Provost Proposes Reorg of Academic Units

da rattler
Rattler Nation has learned that Provost Debra O.D. Austin, in a letter dated Jan. 17, has proposed to reorganize the University's schools and colleges. The proposed reorg. would include the renaming of some colleges and the shifting around of some academic departments.

Under the proposed change the College of Arts and Sciences will be renamed the Collge of Liberal Arts; and the College of Engineering Sciences, Technology and Agriculture will be renamed the College of Science, Mathematics and Engineering Technology. A new College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will be created by combining the Environmental Science Intitue and Agriculture division of CESTA.

We are told the proposed reorg would look like this:

College of Liberal Arts
Criminal Justice (A new stand alone department)
Foriegn Languages
History,Geography, and African Amercian Studies
Political Sciences and Public Management
Social Work
Visual Arts, Humanities and Theatre (Philosphy and Religion)

College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Envronmental Sciences
Food & Animal Sciences

College of Science, Mathematics and Engineering Technology
Computer Infromation Sciences
Engineering Technology

At this time no other schools or colleges will be affected by the reorg. No reason rationale was given why the interim president and her team seeks to make sweeping changes to the organizational structure of the University.

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  1. There is no rationale behind this reorganization. Austin is doing exactly what Castell Bryant tells her to do and Bryant is a MBW who will remove anyone who disagrees with her. There was a similar reorganization under Walter Smith, which proved unworkable. It appears that history is repeating itself. The BOT apparently supports Bryant; otherwise it would expediently find a permanent president who could be held responsible for his/her actions. Bryant is a loose cannon who is not accountable in a meaningful way. There are truly dark clouds on the horizons.

  2. This is simply beyond comprehension.

    Why in the hell is our university permitting two community college administrators (interim president and provost) to lead a sweeping reorganization of our academic structure? They have no experience leading cutting-edge research or graduate programs. Managing adult education and two-year degree programs does not qualify you to lead a university.

    Castell Bryant is not a fundraising machine or political heavyweight like T.K. Wetherell (the only other former community college president heading one of Florida's public universities). Her skills are not what's needed in our presidency.

    And no other university in Florida would dream of hiring a JUCO official as its provosts. Every other Florida university has a provost who is an experienced university administrator and accomplished scholar in the sciences or humanities.

    Our BOT accepts a standard for FAMU that is lower than any other state university. Academic communities throughout Florida and the nation are laughing at us.

  3. VERY WELL PUT!!!! That sums up the problem in a nutshell. In PhD higher education programs across the country, the 4-year+ institution programs and community college programs are separate because their functions, ideals, and missions are different. But when you have a Board of Trustees like FAMU does which don't even know there is a difference, that's what you get.

  4. da rattler,

    will you please add the dates (and keep the time) that the posts were added?

    thanks for doing this blog, bruh.

  5. That's right on the mark. FAMU's leadership simply doesn't know how university-level education works. The inmates are running the aslyum.

    Castell Bryant's BOT supporters said they did not want Larry Robinson to be the interim president because he needed to remain on as provost and help with the transition.

    But what happened as soon as Debra Austin was forced out of her chancellorship? Bryant kicked Robinson to the side and hired Austin (who is said to be Bryant's pick for the permanent position).

    In reality though, Bryant had already made Eva C. Wanton FAMU's de facto provost. Robinson's ouster was inevitable.

    Could you imagine anyone publicly suggesting that JUCO provost experience is comprable to the provost jobs at UF, FSU, UCF, FAU, or FIU? Proud alumni, faculty, and supporters from those institution would immediately stand up for the academic integrity of their institution.

  6. is this woman crazy! math not in Arts and Sciences...what the hell is she does the math dept feel about all this?

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