Adjuncts & TA's won't get paid Friday

da rattler

Adjunct professors, teaching assistants and graduate assistants should not expect a pay check this Friday, according to an email sent out by Provost Debra Austin. It seems that $10.4 million deficit has shown up to haunt FAMU and their is no money to pay them.

Additionally, Rattler Nation has learned that the College of Arts and Sciences is $300,000 over budget.

Audit shows $10.4 M deficit

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  1. FAMU bases it's annual budget on enrollment projections. The university administration projected that enrollment would remain steady despite its decision to shut down the recruitment program.


    Arts & Sciences is the largest academic unit in the institution. It is responsible for offering the core courses that every major must take. It has been hurt the most by the irresponsible budgeting actions of the university administration.

    The only surprise is that it has taken this long for the information to surface. And at last count, I heard the number was closer to $350,000.

  2. I betcha this is why Dr. Turner was in the hospital, messing around with these fools.

  3. man dont play I intend to come back this summer to finish my degree. My small and under-funded dept is in Arts & Sciences...that means downsizing of classes...that means I cant graduate in the Summer. these mofos are playing...casthell and co I cant wait until you all leave!

  4. Ammons send help quick.

  5. James Ammons and Rudy Slaughter needs to give the recruitment program emergency resuscitation. These dropping tuition and FTE dollars are killing us.

  6. LOL.
    That first post was hilarious

  7. everbody's clamoring for james ammons like he's going to save us from ourselves. sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for. it'd smazing that dr. turner can do the wonderful job that he's doing and has done in the past in view of the madness going on at the university. the college of arts and sciences never gets treated right from the administration and is always the last college to actully get any kind of decent funding from administration.

  8. Ammons may not save us from ourselves, but Thompson will hasten the decline ala Castell 2.

    Ammons will right the ship.

  9. Funny how those who need the chceks the most won't be getting them. I wonder if Casthell had not taken that bonus, how many checks could have been cut for over-worked, underpaid grad students.

  10. Word on tha streetz is that if Thompson becomes prez Cast-Hell will be provost. HELL TO THE NAW! SHE GOT TA GO!!!

  11. This is an UNACCEPTABLE business practice.

    If you cant meet payroll, you aren't in business.

    If you can't meet payroll, its time to close the doors or turn the business to someone that can manage it responsibily.

  12. I won't be working until I get a paycheck!

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