Law students flooded the Governors' Office with so many phone calls, prompting them to place a call to the COL to find out what was going on.
As we reported earlier this week, it seems that graduate student assistants haven't been paid. It also appears that many of the main campuses financial aid issues have hampered COL students ability to meet their financial obligations. Because of these financial aid issues students have been unable to pay their fees and are being evicted from their apartments.
The university has shut down the main financial aid office and shifted the staff over to work on problems faced by COL students.
The COL's onsite financial aid officer quit earlier this year and the University has refused to let the COL fill the position.
We hear Gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist may meet with the angry COL students.
Is financial aid this messed up?
ReplyDeleteWhat COL students contacted the the Governor's office.? I attend the law school and I knew nothing about it. Some of the staff at the COL have been very helpful in helping students get financial aid. The staff are still helping students get financial aid at the COL. They have been emailing and calling financial aid to get the COL students help.
ReplyDeleteThe ABA site team was not pleased at all.
ReplyDeleteThe prospect of full ABA approval this year is pretty nil.
I am a student there and we have not got our money! I worked for a professor last year and I never got paid! Yet they hired 2 graduates (one is now the Dean of Applications, the other is working in the library) and they are getting paid big bucks! They hired a person who graduated 2 years ago to teach a required class over more qualified ACTUAL attorneys and he is making $$$. I go there and I can't get paid for doing research, and I have not got my finaid check. I lost my apartment and I had to borrow a Sally Mae Loan with crazy interest to make my car payment! I can't wait to graduate, I will NEVER donate anything to FAMU as long as I live!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhoever, is posted that lie about COL students having their aid is full of crap. We do not have our AID! I repeat we do not have our AID! As a graduate student it is crucial to receive these funds on time. Many of us have cut back working and have taken out loans to subsidize our finances. These loans must be paid back by US with interest and it really makes us ANGRY when we do not receive this money on time. Money that we are responsible for repaying and is suppose to be given to us on time.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a student there, but I do have a couple friends who are, and they tell me that the financialA mess is just absolutely horrible! They've not gotten their funds, are deeply in debt to all sorts of people, have had to borrow from Peter to pay Paul to pay Mary and Susie. They don't even know if they'll be able to continue their studies next year or even next semester. They are flat broke and when they complain, all they get are promises, and, of course, nothing ever comes of the "promises." Every time we all talk, they complain about how terrible things are and how nothing seems to be getting any better and how no one cares.
ReplyDeleteI am not a student at the COL. but my heart goes out to those of you that suffering because of the miscues and piss poor managament of our beloved FAMU. In spite of all the turmoil and problems, please try to keep your eyes on the prize.
ReplyDelete"Keep your eyes on the prize"...WTF does that mean. That's not gonna stop the sink from sinking. Only action will!!
ReplyDeleteWTF....It means try to positive in light of all that is has and is transpiring. If you can't understand that then I see you are one with a small mind.
ReplyDeleteHey, hey, hey, now! Let's try and keep a decent dialogue here. We don't have to succumb to ugly ugly language on this public board. My goodness! We hear enough of that kind of language out on the street. Let's not bring it into our homes. Intelligent discussions and intelligent dialogue ONLY! I can understand the anger, but putting that sort of language inprint form certainly does not solve anything, except the fact that maybe certain people want to see their curse words in print and sit back and see what kind of reaction and response they will get.
ReplyDeleteto 10/10/06 @ 2:22 am & to 10/12/06 @ 8:02 am
ReplyDelete(About financial aid)--------------------------- OK, Let's be clear here about the financial aid situation. Some students have gotten money and some have not. Most likely a greater portion OF students have received their aid than most because there would be much more of a protest than students calling the governors office. We do have some very proactive students who will take a trip to Tally if necessary.
And for the record I HAVE MY MONEY & MOST OF MY CLASSMATES HAVE RECIEVED THIER FINANCIAL AID, AND HAVE RECIEVED IT IN EARLY & MIDDLE SEPTEMBER!!!!! And most of us have a Sallie Mae loan that is the school's preferred lender. (DUH!!!)
