FAMU invests $1.7 million to transform former credit union into community health clinic

da rattler
1 minute read

FAMU is converting the former FAMU Federal Credit Union building at 1550 Melvin Street into a cutting-edge Allied Health Sciences Student Community Health Center, leveraging a $1.7 million renovation to bridge education and community care. The university purchased the property in November 2023 for $641,000. The additional investment marks a total investment of over $2.3 million in the project.

Revitalizing space for learning and service
The 3,650 -square-foot facility, adjacent to FAMU’s main campus, will undergo extensive upgrades, including a new two-stop elevator, exterior repairs, modernized interiors, and site improvements. Slated to open over the next year, the center will provide pro bono physical, occupational, and respiratory therapy services to underserved communities while offering allied heath students hands-on clinical training.

“This center embodies FAMU’s mission to cultivate skilled professionals while addressing critical health disparities,” said Mary Simmons, Dean of the School of Allied Health Sciences . “Students will gain real-world experience, and residents will access vital care they might otherwise forgo.”

Dual impact: education and outreach
The initiative aligns with FAMU’s strategic goals to expand community partnerships and enhance experiential learning. The center will serve as a pipeline for students entering high-demand healthcare fields and a lifeline for local families, particularly in Tallahassee’s Southside neighborhoods. Services will include mobility assessments, chronic disease management, and respiratory health screenings—all free of charge.

Construction is expected to begin in the next few weeks, with the university prioritizing minimal disruption to surrounding areas. Once operational, the facility will also host health literacy workshops and preventive care programs, reinforcing FAMU’s role as an anchor institution in North Florida.

The university purchased the building using a portion of its federal Title III funds, and allocating additional Title III funds for the renovations.

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