To recap, Mr. Bishop wrote, "There is a cabal that controls FAMU: Jim Corbin, former board chairman; Trustee R.B. Holmes; Capitol Outlook Publisher Roosevelt Wilson; Challis Lowe, current board chairwoman; and their instrument of control, Interim President Bryant." This cabal, he suggest, hates public scrutiny. In much the same manner as vampires hate light.
It's note worthy that Mr. Bishop included Capitol Outlook Publisher in this "cabal", does this explain why Mr. Wilson and the Outlook have unfettered access to University leaders? This could explain why Mrs. Bryant rarely grants interviews with any other media besides the Outlook.
Was Mr. Bishop right? Who's to say but he did raise some interesting points and publicly say what many FAMU observers have been saying for quite some time.
Mr. Bishop's complete opinion piece can be seen here:cabal
Ofcourse, it didn't take long for the Tallahassee Democrat to chime in with its own opinion piece make room for contrarians