Ammons meets students and faculty

da rattler
James Ammons meet with students and faculty yesterday and described how he help boost NCCU's enrollment by 51 percent over the past five years, jumping from 5,753 in 2001 to 8,675 in fall 2006.

FAMU, meanwhile, has been unable to reclaim its maximum enrollment of 13,000 students in 2004.

"Quite a consummate politician," Debela said of the man who's also added nearly 500,000 square feet of new buildings and raised more than $40 million at NCCU.

He also told campus leaders NCCU's College of Law has an 88% first time bar passage rate, the same as Duke's and the highest among HBCU's.

Read more: James Ammons

Ammons has impressive record

NCCU Chancellor hits the road to recruit students and meet business leaders

NCCU Law School named one of nation's best

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  1. GO Dr. Ammons!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The "A-Train" is smokin! Get on board lil children, Get on Board! There's room for many and more!

  3. Ammons seems to be the people's choice. I'm new here, so pardon my asking. Wasn't he part of the crew that allowed the University to deteriorate in the first place.

    The issue is can he raise money and run the systems better? Get people paid, etc?

  4. Wasn't he part of the crew that allowed the University to deteriorate in the first place.

    No. The crew you're thinking of took over after the jughead took the governor's office (post FSH tenure).

  5. Wasn't he part of the crew that allowed the University to deteriorate in the first place.

    ^Vince June stop playing!!!!!!^

    You know damn well, the appointment of our Board of Trustees began the decline, it continued with Bosshog Corbin and his micromangement of Mr. Gainous and speed up wit Corbin 2 (Lowe) and Cast-hell !!!!

    As for your question can he raise money? Did you read the article you just posted on? Mr. Ammons has rasied over $40million in 5 years at NCCU by far the most of any of the finalist.

  6. Might be true that the Trustees hurt the school too. But Fred 'nem left a big mess for somebody to clean up. Sure the University was looking good from the outside, but thesystems were, and are stillnot running correctly. People can't get paid. And the dorms need to be totally renovated.

    What was Fred 'nem (Ammons) doing while Rome was burning.


  8. Hey, RN, how yall let Jullian get away with taking the band to the Super Bown and only getting $3,000 for the University. Dat's a crying shame. He gets $1,000. One of his hinchmen gets $1,000 and the school gets a shameful $3,000.

    With 356 members in teh 100 that is about $8.21 per band member.

    Somebody needs to put dat dude in check.

  9. Might be true that the Trustees hurt the school too. But Fred 'nem left a big mess for somebody to ...
    Vince, shouldn't you be putting on a g-string and lap dancing at another retirement party?

    Truth be told, NO ONE has been a bigger disater than Castell, Not Walter Smith, not Fred Gainous!

  10. Anonymous said...
    Hey, RN, how yall let Jullian get away with taking the band to the Super Bown and only getting $3,000 for the University. Dat's a crying shame. He gets $1,000. One of his hinchmen gets $1,000 and the school gets a shameful $3,000.

    With 356 members in teh 100 that is about $8.21 per band member.

    Somebody needs to put dat dude in check.

    1/19/2007 12:23 PM

    Uhmm excuse me but..uhmm...what in da hell does this have to do with the title of this thread?

    Signed: Proud FAMU Alumna praying that Dr. Ammons makes his way back home.

  11. I agree, this is about Dr. Ammons coming back home to bring his beloved FAMU back to stability and on sound footing. Oh, what a great day that will be when Ammons coming "Marching Home".

  12. Oh, what a great day that will be when Ammons coming "Marching Home".

    And I want to be in that number...When Dr. Ammons comes marching in!

  13. Let's keep this in mind. We still have a BOT that for lack of a better term, sucks. It matters not who is at the helm of our beloved FAMU, things will remain the same, as long as this present board remains as it is.

  14. if we ge† a prez with some backbone and who is politically savvy, like Dr. A, he may be able to stand this crew down! look how this BOT has become lap dogs for Cast-hell, and that bytch ain't even smart. she's just a bully!

