Castell points finger in pay flap

da rattler
In a February 6th memo, interim president Castell Bryant told trustees that the reason that the university's 600, or more, adjunts, graduate assitants, and OPS workers haven't been paid since December 22, 2006 is because those affected "are not in the system because the paying departments have not identified a source of funds" for them to be paid. She also stated that she's enacted emergency processes to pay them by February 9th.

She also told trustees that departments are hiring personnel "without first assuring they have available funds".

Mrs. Bryant's blame the department's sing-song isn't going down too well with some department heads. For instance, in the College of Arts & Sciences, which is already $300,000 over budget, many sections of freshman and sophomore level classes had to be added at the last minute during the fall semester. This came as the university made a last ditch effort and enrolled "many poorly prepared students" in an attempt to inflate enrollment figures. Many of these students are long gone, and they left owing the university money.

Rattler Nation has learned that complete OPS & adjuct request for spring 2007 were submitted in early December 2006 by each department. These request were modified by Schools & Colleges in early January, based (presumably) on enrollment needs.

Lack of pay may cause workers to quit

Check isn't in the mail

No pay for TAs and Adjuncts

Checks short/TAs go without

Some professors not being paid

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  1. It took her THIS long to come up with that lie??

  2. The saying goes, when you point one finger, there are three more pointing at you. This is ridiculus!

  3. Will she go after these students as well with a vengence to get them to pay for those courses she added to bolster her enrollment figures?

  4. February 9th has come and gone and many employees still haven't been paid. What next, Castell. Maybe, "The dog ate the paychecks"?

  5. The link for the memo is not coming up.

  6. so much for that surplus money. Just take the money out of Castell's cut and call it good.

  7. The link to the pay memo has been fixed now. Just click on the memo and it should enlarge.

  8. It's amazing how the press in Florida like the Palm Beach Post have not picked up on this story. Oh yeah, don't forget the St. Pete Times.

  9. she found the money for smith but doesnt have the money for 600 people...smith should offer his services for free!

  10. It's all about Walter. That will never happen.

  11. When CVB became the interim president I was a recent alum and went to hear her speak to the faculty and staff. The one thing that stuck out to me was that she said she did not want to hear about anything B.C. (Before Castell) and that she was the right person for the job and I watched as the faculty and staff listend. I then asked a history professor sitting next to me how can she be the right person to lead this ship when she was on the Board that hired the "Sell Out" captin who ran the ship aground? But, my point is in this letter she states that the cause of this problem is ongoing and "age-old" that would implie, before Castell and if this is the case then there is no one to blame except for Castell, because had she fixed the problems B.C. then they would not still be here D.C. ( During Castell)

  12. Past time for A. C.

    After Cast-Hell!

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