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da rattler
The Florid Public Employees Relations Commission ruled, yesterday, that the FAMU BOT has engaged in unfair labor practices by unilaterally altering its tuition-free policy, where full-time University employees can take up to 6 hrs of classes for free at a state university or a community college.

PERC found that the FAMU BOT unilaterally altered its practice of allowing full-time employees to take courses without paying tution. Further, PERC hearing officer John Showalter wrote, "the FAMU BOT's failure to negotiate with the UFF prior to implementing the new policy demostrates that the BOT did not bargain in good faith. The BOT's unilateral creation and implementation of a new tuition reimbursement policy violated Section 447.501(1)(a) and (c), Florida Statute."

Showalter also required the FAMU BOT to pay UFF attorney's fees and required them to rescind the tuition reimbursement policy immediately, reimburse employees, and cease and desist from unilaterally altering the tuition-free course policy.

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  1. Damn, damn, damn. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop. What now?

  2. Well, this is more concrete, undeniable evidence that Bryant and McBride are engaging in unfair labor actions. I bet this won't show up in the St. Pete Times!

    Keep the information coming, RN!

  3. RN - Do you have a copy of that Tuition Policy?

    Man! They had employees jumping through hoops to get reimbursed for tuition. Other state agencies make it so very easy for employees to pursue another degree. I haven't used the state tuition free classes in quite a while, but it used to be so much easier (at FAMU). It seems to have always been easy at other state agencies.

    Man! Why do we make things so difficult? And it's NOT like the enrollment is so great that the 4 or 5 employees who wanted to take classes couldn't find a seat in one. (ROTFL)

    Now, this current administration wants the employee to inform the provost's office that you want to register for a class, then register for the class, if it's approved that this class may be beneficial in some way to the University in the future, pay for the class, wait for your grades, take your OFFICIAL transcript to the provost's office and if you have a passing grade, apply for the tuition reimbursement. THEN! If there is $$$ available, and well into the next semester, the employee may/may not get reimbursed.

    Is that right, Rattler Employees? ANYBODY KNOWS! HOLLAR AT ME!

    So, it sounds like you'll have at least one semester's "tuition in the hole." Old timers - Remember "week in the hole?"

  4. I think that the current administration has probably engaged in every adcademic and administrative misdeed known to man and woman in terms of how NOT to run a doggone university. What's left? Why do we make things so difficult for us? We need not blame and/or look to blame anyone else for our problems. We only need to look in the mirror at ourselves. There was a time, not too long ago, where we could (and often did) blame "the man." But, no more. You know folks are just sitting out there, having a good ol' time, snickering at us--not behind our backs, mind you, but in our faces. You know they're saying, "Look at how them Negroes are carryin' on 'over there'" You know it. You know folks are picking at us, just having a good ol' time laughing. But, you know, Castell & Co have brought shame to this university. Castell, with her correspondence degree from NOVA.And the rest of them clowns. Just bring in the clowns.

  5. I remember during Humphries and Ammons' days, all we had to do was get the fee waiver form completed, register, take the class and that was it. Why all the damn commotion now? Because it gives the appearance that CVB and Debra and Liz know what the hell they're doing, when they do not. Sorta like the new government rules concerning what folks can and can't take on the plane: such measures attmept to convince the flying (and non-flying public) that the government is "doing something" to combat terrorism, when, in actuality, it's all a farce, a sham and a shame. Same thing with CVB & Co. What they're doing is all under the (dis)guise of improving the university, when in actuality, they are creating a hostile environment for everyone. Go figure.

  6. I'm curious to know what brave souls will apply for the presidency. Whomever they are, apparently they are used to living on the edge. We;ll see, though.

  7. Well said anonymous at 9/21/2006 10:13 PM.

  8. does anyone know if we can apply for retroactive tuition reimbursement? I just recently found out that its a benefit to ALL STATE EMPLOYEES. The benefits department at FAM is, well, under-informative.

  9. ^^^^You should be able to get reimbursed. Go the the site. Thompson and Tucker did an excellent job in fighting this battle.

    It's just a plain abuse of power.

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