Physics researchers make new discovery


FAMU distinguished professor of science and engineering, Joseph A. Johnson, III, along with Stephen Roberson and Charlemagne Akpovo, both of FAMU, have found the first evidence of turbulent behavior in ionized gases which have a lifetime of less than 100 nanoseconds.

Laser induced plasmas in nitrogen, argon, xenon, neon and krypton were studied using measuring speeds at rates in excess of 10 x109 per second. Turbulent flow fluctuations, which influence mixing on such short-time scales, will cause dramatic changes in applications, such as ion implantation in semiconductors. Such fluctuations will drastically change the reaction dynamics in the synthesis of new nano-materials. Furthermore, computations and modeling for the molecular dynamics in nanotechnology must now include new physics driven by turbulence in order to correctly predict the manufacturing processes.

Their paper on this research has been accepted for publication in an upcoming 2008 issue of the Journal of Applied Physics published by the American Institute of Physics.

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  1. ... what? LOL
    Way to go, Rattlers. Really pushing the envelope for 2 out of 5. ;-)

  2. Great Job Rattlers!!! I just wish I knew what all that stuff means!!!

  3. Exactly, can we have one of the "rocket scientist" break this down to laymans terms?

  4. in English doctor

  5. I don't understand the ins/outs, either, but hey, it sounds and looks good. Anybody out there that break this down (or up) for the lay folk?

  6. I hate it when scientists publish these findings in a public medium and refuse to use everyday language.

    FAMU if you are listening, the TDO is not a physics journal.

    In the future, please break it down for the everyday folk. How are we to brag about this and we can't understand what has been discovered?

    Other than that it gets a thumbs up.

  7. I don't understand the ins/outs, either, but hey, it sounds and looks good. Anybody out there that break this down (or up) for the lay folk?

    Here is the break down (or up):
    Your computer may run faster.

  8. ROTFL

    what?!?!?!??!?!?!?! glad im not by myself. what the hell did that say!?!?

    but none the less just making a breakthrough on a subject like Physics is amazing. This is why im proud to be a rattler!

  9. start here....

  10. NuRattler,

    There are plenty of articles on the Internet discussing turbulent behavior in ionized gases. Is this research group focusing on the lifetime of these ionized gases, if so, why did they not focus on this more in the press release? After Googling this topic, it seems it has been around for a while in the research arena such as other USA universities, Germany, Brazil, etc.

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