Obviously you are not taking the class that the former graduate is teaching or you would know that he knows his shit and the nature of his work is what qualifies him to teach the class. Every class period he discusses how his work is primarily based around the subject he is teaching. Not to mention he wants us to do well in the community.
Also, you CHOSE to attend FAMU for another year. You knew last year the type of problems attending FAMU brings. You could have easily transferred to another school.
You don't have to give money to FAMU but don't get mad if you don’t see any changes in the years after you graduate because ALUMIN HAVE THE POWER TO GET THINGS CHANGED!
And for all of those "friends of law school students" if you are not going to contribute to they financially SHUT UP!!
Our school does not need complaints; we need to organize faculty and staff so that we will continue to have a Law school and accreditation.
Also for those of you who do not know about the accreditation process do some research. FAMU got provisional accreditation in 2004. A school must be provisionally accredited for 3 years in order to apply for accreditation. This is our third year with provisional accreditation so technically we can't apply for accreditation until next year.
-signed a die hard, 3rd year law student rattler.
Is anyone at the law school helping the students with their financial aid problems? It has to be someone at the COL that cares about the students. You can't tell me that no one is helping the students get there financial aid.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone at the law school helping the students with their financial aid problems? It has to be someone at the COL that cares about the students. You can't tell me that no one is helping the students get there financial aid.
ReplyDeleteto who wrote:
ReplyDelete"Also, you CHOSE to attend FAMU for another year. You knew last year the type of problems attending FAMU brings. You could have easily transferred to another school."
So obviously you are agreeing that FAMU brings problems. Also, please work on your grammar and spelling. If you are a 3L, act like it.
PS for the record, Alumni is not spelled "ALUMIN" like you have it there. Maybe you need extra practice, why not try being a 4L if you love FAMU so much!
to 10/12/2006 4:31 p.m......
ReplyDeleteYour comments were right on time. We have so many people complaining about everything at FAMU. And, you are right we all chose to come to FAMU, let's try and see what we can do to help, make it better. FAMU is a great school and I get offended everytime I read about people on this Blog bashing my beloved FAMU. There are some good things and people that have come out of this fine insitution. When you graudate be it from the main campus or the COL, and if you decide that you are so mad that you are not going to give back, that only goes to show that while you were at FAMU, you really did not learn anything about compassion. STOP complaining and see what you can do positive to help make your school the very best that it can be. I am going to my part, because I want FAMU around to educate my grand children and their children. "FAMU will Survive"
to who wrote:
ReplyDeleteSo obviously you are agreeing that FAMU brings problems. Also, please work on your grammar and spelling. If you are a 3L, act like it.
Perhaps, if you would direct your energy towards finding a solution to your financial situation and not have spent that time complaining about the school, then maybe you would have your money. Initially, I didn’t receive all of my money in the first disbursement. I called and got my money 3 days later. BE PROACTIVE, it works! I also had problems with my GradPLUS loan. I called on a Monday and had my money by the Wednesday.
Yes, I do agree that there is an experience that is specific to attending FAMU. I am an optimist. This character trait allows me to look at my past experiences with FAMU and say “I enjoy the relationships & bonds that I have made. I am a much stronger person for it the trials and tribulations I have experienced.”
You are still attending FAMU. If you don’t want to be here transfer. Many people have done so already and there is a semester break coming up in December. If you need help, I will assist you in completing applications. We already have enough negativity circulating our institution, we do not need yours.
For all the bitching and complaining you are doing about my grammar and spelling, I’m sorry I didn’t know that you were giving out grades for spelling, grammar and comment composition.
That’s all from me for now and forever. I have more constructive things to do with my time. Like read, study and enjoy my life OUTSIDE of law school!
-signed a die hard, 3rd year law student rattler.
P.S. My love of this institution stems from my experience in undergrad, not because of what I have encountered while attending the law school. Also, I know how to spell ALUMNI, that was a typographical error.
