"In all fairness, we have made every effort to work with the University in an effort to be extremely fair," said one of the auditors. (As an aside, sounds to me like they are trying to be VERY fair. LOL) "The final report should be delivered to the University by the end of the month. I know, the President wants to hurry and get this done," auditors added.
Regardless of what is being said "on the record" by state auditors and the University, the NNN (Negro News Network) and The Ghetto Tabliod (motto: "Not too far from the truth!") are reporting that bits of the audit are being to surface around town. I've been waiting to receive my fax copy of what's making the rounds so that I can share.
This story appears to be coming to a head in a matter of days. Remember, if you've got some insights to share on this developing story or other FAMU news, good or bad, our email address is: AnMRattler@yahoo.com
See: Audit Update
See: Under the Microscope
See --> Auditors Website