Florida Senate Higher Committee Chair
Evelyn Lynn today recommended that Florida State University take over the administration of the FAMU/FSU School of Engineering. The joint school had been jointly run by both FAMU and FSU. With FAMU handling the administration of the school and FSU controlling the school's budget.
If Senator Lynn's recommendation holds, it must be approved by the full Senate and the House.
FSU wants control of everything. FAMU should just get their own Engineering school. F*ck FSU.
ReplyDeleteno surprises here. Hopefully the new leadership at FAMU will handle this one. No need to further penalize FAMU when a whole new staff and whatnot are already on the way.
ReplyDeleteFAMU had it's own Engineering school, FSU went to the legislature to get their hooks in it.
ReplyDeleteFAMU deserves to be penalized. The lame excuses coming out of the university are fit for elementary students and not higher ed. administrators. Imagine if FAMU had control over the budget, there would be no more e school. FAMU needs to learn there are consequences with mismanagement. FAMU with it's own e school whose going to run it when you can't even manage your law school? Taxpayers want accountability and not excuses like the janitors threw it out.
ReplyDeleteblame blame blame blame
ReplyDelete2.7 million of stolen equipment unreported to the police
1.8 in unaccounted athletic ticket receipts
what planet has everyone been on. you can't manage your own house. don't blame others and play the victim. that song and dance from famu is old hat. assume responsibility!
If FAMU has been doing such a bad job of administrating the e-school since it was founded in the late 70s, why wasn't it given to the criminoles earlier. I found it interesting that T.K. and staff are going all out to gain control of the e-school this year, at the same time the legislature is digging in our behinds. As far as the e-school goes, this is just another attempt by the state and FSU to elevate that institution to a larger pedigree by taking programs that were already created (the same that they did in the 60s with the FAMU College of Law). The fact on this matter is FSU doesn’t get full billing for the graduates of the school, or research produced by the scholars at the college. Therefore, they want to take “full control” so that they will gain full credit from the product that the school is producing. So for those that think the idea of a merger is a conspiracy, look at this. What next the pharmacy school, then allied health, then the school architecture. There are truly wolves in the hen house at FAMU and on this board!!!
ReplyDeletep.s. this is not blame, this is history, check the Tallahassee Democrat from the 70s through the 90 (in reference to tension between FAMU and FSU), the capital outlook during the same era, and read the history of FAMU with close attention to the Perry Years. “One that does not know their history is doomed to repeat it.”
the state will not have two of the same program in one city. They would not split up the schools, rather it would go directly to FSU.
ReplyDeleteThey are not stupid, so they would work out some arrangement where FAMU students just go to the COE with COE related fees going to FSUs coffers. The last option would be a 3-2 or 2-2 program; FAMU students will pipeline into FSU (becoming FSU students) after 2 or 3 years of taking core courses at FAMU, getting two bachelors degrees. FAMU degree in say Math, FSU degree in say EE.
This is done with Georgia Tech and Morehouse/Spelman/Clark and a lot Georgia white schools. Most people love it.
I imagine the school would keep the same name to shut up the negros.
FAMU had it's own Engineering school...
ReplyDeleteAt the Tech Building down behind the old Vocational Tech building and across from the DRS.
"Vocational Tech building"
ReplyDeleteI think that the SBI sits on that piece of property now.
8:17 AM -- FAMU does not need to get their own engineering school. The last time I checked the engineering school is ours, so therefore FSU needs to get THEIR OWN engineering school.
ReplyDelete9:32 and 9:35 AM -- The last time I checked FAMU was an institution (an organization, establishment, foundation, society, or the like) and institutions do not manage or mismanage money, but the bad apples appointed by the ofays of the Florida Legislature do mismanage the funds at FAMU. With that being said, why should the University have to suffer at the hands of a couple of bad apples sent to us from outsiders like you two???
Of course Lynn would call for the E-school to be taken over by FSU. WIth her strong ties to B-CU, the B-CU alumni are probably all up in her ear egging her on. Was not appearing in the Super Bowl THAT big a deal?
ReplyDeleteFAMU is the victim. Bullsh*t! FAMU has shot it on self in the foot. For years people have been stealing from the taxpayer. It is time to place blame where it is due, squarely on Rattler shoulders. People on this board are cowards blaming other institutions and even janitors of all people. The janitors threw is away. How tragic is that? Now BCC and FSU are the latest bogeymen! The FDLE and the Attorney General need to clean house.
