go as far as needed qto prosecute the guilty in this FAMU mess...there are bigger fish out there that if the magnifying glass were on them like it is at will see that Cassie and crew was just trying to play ball in the big league but they left the team at home...they only took the quarterback, receivers and running backs and didn't take the necessary time to beef up the front line (Hogs)like UF, FSU, FIU and UCF consistently does. Bryant knows she's safe, if the FED's press the issue she has inside information that she can use to take a few big cedars, pines and Oaks down with her....TIIIIMMMMMMBBBEEER!!!

  15. Why are we so afraid of SACS? Who does SACS answer to, and when was the last time they went through a federal review? What were their reports and scores.

    While this is important, I hate the way we act os if SACS is some God-sent agency to be unquestioned and to be uncritically accepted in what they say or request.


  16. Who was working on SACS before Hobbs? Can they help fix this?
    Dr. Mercer?

  17. Who does SACS answer to? Are you serious? Losing accreditation makes a university lose their ability to use financial aid. (i.e. the end of the University) Just ask the 12 students left at Morris Brown.

  18. If there is good new, its that our incoming president serves on the SACS, Commission on Colleges, and has lead 14 accreditation visits. He knows the SACS folks and has their respect. He might be able to keep them from dropping the hammer on us and buy us sometime for him to straighten things out.

  19. 11:14, we must remember that castell was already "retired" when fwe came calling. but i think that after the mess she done at the school, she'll stay away from all things and people that come calling and if anyone does, once they know of the damage she done at FAMU, they'll quickly rescind their offer.

  20. Hobbs is one comman woman.

    You ought to see her in the meetings cussing like a sailor and getting all defensive when she is asked anything. Of course these meetings that she attends are all before 1 p.m. because she is on record saying that she does not work past this time. Of course this changed when Casty left and Larry came in.

    Did she ever submit leave when she was seen on T.V. sitting in on her son's (Chuck HObbs) trial that messed up those Kappas lives?

  21. deepbluesea said...
    Why are we so afraid of SACS? Who does SACS answer to, and when was the last time they went through a federal review? What were their reports and scores.

    Naw naw you got it all skewed. We ain't afraid of SACS persay, but rather are justifiably concerned that our "S" ain't together. Listen, to satisfy SAC you basically need to be able to provide data. Our Institutional Research stuff ain't together, our Registrar's stuff ain't together, and the stuff we've been sendin' in to Florida Board of Governors/ DOE during the CastHell administration...let's just say "we hope SACS doesn't go digging up old reports and comparing data then and now, cuz it'll be all jacked up" Will somebody PLEAZE get us some competent data folk up in heya as permanent committed FAMU employees? Consultants never stick around to be accountable. Didn't CastHell and crew know that before they started playing the contract game? As an institution of higher learning, your institutional data is a repository of the your enrollment demographic, faculty demographic, FTE (numbers used for legislative funding), and degrees awarded.. Who's afraid of the knock at the door? Well okay, we ain't skeered, but we makin' sho' we prayed up!!

  22. Thank you for breaking that down for me.

    deep blue sea

  23. 4:57,

    You make some good points, but what is up with the nigga-ease / Ebonics?

    You make the rest of us look like a bunch of damn fools writing like that.

    Way to confirm the stereotype.

  24. I know some ebonic speaking white people. So how does that factor into your "confirming the stereotype" theory. That person is probably a high profile professional who just proved that she or he can navigate spaces with their use of language.

  25. To 6/02/2007 3:30 PM

    The fact that 5/31/2007 4:57 PM was intelligent enough to correctly spell the contracted verbal communication used in his ebonic flavored post should have signaled to that intellectual steel trap of yours that this was not ignorant in the least bit but simple chose to express himself as he did. Don’t make the sad mistake of thinking intelligence looks or sounds one particular way.

  26. ebonic white people are acting like damn fools .... trying to be something that they are not

  27. 1:04, that language isn't "navigating spaces," as you've termed it. That's nothing but plain ol' phonetics. We all can do it. It's not a big deal.

  28. deep blue sea made a comment at about "Who is afraid of SACS." It was kinda brushed off as if they was a stupid question, but I am kinda feeling this person.

    I recently read where some accrediting agency was found of compliance with guidelines it has to follow with the federal government in terms of accredting schools.

    SACS is important. Accreditation is important. Don't get me wrong, but who is watching the watcher? What happens if the watcher is "racist" and agrees that HBCUs should not exists. Who checks the backgrounds of the reviewers? What if they have motives?

    Can reveiwers be bought?

    Deep Blue Sea- you got me to thinking.

  29. Revised from above. Made a couple of typos.

    deep blue sea made a comment at about "Who is afraid of SACS." It was kinda brushed off as if that was a stupid question, but I am kinda feeling this person.

    I recently read where some accrediting agency was found out of compliance with guidelines it has to follow with the federal government in terms of accredting schools.

    SACS is important. Accreditation is important. Don't get me wrong, but who is watching the watcher? What happens if the watcher is "racist" and agrees that HBCUs should not exists? Who checks the backgrounds of the reviewers? What if they have motives?

    Can reveiwers be bought?

    Deep Blue Sea- you got me to thinking.

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