As recent FAMU COL alumnus, I want to speak for my two classmates who are now employed by the College of Law. Both turned down lucrative practice offers to work at the COL. They love FAMU and they are also advocates for the students. I know for a fact that the main reason some of the student got their aid was because of the efforts of these two individuals. At first, I thought they were stupid to do what they do. I wouldn't do it. But I have watched them work from afar and I see that they have the students' interests at heart. So I would suggest that people stop hatin' on folks who give back to FAMU and start proposing solutions. Also, there is no such thing as Dean of Applications. The alum is working as the Admissions Coordinator. Hell, he has been doing it since before graduation in April. As for the library alum, how do you think that the students get some research help. Both these individuals are gifted, talented, and black. I live in Tallahassee and I do business with the Main Campus. Word on the Streets is that the alum in Admissions has been the greatest advocate for the students getting their money. Don't blame the brother for trying to help somebody out. That is not in his job description. As for them making a lot of money, both of them are working for peanuts (less than $45K a year). They are not going to get rich or make a Benz payment off of that. As for the alum who is a professor, he was on Law Review, the SBA President, was in the top five of his class, and is employed by a major utilities company as corporate counsel. He also passed the bar with one of the highest scores in the State. Who do wnat teaching you, some has been who couldn't cut it in the real world.
ReplyDeleteCheck your facts and be a RATTLER not a tree snake.
stop frontin like financial aid just became an issue. famu had financial aid problems since the 80's and if you came to famu you knew about them. the only time in recent history that financial aid was administered with a 85% success rate within the first couple weeks of school is spring 2002. check the data.
ReplyDeleteand about that dude that is a prof, ease back off him. he is probably going to prove throughout his life that he is one of the greatest legal minds out there. he is not in it for the money because he was paid before law school and definitely after his job after law school. on top of that he spent more time learning the law than any other person i ever saw at 1 orange ease back unless you have a higher gpa or harder work ethic.
and to the detractors...likewise and otherwise... solutions look nothing like complaints. you want them to stop loosing your paperwork give money back for an adequate archival system and staff levels in the financial aid office. dont wanna do that...create your own archival system at the new building with a donation for a new server system that is owned by the students to house important documents in a secure place to be access through the famu financial aid office. but even before you get there with those bout you fill out your fafsa early...
another famu col alum that never had financial aid issues and didnt sleep with anyone to make that happen...
Sho you're right Anon @10:50 A.M. re: "As for the alum who is a professor, he was on Law Review, the SBA President, was in the top five of his class, and is employed by a major utilities company as corporate counsel. He also passed the bar with one of the highest scores in the State." The FAMU Alum prof was also head of one of the largest divisions of a federal agency & had a stellar reputation before he came to FAMU COL. I get the 4-1-1 from mainly attorneys who actually worked with him in the feds. One attorney who sings his praises and speaks highly of his intellectual aptitude is among the best & brightest from the agency's honors program - so I think that he has a good reputation & his intellectual capacity speaks for itself!
ReplyDeleteTo Anon @ 10/13/2006 12:32 PM
ReplyDeletethe dude already was smokin' when he walked into 1 Orange... FAMU should be happy that he graces the place w/ his presence! he had a great reputation before he came to the COL ... his former employer in the feds ain't no joke. he made it to the top there as the chief of a division before he stepped foot in 1 Orange ... so nuf said ... he knew more crim proc & evid than the tenured profs who taught the subjects ... one prof would even defer to him in class ... don't get it twisted, FAMU will be happy when he makes a shout out to the COL in his future days of glory as an awesome attorney ... true dat!
To Anon @ 10/13/2006 12:32 PM
ReplyDeletethe dude already was smokin' when he walked into 1 Orange... FAMU should be happy that he graces the place w/ his presence! he had a great reputation before he came to the COL ... his former employer in the feds ain't no joke. he made it to the top there as the chief of a division before he stepped foot in 1 Orange ... so nuf said ... he knew more crim proc & evid than the tenured profs who taught the subjects ... one prof would even defer to him in class ... don't get it twisted, FAMU will be happy when he makes a shout out to the COL in his future days of glory as an awesome attorney ... true dat!