ReplyDeletedid the bad apples appointed by the legislature steal the computer equipment? no! staff, faculty, and students did! accept responsibility. there will be consequences for criminal actions!
ReplyDeleteDr. Ammons is coming in, and will have to be a stop gap, otherwise Game Over...
ReplyDeleteAt least FSU won't be able to take the law school, mismanagement or not. They already did that years ago, and they don't need another.
ReplyDeleteYea that FAMU Law School sure has set a fine example!
ReplyDelete1:16 PM -- To be frank with you I do not believe the legislature gives a damn about stolen computers, their main concern is the missing money stolen by the ones appointed by them.
ReplyDeleteHey 5:36 as a taxpayer I give a damn about 2.7 million dollars in stolen equipment. FAMU is stealing from itself, the state and consequently me. This will not go on much longer. The FDLE is coming to campus to get the crooks! FAMU is an embarrassment!
ReplyDelete5:36 are you saying the BOT stole the money. Read the audit report, before making comments like that. But not suprisingly it is on par with this message board. Not my responsibility, but someone else's.
ReplyDeleteSame same, play that blame game!
Thank God. FAMU can't manage their way out of a paper bag. Hopefully, UCF will be taking over the law school in Orlando and then FSU can take over FAMU's main campus to use as dorm rooms, extra storage, and a clubhouse for the FSU students.
ReplyDeleteYou are all showing the HATE tht we have been talk8ing about for ever! This ia stupid. All of you are stupid. There should be no way to be anonymous on here. You losers over there, cross the tracks. The same tracks that you want to remove at the expense of the taxpayer. Boo hoo, You dodn't give a Shix about any other mis-managementby your people. Theives always send smoke screen while working. That school ain't much without using FAMU to get what it wants. FSU IS for... The GATORS know the rest. They will NEVER catch up with FLORIDA. This is SO much bigger than you HATERS! Peace.
ReplyDeleteshowing the hate? brother man, where did the 50 million go? this is not hate this is accountability, famu's accountablilty. our state's tax money is being misused and stolen. losers over there? where is there? is there where all the missing property, records and stolen money is stashed?
ReplyDeletefolks at the university been stealing thit (typo intentional) since before Jesus was a baby. Folks in departments, divisions, schools and colleges been stealing computer laptops like forever. i've heard of folks in several department in the college of education and in various departments within the college of arts & sciences--history, political science, math and english department who have claimed laptops that didn't belong to them. folks been magically "lifting" thit for years. this ain' no new thit. folks say the "largest" department in the college of arts and sciences long ago claimed laptops that were intended for university use and not to be put in their cars and carted off like groceries from winn-dixie.
ReplyDeleteFor those on this board that desires to praise the greatness of FSU in terms of FAMU's "demise," lets not forget that FSU's audit was not stellar itself. One major issue in their audit that had 15 findings centered on fair contract business practices, which means that they were doing the same thing that the St. Petersburg Times claims FAMU did for decades, which was giving their jobs/contracts to individuals or groups who they wanted too without any fair practice.
ReplyDeleteI am please though, that as a tax payer of the state of Florida you all are so concerned about the "mis-management" of Florida's only publicly funded institution; as a citizen it is your right and duty to do so. Moreover, as a learned person, as you proclaim to be, you would understand the purpose of FAMU in the state of Florida and rather than to "hope" for its demise, you should engage in conversation that deals with its survival. To state it more clearly, no other school in the state of Florida graduates more African Americans in any field than FAMU, and their has been a decline in African American receiving BS and BA across the state since Gov. Bush's One Florida Initiative was enacted. Therefore, my issue with your "concern" is this: instead of raising true issues with the audit and the school's leadership, you have attempted to engage in discourse that is lead totally by propaganda. For example, "A 50 million dollar deficit” or “close FAMU's main campus and let FSU use it for dorms and a club house for "their" students." The more disturbing fact is that we are engaging in this intellectual waste of time with someone or group that has no true interest in the well being of FAMU. If your solution to the problem is to close FAMU, we have heard it. Obliviously we don't agree with your assessment and other citizens in the state of Florida that are knowledgeable of the subject will not agree (read the recent responds from the legislatures and those of the BOG). Therefore, I ask all Floridians and Rattlers alike to disregard any of these Joseph McCarthy type propaganda messages, as they only encourages these individuals to continue their literary infiltration of FAMU, while not adding any pertinent conversation to the true issues at hand.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... Stop saying stolen and stole. There is a big difference between missing and stolen. Missing is just something that may be some where but unaccounted for.
