Candidates meet students and faculty

da rattler
FAMU should consider what it could eliminate in order to redirect resources elsewhere, such as offering a master's degree combining business and law, or establishing new centers of excellence based on cluster hires, said Howard Johnson, Provost UNT, and a finalist for FAMU President. "FAMU should recruit more from community colleges, and use articulation agreements, like UNT has, to smoothly transition community college students."

Howard Johnson

Thelma Thompson suggested FAMU be bold and claim a groundbreaking area of research such as the growing incidence of autism, and exploit Florida's tourism-based economy by offering hospitality management in its business school.

Thelma Thompson

James Ammons, former Florida A&M University provost and current chancellor of N.C. Central University, spends today on FAMU's campus to meet with students, faculty, alumni and staff.

How the finalist stack up Pt. 1

How the finalist stack up Pt. 2

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  1. As a member of the UMES faculty, FAMU needs to know that Thelma Thompson would be a complete disaster!!!!! We read the lies she's be telling you all, the Chancellor here did not ask her to stay. In fact, they've encouraged her to go! She is bad news.

  2. Anonymous 10:09 a.m. call the democrat and let them know that.

  3. Yes. If you have first-hand knowledge, then please give us full details on this blog. This is the place for no-holds-barred brutal honesty about FAMU.

    We need to know.

  4. What's said here on this blog will not affect what the BOR does or does not do. And if the Tallahassee Democrat upholds any journalistic standards, it will not consider for even a nano second what some anonymous poster has said on a blospot. Surely, everyone knows this.

  5. If y'all think that the newspaper people are going to listen to what some anonymous person, who claims to be a faculty member at UMES, says and decide to run with the story/rumor, then you've got acorns for brains. Can you get any sillier than this? The anonymous person could be a disgruntled ex-faculty member or a student or anybody, for that matter. Give it a rest. The Board of Trustees is going to choose whomever it wants, no matter what whoever says.

  6. Say what you will, Rattler Nation has been the unnamed source of many a Tallahassee Democrat stories. RN has beat the TDO and Capital Outlook to the punch on numerous stories.

  7. We already know enough about Thelma Thompson to give her a thumbs down. She's cut a deal to keep most of Castell Bryant's incompetent hires. If Thompson is hired, then:

    Debra Austin remains provost;

    Elizabeth McBride remains general counsel;

    Vincent June remains VP of students affairs;

    Rufus Little remains VP of compliance and audit;

    and, Vivian Hobbs remains head of FAMU's accreditation process.

    People like Vincent June and Rufus Little are pulling out all the stops to malign the frontrunning candidate in the search. They fully understand that any president with even a shred of professional integrity will kick them to the curb.

    We've had enough of these clowns. FAMUans are rallying to run this minstrel circus out of town!

  8. Please do not forget Altha Manning trying to stay by distancing herself from Castell at this late time in her game. As with all changing of the Guards, the troups march out with their leader. As Castell goes, so should Altha expect to follow the same day.

  9. Time to go, Time to go!!!!

  10. Anonymous 11:27 PM said...

    The Board of Trustees is going to choose whomever it wants, no matter what whoever says.


    I thought that they were suppose to choose the most qualified candidate???

  11. UMES. Give us something we can verify.

  12. Big ups to the FAMUNAA for endorsing Dr. James Ammons as our next president!!!

  13. Choosing the most qualified canadiate is indeed the best policy. I do believe that based on what we have seen and reviewed there is a clear and capable canadite. What is an awful message is if the BOT does not choose and they continue with what they have. Now would't you consider that negligence and what would the Alumni and others be willing to do about it. Do you believe that University's BOT want the public to see that they are inept to make such an important decision. Now that would be a sad day for ALL. Major supporters will surely decide we don't have it.

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