Shake up in alumni affairs

da rattler

Castell's good girlfriend Altha Manning, Executive Director of Alumni Affairs, has been dismissed from the University. She'll be replaced on an interim basis by Tammy Hamlet. Our sources tell us that Carmen Cummings, formerly of WCTV and currently with U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd will be the new alumni affairs director. Carmen is expected to take over in 30 days.

RN had originally reported on July 2nd that Altha was out, but she won a stay of dismissal when a suitable candidate couldn't be found to take her place. See: Moving day comes

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  1. another one bites the dust!

  2. Ding dong the witch is dead,
    the mean old witch
    the mean old witch
    Ding dong the wicked witch is dead!

    She's gone where the goblins go below, ohoh, Let's jump around and sing and ring the bells out!

    Ding dong the wicked witch is DDDDEEEAAAAADDDDDD!!!!!!!!

    Be not dismayed for God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that she he also reap!

    Fret not thyself for evil doers for they shall be cut down like grass and wither like the herb!!!

    Your dastardly deeds, treachery, hotility and malevolence has come back and bit you in the ass!

    FAMU is no longer a place for your kind!

    Peddle that hatred and nastiness and deceitfulness somewhere else!

    If you had been half as nice to us at FAMU as you have been to crackers for a might have kept your damn job, stupid!

    Now you can wear them St. John's around the house while you watch the stories and eat ice cream and boogers!

  3. Isn't there a legal obligation as well as a ethical obligation to post ALL positions and allow interested candidates to apply and receive a fair assessment and then choose the BEST candidate?

    THIS IS Not Right and it is NOT good! I hope this is not an indication of what we can expect of our new leadership.

  4. Isn't there a legal obligation as well as a ethical obligation to post ALL positions and allow interested candidates to apply and receive a fair assessment and then choose the BEST candidate?

    THIS IS Not Right and it is NOT good! I hope this is not an indication of what we can expect of our new leadership.

    7/31/2007 4:41 PM

    Hell no!

    Why waste the time advertising the positions.

    Does the Governor take applications for cabinet positions or the president of the US for his secretary(ies).

    To the victor goes the spoils!

    He has a right to assemble a team of people who he believes well best manifest his vision!

    So shut the fugg up!

  5. Did Castell advertise positions that turned up Altha, Vince June, Charles Lewis and Rufus Little?

  6. 4:45 and 4:51, thanks 'cuz I couldn't type fast enough to respond.

  7. Did Castell advertise positions that turned up Altha, Vince June, Charles Lewis and Rufus Little?

    7/31/2007 4:51 PM

    Say it one mo' time, damnit, just one mo' time!

  8. Hell, Castell didn't even advertise or seek input for the Provost position!

  9. but let's offer a clearer explanation for the questioner.

    Typically when a new president is chosen, that person assembles a team of direct reports of his own choosing. Often the new chief selects people with whom he has previous experience or people who have been referred to him by people he trusts. This process is found in almost any hierarchial organization such as the executive branch of the United States, as others have mentioned, publicly traded corporations, universities and not for profit organizations.

    Putting a team together in this format is essential to the new person because he has to assemble a team that can be trusted to execute his vision. It is not a time for bringing in people who want to execute a vision that conflicts with the new chief.

    When the senior staff assembles their staff, you should see a more open process.

  10. Hell, Castell didn't even advertise or seek input for the Provost position!

    7/31/2007 5:12 PM

    Yeah, everybody in town coulda told Castell Deborah Austin wasn't shti!

  11. i can tell you first hand, altha was terrible in that position

  12. The position for Charles Lewis was advetised. I presume he was the best for the job.

  13. Moreover, everyone position need not be advertised even in the Sunshine State pursuant to various exceptions. Moreover, do you know that it was not advertised?

  14. 7/31/2007 4:40 PM
    Ice and boogers?