  15. Whatchu mean the systems still aren't working right?? Haven't YOUR people been in charge for the last 6 Years?? You must be speaking to YOUR people's incompetence. 6 Years and they can't get it straight. Sound like a page straight out of the BUSH playbook!

  16. Give us Barabbas!!!!

  17. Damn, Dr. White. Is that true?

  18. That's not even a whore's wage. Who sold out the 100?

  19. Re:

    Oh, what a great day that will be when Ammons coming "Marching Home".

    And I want to be in that number...When Dr. Ammons comes marching in!

    "OH REALLY?"

    I hope all of you who claim to want him back so much will indeed "Be In That Number", and lined up with "YOUR CHECKS In Hand" ... Because just WHO do any of you think HE's going to be coming after looking to raise money for the school in the future?

    "Did any of YOU think about THAT?"

    All this "talk" all this time by a lot of you is about to be put to the test, and possibly shown up for the BS & hypocrisy it has always been ...

    ... And it's going to be done by the VERY person you all want back so bad too!

    I just hope you all will be ready to back up all this talk with ACTION ... When this so called "A Train" makes its stops at YOUR door!!

  20. Con-man, don't you have someone to go an fleece?

  21. The FAMU BOT actually has a chance to do something right. Since its inception the BOT has crippled the university with its bad, and sometimes tremendously bad, decisions. Now everybody is watching to see what it does now. It's time for this board to finally get it right, or FAM alums, the faculty, students, etc., should support, strongly, efforts to do away with the trustee system because it's been a disaster for FAMU.

  22. But as 7:32pm stated, if the BOT does right and Ammons is selected, he's going to be looking for US to do right too.

    How many of us out here are actually going to put our money where all our mouths have been for the past few months?

  23. Re:

    Con-man, don't you have someone to go an fleece?

    NOPE - "Green Eyes!" ...

    We've got ALL Spring ... To sit back - And watch YOU and a lot of your fellow "blowhards" out here make complete hypocrites and ackjasses of yourselves - IF/when you hopefully get just what you've been claiming you want!

    Just remebmer ...

    "The Streetz IZ Watchin'!"

  24. look how this BOT has become lap dogs for Cast-hell, and that bytch ain't even smart. she's just a bully!

    1/19/2007 6:23 PM


  25. Anonymous said...Hey, RN, how yall let Jullian get away with taking the band to the Super Bown and only getting $3,000 for the University. Dat's a crying shame. He gets $1,000. One of his hinchmen gets $1,000 and the school gets a shameful $3,000. With 356 members in teh 100 that is about $8.21 per band member. Somebody needs to put dat dude in check. 1/19/2007 12:23 PM

    Hey poster, are you implying that Dr. White negotiated and signed the contract? Give me a break up in here.

  26. I just got the 411 from a credible source that Doc and Co. were paid as show consultants and fees are going to the back to the band.

  27. You can't put a price on this opportunity. The publicity, exposure and the experience for the kids is priceless.

  28. How much is this new president going to make, you think?

    Should the president of a university with about the same enrollment as TCC be making as much as the presidents of UF and FSU, with three or four times the enrollment?

    What would be fair payment for upper administrators, in relation to faculty salaries?

  29. You couldn't pay him enough to straighten out this mess that YOUR gals are leaving up there.

    Thank God that he loves his alma mater.

  30. They ain't MY gals. No way.

    But one of them gals hiked up the president's salary higher than a hooker's skirt.

    Is the new Prez gonna wear that skirt? Uh, salary?

    That's a lotta loot to run something the size of FAM. And there are a lotta high paid sidekicks kickin' down six figures.

    What if we jus' did away with the office of president and used that money on something productive?

  31. How about you go and find another board to sprew your ignorance?

  32. It's sad when people can't stick to the subject at hand. Are you all educated, or just too drunk to realize that this thread is about James Ammons and not the "100?"

