Worst is over; but state cuts a threat

Good timing is not on FAMU's side.

Mounting evidence suggests Florida A&M University is cleaning up the fiscal mess that has tarred its reputation over the past five years. But now, new storm clouds are rolling in - and this time, they're related to state funding.

FAMU president James Ammons told the St. Petersburg Times editorial board Tuesday that given the state's deteriorating economic picture, it's likely FAMU will have to cut 8 to 10 percent from its budget next year. That's on top of 4 percent cuts this year.

"If it went to 10 percent, we're talking about $12-million," Ammons said. "And there is no way that I could say to you or to anyone else that we will be able to maintain the quality of the overall academic experience for our students if we have to take an 8 to 10 percent cut."

Continue reading: State budget cuts threaten FAMU

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  1. Thanks alot Charlie Crist.

  2. Thanks Jeb Bush for hooking your friends up with hundreds of state tax breaks !

  3. In addition to all the comments that will be forthcoming on this board, which I will probably agree with, let me be the first to say that Dr. Ammons is wearing that suit, is he not? (Just had to get that in.)

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