  15. There's more Ms. Manning's in high-level positions throughout campus and over various IMPORTANT departments throughout FAMU. I have faith in Dr. Ammons. I believe that he will eventually find out about some of the people that's being referred to him. So many of them can talk the talk, but behind the scenes they cannot and do not do nothing. The support staff is the backbone of FAMU, but we get treated like the assbone. So many times, we are not appreciated. But I know that in due time Dr. Ammons will take care of the slackers. If he don't, GOD will.

    I know many of you can agree that too many people are taking FAMU down and playing like they are working. Many of them are on every other committee on campus to polish their resume and to get out of the office.

  16. The people on this board are full of it!!! Castell did advertise some of her positions and interviewed candidates.

    When she selected people that she wanted to work with, people yelled and screamed about it. Now Dr. Ammons does it and it is OK. It was always OK. We need to stop playing games and changing rules for how we evaluate people and show some consistency.

    Lastly, Carmen Cummings as alumni affairs director. It is an interesting position. There were others who know more about alumni operations and working with the association than Ms. Cummings. Not to say that she cannot learn on the job, but.....

    Why not post and determine who else is out there that could possibly come with some experience regarding the responsibilities of alumni affairs.

  17. Anonymous said...
    The people on this board are full of it!!! Castell did advertise some of her positions and interviewed candidates.

    You sound like:
    1. Vincent
    2. Rufus
    3. Liz
    4. Altha
    5. Castell *lol*

    Shouldn't ya'll spend more time looking for other employment instead of perusing RN.

  18. The people on this board are full of it!!! Castell did advertise some of her positions and interviewed candidates.

    Lastly, Carmen Cummings as alumni affairs director.

    7/31/2007 9:52 PM

    No, you're full of it! Who cares what Castell did. She is gone and we are better because of it. Ammons has done more in one month than Castell did in 28 months. Ding Dong, both of the wicked witches are dead (sing along with us!)

    And as far as your questioning Carmen Cummings as alumni affairs director......Carmen is a respectable figure and I am sure she will be a very effective director of alumni affairs. So, as 1:11 said, please get back to your job hunting b/c we know you are one of the following:

    1. Vincent
    2. Rufus
    3. Liz
    4. Altha
    5. Castell *lol*

  19. Well, first of all this position is at the request of the president you do not have to advertise. The department of alumni affairs has a lot of problems. Customer service is a big issue along as not communicating well with all chapters. Carmen will go into this department with a plan along with suggestions to stabilize this area. This department reflects directly on the President.

    We all know when the leader of a past administration leave their supporters must go as well. Everybody can't be the Chief we need some Indians and Ms. Manning with her foul mouth had to go.

    Carmen brings to the table is a wealth of experience in getting any job done. In her first 60 days I bet you will see a change in accountability and customer service. At this stage I say we back our president to know he’s placing the best people in jobs he sees room for improvement.

  20. To the posters who are crying for public hiring process:

    The primary objective now is to assemble a team who is unequivocably for the Ammons' vision for FAMU. His selections of his primary cabinet is not only an issue of qualifications but solidarity and unity of spirit. As a CEO of a corporation, I know this to be true. Skill of the hand does not mean INTEGRITY OF THE HEART.This requires more than a resume' of prior performance but a HEART that can bring together the HOUSE OF FAM! Remember, a house divided against itself will not stand and now, FAMU is on the rise! We do not need pythons among the RATTLERS' den!

  21. Carmen will get the job done. She has the Faith and she truly is a Believer!

  22. There are alot of FAMUans who have heart and love the university. However, many of them are not being given any consideration. We are talented group of individuals from all over the world. Everyone that is hired to work on the campus does not have to reside in Tallahassee nor currently work on the campus.

    I would like to see a broader net cast that allows people from all over the globe to have an opportunity to work at FAMU. As a FAMUan who is not a native of Tallahassee, I would like to see some of our talent who is working in various other communities that can be a vision for FAMU beyond Tallahassee.

    No disrespect to any one that is being hired. I would just like to see some new names in the mix associated with FAMU.

