FAMU progress called "Phenomenal!"

Ed Penson of the BOG Task Force described the progress that FAMU as phenomenal.

“This work at FAMU is phenomenal in the amount of time and the amount of work,” said Penson. “Usually, it takes six months for a team to come together. The leadership of the President and the followship of this team is amazing. Last year when this started, it was close to a catastrophe; this has been a tremendous turn around.”

The Task Force Committee met on Wednesday, February 27 from 2-4:30 p.m. via telephone conference call. Seven of the nine members were present on the call.

“A large majority (92%) of the corrective Action Plan line items that have been subject to our procedures and successfully rated are adequately designed to correct the material findings documented by the Auditor General and the plans are operating satisfactorily... Controls are in place and adequately documented. The effectiveness of the Action Plan is being adequately evaluated on a periodic basis and University personnel are aware of their responsibilities for control,” said Derry Harper, the BOG's Inspector General.

The consultants:

• Changed the satisfactory category from 73% to 92%, excluded the number of “not rated” items from the denominator of the fraction.
• Changed the needs improvements from 10% to 8%
• Removed the percentage notation listed in the “not rated” category. There was a total of 11 items that were not rated and most are a part of the EIT work.

FAMU CFO Teresa Hardee notes that the substantive changes in the consultant’s report represents a better depiction of the actual work that has been completed by FAMU. She noted that internal controls are in place and working whereas the lack of such controls were the focus of the operational and financial audits.

Several Task Force members offered comments to improve the tenor and tone of the report.

Joelen Merkel, chair of the Audit Committee on the University of Florida Board of Trustees, noted that the Task Force recommendation No. 1 and No. 4 were the same. The certification is “standard operating procedures” in a financial audit. “Not sure why you need that again.”

Barbara Bowles, a financial consultant noted that “most of the operational and financial findings were benign and we need to close the door on the history of this matter.”

Further, Merkel noted that the report should include language that notes that the consultant’s review found no indication of fraud, thief or misappropriation of funds.

The Task Force members herald the turn arounding citing the work of the Division of Audit and Compliance at FAMU, the current FAMU leadership team, as well as the six new members of the Board of Trustees as factors that strengthen the financial conditions at FAMU.

Also see: Task Force blast its consultants

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  1. Wow! This is great news for the RattlerNation. Congrats! to the CFO and her staff and the leadership team for tremendous amount of work it took to get these action items corrected. Thank you so much for helping to restore the public's confidence in FAMU.

  2. "Phenomenal" means our new administration has done a great job. I salute OUR Administration for continuing the forward progress of OURFAMU. I LOVE MY ALMA MATER

  3. All of the TRUE RATTLERS KNOW THAT Dr. JAMES AMMONS IS THE RIGHT MAN AT THE RIGHT TIME. We were 1 vote away from EXTINCTION. NOW, because of his leadership, we are headed toward DISTINCTION

  4. Amen. Now let's get that "probation" status off our accreditation.

  5. Good Work FAMU Family! Now we need to keep it up and continue our greatness! Is it too funny in a sick kind of way that this was not in the Dixiecrat or the St.Shi*yburg Times...Well there aint no news like bad news to them or better yet made up bad news...LOL at those LOSERS!

  6. halleluya and all that good stuff! TAKE THAT, CVB! a new administration has done in a few months what you threw untold millions of dollars away on consultants over a two 1/2 year period. the woman, like that l' tired Gainous, was just way in over her head. Teresa Hardee & Co: We ain' mad atcha.

  7. GREAT job Dr. Ammons & Leadership Team. There's no stopping us now. I was always a believer in this administration and feel that the sky is the limit. There is so much joy and love in my heart for FAMU. My wife and I are alumnus and we sent both of our kids to FAMU. FAMU has been an absolutely wonderful experience for our family. As long as I can speak, I will talk up FAMU and encourage every college prospect to attend.


    The St. Petersburg Times is irrelevant in my book and is a worthless by product of a tree.

    FAMU FOREVER!!!!!!!!1

  8. What happened to all the naysayers? Where are they now? The reality is that Dr. Ammons is on the job and has managed to turn things around. Same for the law school, once Pernell shows a few bad apples the door, things will turn around.

  9. Don't get fooled. April 1st is around the corner.This is just the begining.

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