ReplyDeleteThe Cost of Doing Business:
Moreover, anyone who manages budgets and property know very well that a certain amount will go unaccounted for. We have thousands of computers, thousands of printers, thousands of desk, thousands of vehicles, thousands of projectors, hundreds of Plasmas, thousands of laptops. Some of it old, all of it is obsolete after 3 years, some of it may have just been thrown the hell away before it was taken of the books.
I cleaned out my garage this past weekend and I through away two printers, a monitor, and an ancient cell phone (the ones that came with a shoulder band). I did not tell my wife. I just through them away. Can she say that I stole them?
It's Not Just Us:
The people that manage property and records have a very tough job and it certainly should be done better, modernized. The way they do things worked when equipment last for 7 years before you have to remove it from the books but today, the turn-over is so fast, it hard for old ways to keep track. This is a understandable problem. When I was systems consultant, I would see this all the time.
Adopt or Die
I'm not making an excuses but before we start giving our enemy more ammunition by making a mountain out of a molehill, let's wait until we find out what's "abnormally wrong".
Look at Iraq, look at all other the mismanagement around the country. We can't let people hold us up to a higher standard than they hold themselves.
Completing preventing pilferage (petty theft in accounting terms) is very, very expensive. It cost more to keep people from stilling than the things they still. Why have a $10,000 alarm system on a $3,000 dollar car.
If FSU is more capable of handling this for now, then that is what partners are for. As long as they don't change the name, and don't start messing with admission policies, and don't take complete control of staffing and budget allocations.
If you cannot fly the plan, turn it over to the co-pilot before everyone else go down.
"literary infiltration" I do love the use of big words on this board.
ReplyDeleteFAMU is full of excuses. For years FAMU and it's students, admninistration, faculty, and staff have been stealing from the taxpayer. I demand from my representatives no less than a criminal investigation and a constraint on the budget. Why should Florida keep fully funding a institution when there are no budget controls in place? Enough is Enough! Bring on the FDLE, it is time to get the fox out of the hen house!
excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses
ReplyDeleteSo what's the deal: Did FAMU really "misplace" 50 million dollars?
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that is the equivalent to the Enron of Higher Education.
I would think that if FAMU wanted to truly aspire to greatness they would want their own college of engineering. Why be tied to FSU?
ReplyDeleteBy every measure the COE needs major improvement. This COE is not ranked in the top 100 in any academic comparison or rankings of the quality of COEs. If FSU could take it over and make it a top 100 school it could benefit FSU, FAMU, and all of Tallahassee. It's a win for everyone. Right now, despite being around 30 years old, the FAMU-FSU COE is not doing that well when compared to other COEs in the state and nation.
ReplyDeleteFAMU needs to concentrate on fixing its own numerous management issues. In the meantine, the FSU College of Engineering should be split from its affiliation with FAMU and be allowed to blossom into a first-rate engineering school under FSU's management and control. Florida students deserve it.
ReplyDeleteThe Dean of the FAMU/FSU School of Engineering would prefer that FSU was in charge. He constantly sells FAMU out. He'd rather be over there with them so that he can feel more legitimate.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the Dean of the COE is more comfortable with the FSU admin because he sees that the FAMU admin is incompetent.
ReplyDeleteI am a FAMU graduate and currently a graduate students at the FAMU/FSU College of Engineering. I think that major changes are in need at the college and that both FAMU and FSU need to step up to the plate and propose changes that will benefit the students. It pains me to say this, but I would ratgher have mmy graduate degree from FSU than from the FAMU/FSU College of Engineering. FAMU has failed in keeping its side of the bargain and just about everything good at the College comes from the FSU side. The join management has failed completely. The College is a poorly run school that is full of jealously between the faculty. The primary FAMU faculty cannot stand the primary FSU faculty and vice versa. It is also a poorly managed college. The facilities are poorly kept. Many graduate students are not paid. Because of the dual management, no one knows who to blame. I would favor having FSU take it over and having FAMU focus on its own house and programs in order. As is, neither FAMU nor FSU is benefitting much from the College of Engineering, and the students are being harmed.
