Lowe & Castell imposing media blackout of tomorrow's meeting

da rattler

Word is making its way around campus this afternoon that WANM-FM, the FAMU student radio station, has been barred from broadcasting tomorrow's BoT meeting live. WANM usually broadcasts the BoT meeting live, but now has been prohibited by the administration from covering tomrrow's meeting under the guise that this is a "personnel matter".

Naturally, FAMU J-School students are disappointed in the university's decision, as the trustee meeting helps the station fulfill its public affairs programming (license) requirement.

UFF plans to broadcast event
Meanwhile, we understand that the FAMU faculty union, will attempt to webcast the event via www.famuff.com

Rattler Nation will be in the house
Rattler Nation will be blogging live all day from the event. We've add several team members to help us cover the event. Our IT Department has made it possible that we can blog our cell phone, however we will have our trusty laptop in tow. Stay with us tomorrow for updates. We'll have team coverage.

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  1. This some bullshit!!!

  2. What do you expect from these thugs in suits?

  3. Man, you guys at RN are blogging your ASSES off. I love it. This is better than Pat Summerall.

  4. thanks RN. without your constant coverage of everythingFAMU, many of us would be in the dark--even those of us who teach there. heck, actually, we're the last ones to find ut anything anyway, so we/I always come herre to see what's up. and I thank you all.

  5. RN you're doing a great job. If it wasn't for you and your sources,, we would never know what was going on at FAMU.

  6. AMEN. Thank you does not adequately express what you (RN) has done for us and more importantly for the betterment of FAMU by disclosing ALL relevant information regarding our beloved alma mater so that WE are empowered to take proactive action against those who would love have our beloved FAMU ruined!


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