  23. Find a job on campus and apply for it!

  24. Carmen will do well. She has the "people and PR" skills necessary to do this job. Congrats Carmen!

  25. Carmen is very nice and personable and a very lovely and charming and outgoing woman, but is she qualified to do the job, or will this be a learn-as-you-go position? We know her from years of anchoring the tv news and from being a community personality and from being in Congressman Alan Boyd's circle of employment as the pr person. But is she the best "fit" for this position? If she's been appointed by Dr. Ammons, we'll just have to wait and see.

  26. She is definitely qualified...
    Right now we need someone who can reach out to younger alumni and repair the breach between the Alumni Association and the University. Who better than a PR person to do just that.

    What sets Carmen apart from her predecessor is that she is a nice woman. She is kind and she knows how to build consensus. She has had high profile leadership experiences and when she brings her resources and talents to bear on behalf of the University, the sky is the limit.

    More importantly, I believe Carmen can motivate her team to work at a higher level of productivity because she encourages and does not seek to humiliate or denigrate those in her employ. Altha I heard was hell to work for and was capricious and would cuss her staff out like dogs. That type of behavior has no business in the workplace. A seasoned professional like Mrs. Manning should know better.

    The days of nasty, mean-spirited, hateful damn people is over at A&M.

    Yes, we need to make some changes and yes some people need to go, but everything and everybody at FAMU is not stupid and everybody and everything at FAMU is not bad.

    I welcome Carmen Cummings Martin-- she is indeed a much deserved breath of fresh air!

  27. Look -- Altha did not know a dang gone thing about alumni affairs and only paid her dues when she was appointed to that position.

    Having been a graduate of FAMU for over 40 years, she should have been financial. But, I guess she spent too much time w/ the Links, St. John Knits, Sigma and others to pay attention to her Alma Mater.

    Well she said FAMU alumni ain't worth a damn now she can do that from her couch as she sits on the left-hand side of ole CastHELL while Junie Boy sits on the right hand side bitchin' and complainin' about what should be done.

    BTW, any person (altha) that said that can't support Ammons publicly should be gone. Period!

    They (CastHell's bunch) had almost 2 years and their records speaks for them loud and clear.

    As far as Carmen Cummings Martin. She has been intimately involved in supporting FAMU behind the scenes and publicly. So I have complete faith that she will get the job done.

    You go GIRL!

  28. You said that!

  29. I am appaled at the mean-spirited things people who claim to love FAMU say. You should know of what you are discussing. Altha is a good person and had tried to bring some professionalism to that unit. We have watched as some complaintants mouths were shut as she instituted some office decorum. She was not bryant's girl. A lot of things done were done without her knowledge, input, nor approval.
    Just like Bryant, after a while the honeymoon will be over for Ammons.


  30. 1:30 Wow! You obviously don't have a clue.

  31. Carmen is very nice and personable and a very lovely and charming and outgoing woman, but is she qualified to do the job....

    Okay, your point is??? I mean come on, we all know that the position of Director of Alumni Affairs is more about external public skills, than it is about managing foundation accounts, dividend disbursements, and estate trusts. FAMU needs someone with people skills....PERIOD. And though I do not know the young lady personally, I have observed her to be -as someone else has said-friendly, personable, tactful, inspiring (that one is important folks), and -at the risk of sounding superficial- the gull is good lookin'. She is exactly the type of polished personality that FAMU needs to have reaching out to its successfully established alums, and also I can see her inspiring and cultivating young new alums as well (can somebody say future donors??) I think you'll see some nice event planning, good press and PR, as well as some local connections re-established that (behind the scenes) have always helped FAMU turn "no's" into "yes's" Some of you out there in this local Tallahassee community know what I am talking about. In fact it might not be a bad idea to make good use of one Al Lawson right now as the face of the university is being re-established. It seems like he truly cares about FAM, and he packs a powerful punch that even the BOG has to respect and think twice before they try some old riff-raff bull. Take care FAM, and I am proud to see you coming up! -KwikTee (apologies for typos)

  32. I am appaled at the mean-spirited things people who claim to love FAMU say. You should know of what you are discussing. Altha is a good person and had tried to bring some professionalism to that unit. We have watched as some complaintants mouths were shut as she instituted some office decorum. She was not bryant's girl. A lot of things done were done without her knowledge, input, nor approval.
    Just like Bryant, after a while the honeymoon will be over for Ammons.


