It's Here

James H. Ammons, president, North Carolina Central University, Durham, N.C. (FAMU graduate)

Robert G. Beatty
, general counsel and vice president of public affairs, The Miami Herald Media Co.

Lawrence F. Davenport, executive vice president for university advancement and executive director, FAU Foundation, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton

Robert B. Donaldson, director of masters of public administration programs and masters thesis project/practicum for the division of public administration, Governors State University, University Park, Ill. (FAMU grad)

Alphonso Jackson, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC

Howard C. Johnson, provost and vice president for academic affairs, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas

Irving P. McPhail, president, The McPhail Group Baltimore

J. Keith Motley, vice president for business and public affairs, University of Massachusetts System, Boston

Larry L. Palmer, president and CEO, The Inter-American Foundation, Arlington, Va.

Patricia Pierce Ramsey, provost and vice president for academic affairs, Bowie State University, Bowie, Md.

Johnny C. Taylor Jr., senior vice president for human resources, IAC/Interactive Corp., Charlotte, N.C.

Thelma B. Thompson, president, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, Md.

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  1. Wow. Johnny Taylor and Howard Johnson.

  2. Dr. Ammons is my #1 pick

  3. Ammons to help us return to the "glory days."

  4. are they all black? can you post pictures? they MUST be black.. right? we couldn't have a non-black president, could we? Would that take us back to plantation days to have a non-black president?

  5. Run, run, run as fast as you can from Alphonso Jackson....he's a Bushiee and a COMPLETE fool!!!

  6. We don't need Ammons to take us back to the crap and mess of the past decade. Just look at the faculty mess he made at NCCU. Jackson or Bob Beatty will keep FAMU in tip top shape and keep all of the lazy rats out of the house.

  7. My vote is for Ammons and his entire administrative team!

  8. Ammons was 2nd in command during FAMU's College of the Year years, and has begun to duplicate that success at NCCU. Let me put it like this:

    Bricker bracker firecracker siss boom bah
    Doc Ammons Doc Ammnos rah rah rah.

  9. Bricker bracker firecracker siss boom bah
    Doc Ammons Doc Ammons rah rah rah.

    Okay 12/06/2006 5:47 PM, you've started it now! Were you on one of FAMU's spirit teams?

    I'm not as creative as you, but I'll add: Ammons, Ammons he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can!!!

  10. Anonymous said...are they all black? can you post pictures? they MUST be black.. right? we couldn't have a non-black president, could we? Would that take us back to plantation days to have a non-black president?

    Click on the names.

  11. Anonymous said...12/06/2006 5:18 PM
    Jackson ain't no Rumsfeld (so he will be kicked to the curb soon). He's on his way out after his BushStunt earlier this year along with his playboy bunny. We don't want him back in Texas, but we sho' don't wish him on Florida after Jeb Bush.

  12. We don't need Ammons to take us back to the crap and mess of the past decade.

    Let's see Humphries and Ammons led FAMU to:

    -College of the Year status.

    -Over 12,000 students (largest single campus HBCU).

    -Number 3 in research grants among Florida's public universities.

    -Millions of new dollars for the foundation.

    -Two cycles of successful reaffirmation with SACS.

    No we don't need all those "dark days" of financial and academic prosperity back at all. We need some like Castell Bryant to continue racking up $10M deficits, decreasing research grant money by the millions, and letting our enrollment slide by the thousands.

  13. 5:17
    my sentiments exactly about alphonso jackson...but he does have that washington connection going so that might be a plus, but Lordy his partisan antics scared the bejesus out of me. What about Rod paige? He wasnt interested?

    otherwise, im excited about these "qualified" applicants. As much as I would hate to say it, we dont need Ammons now, we need new blood. The Herald guy ive heard of but he's a newspaper guy so I dont get the connect. The McPhail gentleman seems promising.

  14. Ammons is the new blood we need. He'll be a shot in the arm towards getting this university back into a prosperous state.

  15. Let's bring Ammons home!

  16. Rod Paige, the guy who called the NEA (teacher's association) terrorists and then BUSH fired his behind? Give me a break. Haven't the faculty suffered enough?


  18. Anonymous said...are they all black? can you post pictures? they MUST be black.. right? we couldn't have a non-black president, could we? Would that take us back to plantation days to have a non-black president?

    Click on the names.

    12/06/2006 6:00 PM

    The original post was meant to be a sarcastic dig at FAMU's screening process. They are not going after the most talented or the most qualified person. They are going after the best black that they can get. Is it possible that a more qualified candidate may be brown yellow or white? The blatant discrimination is dizzying. Imagine FSU or UF advertising "whites only need apply." There would be rioting in the streets. Why isnt there rioting in the streets at FAMU? We need the BEST we can get regardless of race, creed, religion, gender, height, weight, hair color, freckles, baldness, or any other physical attribute.

    Wasn't MLK who dreamed of a day where people would be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin?

    FAMU is STILL judging people and hiring people based SOLELY on the color of their skin. This is an embarassment to the dream.

  19. Just like America is still electing presidents/senators/congresspersons based sole on the color of their skin.

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