ReplyDeleteFAMU has bullied the College of Engineering into mediocrity. It is an embarassment that FAMU and FSU students are unable to attend an enginerring school that ranks among the top 100 nationally. I would go to UCF if I had a chance to leave my family, as it is a better engineering program. Tallahassee deserves better, as do the students of both FAMU and FSU. We all know that the problems are management related. Wither FAMU or FSU needs to be placed in charge. The problem, as we all know, is that FAMU is not capable of managing even its own programs. FSU needs to immediately be placed in charge of this program. Before you call me a racist, please recognize that I am a FAMU alumnus. I want to see FAMU thrive on its own terms and "joint" programs like this one benefit neither FAMU nor FSU.
ReplyDeleteIt's embarrassing that the FSU/FAMU College of Engineering is rated under UCF's.
ReplyDeleteWhat a terrible situation...this needs to be corrected immediately.
FSU needs to take control and get this program up where it should be.
Thanks for the candid comments about the COE from FAMU students and alumni. I'm glad to see you want true accountability from your administrators. I'd like to see each university have a COE or FSU control it with special waivers for FAMU students. For the others here who are critical of FSU, you ought to look at your own admin first.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone here been in the engineering building lately. There is urine on the bathroom floors and the toilets don't flush. Internet service doesn't work well. The faculty and graduate students are cramped into trailers, one of which leaks when it rains. Faculty brining in grants are fleeing the COE because they don't want their overhead to be pulled into routine maintenance for a building that "jointly responsible" universities fail to maintain. Faculty are concerned that the COE risks losing accredidation if something is not done to rectify the bleak situation. It is time for a major change. Break it up and give half of it to FAMU and half to FSU, or put one of the universities in control. The current "partnership" is dydfunctional, is not working, and cannot and should not continue.
ReplyDeletegot the worst of both schools in that partnership.. it sounds like
ReplyDeleteAs a '77 grad of the FAMU School of Architecture, we had NO PROBLEMS running the school until FSU's assault on us. Just like they assaulted and stole the Law School in '67, the pillage is on now.
ReplyDeleteAs a '77 grad of the FAMU School of Architecture, we had NO PROBLEMS running the school until FSU's assault on us. Just like they assaulted and stole the Law School in '67, the pillage is on now.
ReplyDeleteSo FSU is trying to resurrect a dying CoE and whilst they are doing this, FAMU is "losing" $50M (of their own accord), yet FSU is the bad guy?
Looks like the State Congress has given over financial responsibility to FSU. Hopefully FSU can make something of this College now.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Tallahassee Democrat, the transfer of the COE is "a done deal." The article is online at http://www.tallahassee.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070329/CAPITOLNEWS/70329030.
ReplyDeleteNow, Ammmons needs to focus on getting the rest of his new house in order or FAMU is going to face far graver consequences than this.
Ok, there's a lot of confusion within this blog. Mostly due to misinformation or assumptions. I'd first like to say that I am a FAMU alum who recently graduated from the college of engineering.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, FSU did not try to "get their hooks" in the engineering school and if both schools could have had their way this joint venture would have never happened. Both schools wanted an engineering school, FAMU had their's first and the state regulated that FSU share with FAMU instead of creating their own. In terms of geography and economics, it made sense to the state to do it this way.
Secondly, FAMU hasn't "given up" the engineering school as this article implies. They have surrendered control of managing the finances of the College, a responsibility they held for the past 10 years. This will in no way affect FAMU students enrollment or daily operations at the school.
I do not deny and am not naive about the possibility that FSU could take over the CoE completely. I would not, however, harbor ill feelings toward FSU or subscribe to any conspiracy theories. I can't blame FSU for trying to obtain something they've always wanted and taking advantage of FAMU's incompetence for the benefit of theur university and their students. Furthermore, any FAMU student knows that FAMU hasn't shown a tremendous amount of support to the E-school over the last couple years and despite our attempts to deny or downplay it, these dark days were inevitable.
It is my hope that FAMU will quickly resolve their financial dificulties and regain control of the COE's finances. I also hope that FAMU shows they really care and goes back to actively recruiting engineering students and maintains good relations with the college of engineering. So I'll be working with my alumni to attempt to organize a focused effort to fight back and try not to lose the engineering school. Anyone willing to help or has some great ideas on how we can make an impact, plese contact me and I'll add you to the distribution - rpscott2002@hotmail.com