    8/01/2007 1:30 PM

    What professionalism did Altha bring to the Unit?

    Altha did not even particpate in WORD Actvities...unbelievable!

    She had no regard for the National President and did not do anything to improve relations with her office and the local chapters.

    Name one thing Altha did to improve Alumni Affairs after nearly two years at the helm...I'm waiting!

  33. Congratulations to Ms. Cummings. While visiting Tallahassee, I had the opportunity to watch Ms. Cummings on the local news station. In my opinion, she's the total package (intelligence, looks, & personality). I believe she will represent FAMU well and do a great job for us. I do not personally know Ms. Manning, but I think she deserves to be treated with respect. May I suggest that we find a way to criticize people that we don't like without calling them bad names or using other vulgar descriptions? Come on, we're bigger than that.

    Welcome aboard Ms. Cummings.

  34. You should know of what you are discussing. Altha is a good person and had tried to bring some professionalism to that unit.

    Pul-lease spare me. I'm still trying to find out what my Life Membership number is- SINCE NOVEMBER OF LAST YEAR!!! Not to mention that I NEVER received my lapel pin. But the check was cashed.

    Good riddance.

  35. Everybody had better get their complaints in NOW, because "come Sunday," RN will no longer be. DaRattler is graduating and moving to higher ground.

  36. There's more Manning's left at FAMU doing nothing but lying and putting on a nice loving and caring face in front of the big people to keep their jobs. We need people like Saunders and Cummings and other FAMU graduates. Afterall, I'm tired of seeing all these people from all over the world taking our jobs and treating us like we are beneath them. I will continue to support Dr. Ammons.

  37. When I first came to FAMU, I joined WANM and produced a homecoming piece where I interviewed alumni on the hill. I interviewed Carmen wand was so impressed! She was full of passion about the university. I'll always remember her sound byte.."it was here where I found myself .." I guess you have to hear it in order to understand how that changed my outlook on the university.

    I graduated from SBI in 2005, and have not heard from the alumni office. In 2007, I graduated from FSU, and heard from them 2 days before the ceremony.

    Any change is a good one, and if Carmen is in that position, I know there's a true RATTLER at the helm.

    Where do I pay my dues?

    Gregg Bishop

  38. That's what I'm talking about. TRUE rattlers need to be running FAMU, not people JUST looking for a paycheck.

    Also, at the same time I pray Dr. Ammons stop the mistreatment of the Faculty and support staff. FAMU really could benefit from supervisory training. We need more Carmen's to be the head of departments at FAMU.

  39. Anonymous said...
    I am appaled at the mean-spirited things people who claim to love FAMU say. You should know of what you are discussing. Altha is a good person and had tried to bring some professionalism to that unit. We have watched as some complaintants mouths were shut as she instituted some office decorum. She was not bryant's girl. A lot of things done were done without her knowledge, input, nor approval.
    Just like Bryant, after a while the honeymoon will be over for Ammons.


    8/01/2007 1:30 PM

    What I SEE is one of Cast hell's flunkies is still lurking around here. Shouldn't you be out looking for employment. haaaaaaa hahahahaha!

  40. To Wait,Watch and See I'm sorry you feel that way you talk about Professionalism Altha didn't know what that word meant, she took her orders directly from the dead old witch just like every body else she put in place,its only fair that she go packing as well.

    Now for Mrs.Cummings I think she is the right person for that JOB, she has something that Altha nor Castell has never had and that is FAMU Spirit, matter of fact those Witches didn't even look like FAMU material.

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