Damn, 4:31, who pissed you off. You sound madder than a mfer. Just because your shit is tight doesn't mean EVERYONE'S shit is tight. Some people, apparently are having problems, unlike you, obviously. You sound like one ANGRY individual. Damn, I'd hate to run into you on one of your bad mfing days. Who else are you mad with, besides the entire hemisphere? I bet you're one of these people that refuse to listen to both sides and you're always right about a situation. Now, tell me I'm wrong in this assessment of you.
ReplyDeleteI am currently a student at the COL. In my humbled opinion, the professors are a steller group, some of the best in the nation. As to our administration and financial aid department, it needs a lot of work. I am a beloved FAMU-an, however, I refuse to stand behind an incompetent department. F*@k our Financial department!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe person who quit financial aid needed to because she did not follow the rules and regulations of the federal government. She did a lot of things wrong and this is why the law school is in a mess. If she did not quit they would have fired her for what she was doing. She is sleeping with a 3L student, which that student received a lot of money and sleeping with a someone that was giving loans to the COL students without main campus knowing. She was even having checks sent to the COL instead of going to the COL. It is a shame and the students want to blame everyone but they need to blame her.
10/11/2006 11:02 PM
To 10/14 11:52PM –
ReplyDeleteThe reason we are in the position we are in now has everything to do with that fact that the law school DIDN’T keep the financial aid person. At least when she was there we knew what was going on and why. Anytime I had a question she always responded immediately. She was one of the bright spots at the law school. We didn’t have these kinds of problems when she was here, so why would I blame her for the mess that we are in now? Everything was good when she was here. I could care less about who she is sleeping with and everything about when I WILL GET MY MONEY! That’s what wrong with people at this school, more concerned with what people are doing in their personal life than doing the job that they are hired for. I bet we wouldn’t be in this mess had they made an effort to keep her!
As a recent graduate with a 3.5GPA and licensed attorney I must say that this school and its reputation in the community are embarrassing. There are quite a few law firms who will not even interview FAMU COL graduates because they know how the school is run and don’t want these graduates working for them. I applaud those students who protested and hope they do so again. Personally, I would be happy if the ABA refused to grant full accreditation to the COL and the main campus shut it down. I say that knowing full well that the ABA would never allow itself to appear racially biased and so there is no chance in the world that this would ever happen. Too bad though! It is unfortunate that an institution of learning can operate with such little respect and total disregard for the wellbeing of its students and continue to operate. If Barry or any other school had half the problems and scandals as FAMU they would have been shut down long ago.
ReplyDeleteAfter so many people involved themselves with trying to get the law school back in the first place, I don't think that it will be shut down any time soon. Certainly, the accreditation officials could find a multitude of reasons to have the school put on probationary status, without even the slightest appearance of racializing the whole sordid mess. The sanctioning body charged with accrediting the school need look no further than the official documents that are open for everyone to see, in view of the fact that the school is a public law school. Now, if the accreditation officials were actually looking for a reason, there'd be no problem, but in view of the fact that there's no reason to look because everything is there in the open, well, that mutes that argument. Some things we'd like to put on others, but some things simply cannot be put there. In so many cases, we are our own worst enemy and the most dangerous to ourselves.
ReplyDeletePeople are always worried about who's sleeping with whom and who's doing what, when. Granted, there would certainly be a "conflict of interest" if indeed the scenario of sleeping partners is true, but if the private lives are not affecting others, what the heck? Now, if the 3L student is indeed getting ahead of the $$ game by sleeping with an administrator, well, Houston, er, Orlando,we have a problem.
ReplyDeleteI am a 2L student and I have been hearing that the Registrar of the College of Law is the person that has been calling, faxing and emailing everyone on campus for assitance to help the law students get their financial aid. Also, she has been helping the 1L's, 3L's and anyone who needs help. She's at work from in the maorning to late at night. I am not just talking about being at the school one night a week. But she is at work Mondy-Friday late and even on weekends. Last week around 9:00pm at night she was making phone calls and emailing main campus to help students get their financial aid. I went by her office on Friday to thank her because I finally got my money. She is one person that knows how to get the job done. It may take some time but the results are successful. Thank you Registrar Office for all you do for the College of Law students. She is one person that will go out of her way to help the students.
