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da rattler
We've been away from the computer the past few days traveling the state. But we do get near a computer every now and then. An article in today's Famuan talks about how the university's handling of the SBI 8 has affected faculty and staff morale> See: Firings lower morale

Mary Diallo said, "This action has caused faculty morale to decline action has caused faculty morale to decline considerably."

On another note...
I'm hearing we may not have to worry about former chancellor and Indiana University President Adam Herbert throwing his hat in the ring for the FAMU Presidency, because he's said to be running for Mayor of Jacksonvile. We'll see.

Also, the Tallahassee Democrat, today, confirms what we told you on Monday-- that FAMU reached an agreement with the SBI 8 to pay them a year's salary (in this case 9 months teaching contract). See: SBI 8 reach deal with FAMU. Here's the orginal RN story from Monday: FAMU settles w/ SBI 8

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  1. And this is what we are teaching our children. SMH


  3. I believe Adam would be great for Duval County.

  4. I was told by someone who absolutely knows that Adam Herbert has expressed interest to the search firm that he want to be PRez at FAMU...we are not out of the woods yet.

  5. He'd probably made a decent president. Certainly, he won't/can't be any worse than what we have there at the present.

  6. anonymous 5:02...have you noticed that Corbin hooked up with Gainous so that he could run the show then he gave us Castell so they could run the show...they would like for us to have Herbert who is cut from their sam the Senator on the wire said SHEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIITTTT!!!!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous 5:57,
    Yeah, I forgot. My bad. I'd completely forgotten about the Adam Hebert debacle from a few years ago. Talk about a puppet. As good ol' Charlie Brown would say, "Good grief!" Gainous & Hebert, bad, bad, bad. No difference between the two. I remember his being chancellor and how he did the puppet dance from one end of the stage to the other. My apologies for the temporary state of amnesia. After a hard day's work at you-know-where, sometimes it's just easier to forget that you even did eight hours plus on the campus. And this is the beginning of my 14th year at FAMU.

  8. If Adam Herbert throws his hat into the ring, then there needs to be a full blown public movement against him: letters to the editor, protest rallies, marches, calls to trustees, etc.

    Just say NO to Herbert!

  9. Can we get those T-shirts now?

    Just Say No to the Oreo!

  10. I still remember when John Lombardi called Herbert an Oreo. Man, you know when the president of whitest university in Florida says you're trying too hard to be white, then you have a serious problem.

  11. To tell you the truth, this incompetent BOT should be dismissed because FAMU needs a Real Board before selecting a President. We need a T_Shirt that says: "Out with the BOT and Cast-hell".

  12. If Indiana University said "NO", why should FAMU say yes to a complete loser?

    Excerpt from the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education JBHE
    Adam W. Herbert Jr., an African American who is president of the Indiana University system, announced last week that he would not seek to renew his contract which expires in 2008. This past November the Faculty Council at the flagship campus of Indiana University in Bloomington passed a resolution expressing no confidence in Dr. Herbert. The faculty alleged that Dr. Herbert was inaccessible and had jeopardized the university’s ability to win a major research grant. They also criticized his failure to appoint a system-wide chancellor to serve as chief academic officer for the university’s eight campuses.

    Just google this guy. He is a complete loser!

  13. Herbert was forced out of his jobs as SUS chancellor and IU president. Seems like a pattern here...

    Can anybody say academic leadership reject?

  14. Let us know when to have monies ready for the T-shirt sale. I vividly remember the fiasco Herbert caused and the collective sigh of relief our community released. Looks like we should have been just as vigilant after he was gone. Remember Ward Connerly? One Florida? You know, pests come back when you don't do a thorough cleaning! Of course, this means that you can't contract the responsibility out to anyone else. An has anyone told the "search firm" that we don't want Herbert, NEVER did. I will make the effort to do just that.

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