Kyle Washington, now FAMU staffer, got in cursing matches on reality TV series

big rattler
2 minute read

Back in 2009, Kyle Washington was a cast member of the BET reality TV show College Hill South Beach. It was the sixth season of the series.

A two part-episode called “Ribgate” featured a dispute between him and Kathryn “Kay” Barlow over a plate of ribs. Barlow ate some ribs that Washington had cooked without asking and he later let her know how angry he was.

The two got into a cursing match (which was one of many that Washington had on the show). now lists Washington as part of the “Communications Staff Directory.” He appears as the student engagement coordinator in the “Student Staff” section. An office assistant, two interns, and two work study assistants are listed under his name.

Washington has been in the news as part of the ongoing controversy with the Student Government Association elections. SGA presidential race winner Justin Bruno filed an injunction request against the university administration’s decision to support a redo of the entire presidential election. He said President Elmira Mangum is going along with an effort “to manipulate the election on behalf of the (FAMU) administration and other administrators.”

The Tallahassee Democrat reported that: “Bruno said Mangum’s bottom line decision follows a pattern that became evident during the campaign. He alleges that Kyle Washington, student engagement coordinator within the Office of Communications, served as campaign manager for his opponents.”

Bruno told reporters he thinks Mangum wants his campaign opponent on the Board of Trustees (BOT) because the two of them have a personal friendship that’s led her to believe he’ll help protect her job.

Leon County Circuit Judge John Cooper granted Bruno’s request for a temporary injunction to stop a full redo of the SGA presidential election in both Tallahassee and the law school campus in Orlando. Cooper agreed with Bruno that the new election should only take place in Orlando where voting-day problems were reported.

Mangum went on to cancel the Orlando-only election redo and asked the BOT for approval to appeal the ruling by Cooper. The BOT supported her with a narrow 7-5 vote.

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