Castell promises to pay FAMUAN, other staff this week

da rattler
"It is our hope that we will have the students their money by Wednesday," said James Hawkins, Dean, School of Journalism and Graphic Commications. "We are going to get them paid."

Tauheedah Shukriyyah Asad said this isn't the first time that FAMU has not issued funds when they were supposed to.

She had two jobs last semester to support herself through college because she didn't get a net check, said Asad, a photographer for The Famuan.

The FAMUAN staff is obligated to publish a newspaper because advertisements have already been sold.

FAMU student government attorney general Whitney Murraysaid the (SGA) executive branch hasn’t been paid this semester, either. But, student government members are opting to wait patiently.

SGA President Phillip Agnew said, "overseers (the University) did not budget correctly and there was no money. And some instances, there were no clear and distinct answers.”

After meeting with interim president Castell Bryant, Agnew said that students will be paid this week.

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Pay makes news

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  1. Good work, Phillip!

  2. From

    Candi Churchill Union Rep
    posted 2/19/07 @ 3:18 PM EST

    What anyone not getting paid should do asap is contact the Florida Department of Labor individually to talk to the investigators. The person investigating the case at the Florida Dept. of Labor's Wage and Hour division is Susan Maciejewski (she says asking for Susan M. should be fine)at ph. 942-8341. She may be out of the office when
    people call (out on an investigation) but if people leave their names and contact info, she promises to get back to them to kick off the investigation.

    When contacting Susan, she's going to need some employment information.

    Because Florida Law says employees must be paid by the first pay
    period, she's going to need that.

    She'll also need to know how many hours you worked those pay periods.

    Any faculty or grad assistants not getting paid should contact United Faculty of Florida, your union: 850-224-8220 or email

  3. Classic politician, cause the problem through neglect, blame the authority (which ironically they are a part of), then claim credit for fixing a mess they help create. Where was Agnew's SGA when the FAMUan requested its budget?

    Makes no sense, halfway through the year and you are out of money. Worse then student's and net checks. As a practicing accountant, I have to ask, who in the hell is managing, better yet mis-managing these budgets? Completly irresponsible.

    Pay the students then correct and prevent the problem from happening again. That might mean pay them then lay them off. You can't keep digging a deeper whole here.

  4. I'm a faculty member, unrelated to the financial debacle going on, and I've tried on numerous occasions to get an appointment to talk w/the president about a number of issues and concerns, but the woman has always refused to see me. I've heard that she has refused to see other professors who sought an appointment to speak with her as well. Perhaps I/we need to be be part of the student body, b/c I hear that she's more receptive to the students than she EVER has been to the professionals who teach them.

  5. She only nods at us, at best! There's gotta be a "conservative" camera around.

  6. Don't sleep RN! Dr. Ammons confirmation by this board is scheduled for March 8th, which happens to be during Spring Break while all of the students, one of the main stakeholders will be away. The streetz say this administration and some BOT members are looking and digging for anything to try and discredit Ammons so his confirmation won't take place. WE CANNOT AND MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!

  7. What's up with Dr. Ammons contract negotiations? Are they trying to say they don't have the money to pay him, like they did the FAMUan staff?

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