New director of construction appointed

Charles Lewis III has been named the director of construction. Charles Lewis is the Midwest Regional Vice President of the National Alumni Association (NAA).

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  1. Why is an interim president still making major hires in this late stage of the presidential search process?

    She doesn't seem to think she's going anywhere...

  2. This is the first time I've heard of such a position, and I've been at the University for thirteen years. What, also, as 3:15 says, is the new person going to do if CVB keeps making all these appointments?

  3. Isn't this the person that was in another post regarding the wife being hired at $100,000 to replace one of the SBI 8? I will search the blog, but this name is familiar.

  4. Yes his wife replaced 1 of the SBI 8.

  5. Is this the same Charles Lewis, III that is the frat brother and friend of one VP Rufus Little?

  6. please do not compare Rufus with Charles...they are not the same...I would consider Rufus my frat and friend but believe when I tell you our Philosophy on Castell is totally different.

  7. Is this the same Charles Lewis, III that is the frat brother and friend of one VP Rufus Little?


  8. Not comparing Rufus to Charles at all... Just linking the "new" position!

  9. Guess all that ass kissing Charles did with Altha Manning and Castell has paid off, two-fold.

  10. Anonymous said...

    Is this the same Charles Lewis, III that is the frat brother and friend of one VP Rufus Little?

    12/07/2006 7:46 PM
    I don't think the PUN was intended for Charles!!

  11. If you lay with dogs, you bound to get fleas!

  12. One question, what the hell does "director of contruction" mean? That sounds like a position Castell pulled out of her butt.

  13. Dr. Lewis was not hired to "replace" one of the SBI 8. She works on the Academic side and not the Professional Development side.

  14. If they are both competent and have the correct credentials, who gives a darn?

    Everybody else on campus got their jobs from associations and networking, why not them?

  15. Mr. Lewis can be NAA Regional VP in a region that he no longer resides in?

    How does THAT work?

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