FAMU facing $6 million in cuts

da rattler
Gov. Charlie Crist and legislative leaders have ordered state agencies to cut this year's spending by 4 percent, holding back 1 percent of each quarterly disbursement of budgeted funds. They have also told agencies to draw up plans for a 10 percent cut, which Crist says he doesn't think will actually occur. He has said he just wants agencies to have detailed plans for what they will do if they have to dig deeper than the 4 percent already ordered.

"The bottom line is that we are in an ongoing correction in Florida’s real estate markets," said House budget chief, Rep. Ray Sansom, a Destin Republican, in a release. "Economic forecasters tell us that we can expect the state's economy to return to normal some time in 2008-09."

At FAMU, the budget cuts could mean loss of $6 million, President James Ammons told the faculty yesterday. FAMU is being faced with a loss of $2 million, because decreased enrollment, and $4 million because of the possible 4% budget cut.

Ammons told the faculty he would work hard to hold the line to protect academic programs and guard against layoffs, however if the state mandated a 10% buget cut the university would be in a very tough situation.

A panel of state economists is working today to determine how much the Legislature will have to cut from Florida's budget because of slumping revenue collections.

So far, the bottom line looks like about $1.5 billion. The economist say the state's budget isn't likey to recover until 2009.

Economists will provide state leaders with a clearer picture today.

Also see: universities brace for cut backs

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  1. Cached Wikipedia entry for Castell V. Bryant:

    Castell V. Bryant
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Castell Vaughn Bryant also known as THE SELL OUT has been the interim president of Florida A&M University since January 2005.[1] She is the first woman to hold this position at the university.[2] She is also banished from FAMU or any FAMU sponsored events [yes, that means no homecoming fashion show,concerts,greek parties,set shows (yup no model walk offs for you)or even Demp Week Comedy shows]. She recently rated her former FAMU students a 2 on a scale from 1-4.

    Hair History
    Castell has been known to wear a very dry low cut afro. Many speculate that she hasn't put gel in her hair in ages. Which may be one of the leading causes of her failed interim president term. She also looks a lot like a raccoon although her genetic linkage to that species is unknown at this point. Stay updated!

  2. Thats so wrong.

    What FAMU needs to do is check the salaries of these high paid officials and start slicing there.
    We can save money there.

  3. You don't want to cut the salaries of people who were hired to get us out of this mess that was created by Castell Bryant. We don't want to relive the Castell Bryant era. In other words, you get what you pay for. If you want excellence, pay for it.

  4. what is sharon suanders doing-- as executive assistant for communications--that requires a $145,000 salary? When Castell hired folks at these outragious salaries, we had our shotguns pointed at the woman's head. But now it's ok? And why, oh, why, oh, why has Ammons brought back these people from the Humphries' era. Are we moving forward, yet?

  5. 8/02/2007 2:15 PM asked, "Are we moving forward, yet?"

    Yeah, we are. at least $386,000 worth from what I read.

  6. Jeb Bush is evil. Why is he cutting our budget?

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