ReplyDeleteAs a graduating 3L this year. I wish I had gone to another vocational school. Maybe plumbing or car mechanic school. You know, something that I can actually use and not be embarrassed. The majority of comments I have read here just confirm that I should have paid the extra 18k a year and gone to Stetson.
ReplyDeleteTo 10/16/2006 2:56 PM. It is ovious that you dont like FAMU. You should have never came here in the first place if you didnt like shat we are about. If you dont look like the guy on our website, dont come. Rattlers forever.....
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, what the hell is "shat", is that the past tense form of shit?
ReplyDeleteI hear ya, if yo ain't like our shat den dat be the time to raise on up outta dis skat kat flat.
ReplyDelete"Peace my brothers, for I am victorious in the eyez of the enemy." Doctor Marten Luther King Junior J.D.
Bless up and much respect to FAMU COL c/o 2007
Like I say to all the people that have a problem with FAMU. TRANSFER!!! I love and support my University 100%. If you file your fin aid on time you wouldn't have any problems getting your refund check. I filed early and got my disbursement on time. Quit depending on netchecks to pay your car notes. And file early to avoid problems.
ReplyDeleteTo 10/17/2006 @ 12:30,
ReplyDeleteLearn you own history moron. You didn't quote him, nor spelled his name correctly nor did he get a JD. Hopefully, you wont either, dumb ass.
Ms. Washington (the Registrar)and Mr. Bonney (Admissions Coordinator) are both dedicated to the students of the College of Law. They both should be rewarded for their efforts. Pay them what they are worth. Especially, Ms. Washington cause she's been there since the school admitted students.
ReplyDeleteIf she quits today, then the school will be in trouble. It is common management practice to properly compensate employees who rise above and beoynd the call of duty. Ms. Washington stays late every day. Mr. Bonney commutes an hour and a half each way every work day. Perhaps a thank you card from the students who have been helped or better yet personal thank you's. The same folk who now miss the Financial Aid Director at the Law School never told her thanks before she left. Give them their flowers while they can smell them.
Don't pit one against the other because we all lose. As a current 3L at the College of Law, I have come to respect both Ms. Washington and Mr. Bonney for the stuff that they do behind the scenes that no one ever knows and they'll never tell. Some other administrators will talk you to death about the problems at the law school, but next time ask them a question: what are you doing to make it better? FAMU College of Law means an awful lot to some of us. If you aren't part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Let's stop chit chatting about the problems and let's band together to fix them. Jeb can't save us and we shouldn't look to him to do that. We have a diamond here at the College of Law. We just need to get it together. I'm done but I needed to get some stuff off my chest before HOMECOMING 2006.
I am amazed that at a institution of higher learning such language and verbal "fighting" go on. Is this what the world has to look forward to from the COL graduates?
ReplyDeletethis school sucks the only reason to come here is because its cheap if you're an in-state student. for everybody that says if you dont like it here transfer, or thats just the way it is because its an HBCU you're stupid too. why would you endorse mediocrity instead of demanding excellence. its not really about the school itself but as long as you have people willing to settle for less then that is all they will get. why does everything have to go through the main campus? what is that? why is the fin aid office and registrars office the smallest office in the whole building? they built this million dollar facility and it is not self sufficient. we are in Orlando, i could see if the law school were close to the main campus then it would make sense but it seems that every answer to every question is it has to go through main campus, they're having system problems on main campus...blah blah..I know its all one school and that all the main records are on main campus however it still doesnt make sense that nothing can be done at the COL without going there. but whatever...I guess thats just the way it is when you go to an HBCU right guys?
ReplyDeleteMs. Washington is smart and helpful?? Oh my god... that is the funniest thing I have ever heard...
ReplyDeleteFor Anonymous said on 11/22/2006 9:03am.
ReplyDeleteYes, Ms. Washington is helpful and smart. She has been employed with the university for over 18 years. She is a graduate of the famous School of Business and Industry and has two masters degrees. She graduated with honors and is the hardest working employee at the law school. Next time know your facts and be careful how you use god's name. She's a rattler for life and this is not the funniest thing. It's the truth. Ms. Washington has been doing the job with no help since the law school opened in 2002. If I was her I will leave the university and go some where I was appreciated.