    You can't continue to try to blame someone (Humphries and company) 6 years later. There have been TWO presidents in place since Humphries left, and neither one of them seemed to get the job done. They probably did more harm than help.


  34. The school does not need a shake up. We need a "build up". There has been enough "shaken" going on around here and that's the problem.

    The labor pull in Tallahassee is limited and competitive (particular among african-americans) It's not like we can fire everyone and tomorrow have a waiting line of more qualified replacement.

    No doubt we need to do a better job. Sometimes, however, its not the people, its the technologies and the processes. In other words it's not the people doing the work, it's the way they have been asked to do it.

    I'm a pretty good driver. If you give me a bad map, even I ( and you) will at some point get lost.

  35. Sorry to break it to you 9:58am ...

    But in OUR case ...

    A lot of the times ...

    It's simply been the PEOPLE!!!

    Whether it's been our continuing to carry deadweight, obsolete, &/or straight up incompetent friends, classmates, fellow greeks, and/or Top Flight drinking buddies on our payrolls that should have been gone long time ago, to wasting millions of unnecessary dollars in consulting & auditing fees that should have been handled in house (by those named above), FAMU has shown that when it WANTS to, it will pay for performance.

    The past few years have shown that FAMU has the money to pay the salaries that WILL bring competent people to Tallahasse ... And hopefully in this case - BACK to Tallahassee.

    Hopefully - Now that the rumor of "FAMU being too cheap to PAY to hire REAL talent" has been shown to be false, there will be a number of our former students who may choose to return to FAMU - and help get us back to being "HOT S***" ... Instead of being nothing but "FULL of S***"!

  36. While there is much to be said about black people, themselves, being a major part of the problem at FAMU, this factor pales into vertible insignificance, when we actually understand and realize that much of the explanation for many of FAMU's problems is systemic in nature, and always has been. Since its founding, the state of Florida has never, ever treated FAMU as a real institution of higher education. Established during a period of virluent racism, prejudice and discrimination, FAMU has never, ever been given the resources by the state of Florida that would have allowed it to grow and develop into a viable partner of the state university system. Higher education policy in the state of Florida, for more than 100 years, has been centered primarily around efforts to position the University of Florida on a par with other outstanding "flagship" state universities, such as the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; the University of California at Berkeley; and, the University of
    Virginia, for example. After the University of Florida, Florida State University (FSU)has been the recipient of beneficial Florida higher education policy. Of course, Florida State University did not come into its own, until it stole our College of Law, and, as a direct result, was able to train a cadre of politician-attorneys, who have made certain that FSU gets as much favorable state higher education policy and funding as possible. When it comes to the formulation of Florida higher education policy FAMU has always been and still is an afterthought. Consider the impact on FAMU of the recent agreement between the Florida State Board of Education and the Florida Board of Governors to allow all 28 Florida community colleges to award bachelor degrees in education and nursing, to mention just two critical areas this pact includes. Moreover, the recent musings about establishing bachelor-only state colleges in Florida, where FAMU is near the top of the list and you can begin to understand that, even in the 21st century, the impact of higher education policy on FAMU is just not taken in the same light as the consequences of higher education policy on the University of Florida; Florida State University; and, increasingly, the University of South Florida. No, many of FAMU's problems are systemic in nature. FAMU was set up to fail. It is a testament to the genius and ingenuity of Black people in Florida that FAMU has done as well as it has. It was never intended that FAMU make a meaningful contribution to Florida higher education, because when FAMU was founded, and for many, many years after its founding, state policymakers considered it to be "the Black University," and ipso facto inferior and second- rate. And, these, policymakers did all they could to ensure the success of their self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of attacking each other, as if we were the problem, let's focus of the real culprit, the policies, procedures and decisions of the actual system of Florida higher education.

  37. To: 1/22/2007 3:29 PM

    If I could find you, I would hug you!! You laid it out better than I've ever seen it stated before!! Thank you!!

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