Sunday, April 15th is the second annual "FAMU Church Day." The FAMU NAA is asking all alumni, friends and supporters to send in a contribution (think a love offering to the University). These funds will be presented to Dr. Ammons so that he can hit the ground recruiting and offering financial support to students interested in attending FAMU in the fall of 2007.
Please make checks payable to the FAMU-NAA and send your financial support to:
Attn: Mr. Clinton McGill
Financial Secretary
FAMU Church Day
P. O. Box 7351
Tallahassee, FL 32314
ok, so, now, what are these "funds" for? I'm certainly in support of Dr. Ammons returning to help straighten out this madness and mayhem, but what's the deal with taking up some sort of collection for the man??? If I recall, his house has not burned down (so he isn't homeless); he's not out of a job--quite the contrary--in fact, he signed a 3-year running contract to preside over the university for $325,000, per year, so he's not short on change; he has food, clothing, health insurance, and all kinds of perks, and it isn't as if he has been on skid row all these years, either, and doesn't have a POT2P in, or a W2TIOF. So what's up with the "collection"? So then, when this collection is "taken up," how is it going to be delivered to him? Is some poor soul who couldn't really afford to be putting $$ in the hat in the first place going to remove his hat and stand at James Ammons' door with head bowed and feet shuffling and hand this man, what, a check or a hat full of $$ or what? I tellya, we're always collecting for the wrong things. If such a collection is so necessary, where was all this collecting when the poor, underpaid students weren't getting their paychecks month after month after month? They are the ones who needed our help. Where was the collection plate then, and where were the churches then? It never ceases to amaze me how we can so oftentimes get (and have) our priorities mixed up. James Ammons hardly needs a "collection" on his behalf, for whatever reason. I ain' down with this collecting deal, but if y'all see the need to give whatever to the three-year million dollar man, go 'head. I'm sure that Dr. Ammons knows that the community (academic, city, state and everywhere else) is supportive of his coming him and giving him our dedication and charity, but a collection plate, or whatever, is a bit much.
ReplyDeleteTo my above post, I must add that I know that the collection is not FOR Dr. Ammons, but still I say, where were all of these good and wonderful souls when the students, adjuncts and OPS employees didn't get checks. Whomever is organizing this collection drive needs to organize some sort of initiative to see how the students are faring, even after they've been "paid." Let's help them out on their bills. You know the bills didn't just disappear because the students couldn't pay. Let's organize a drive to buy the students some groceries. Let's pay a phone bill. Let's do something. Collecting $$ to bring/recruit other students when the ones we have at the university are already in dire straits?? Come on, people, let's do better than this. And, BTW, before anyone fires back at me with, "Well, what did you do?", well, I put my $$ where my mouth is and shared what I had with a couple students and helped out with a few phone bills, groceries and assistance with the rent of three students. Not that what I did is, of course, any grand thing. That is not my point. My point is that charity starts at home, not with students who are not even here.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is the brotha/sista has a good point. It's hard to argue when a person is telling the truth......which he/she is.
ReplyDeletehow about yah just donate to the school through the online mechanism in place. Easy breezy.
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? Who in the da hell thinks it's anyone's responsibility to pay some college student's cell/telephone.
Let's be real! Some you poster can't be graduates of FAMU.
9:43---I'm a FAMU graduate and I agree with the 3:40 & 3:50 poster. While it's certainly not anyone's "responsibility" to pay a student's phone bill, it's certainly not anyone's responsibility to gather up $$ and offer them to whomever for whatever cause to go wherever, whether they're FAMU-bound or not. I'm sure the poster didn't just hand over a bunch of cash money for a darn cell phone, but carefully looked at what she/he could do to help. Tell you what: if you were stranded on the side of the road at 2am, and a FAMU student passing by noticed your FAMU tag and pulled over to help you--as you sat scared in the car that some murderous or thug-wise person was going to jack you up, and that same FAMU student used their cell phone to call for help (since your cell phone had died) and they sat with you with their FULLY-CHARGED phone, you'd be GLAD that SOMEONE had paid that child's bill. And I'm sure you wouldn't care who paid it and how it got paid. But such things would never, ever happen to you, because obviously you have it all together and you'd never need or even accept any assistance from anyone or even see the need to. OBVIOUSLY, you are not a FAMU graduate, because if you were, you'd be more understanding and caring. "Excellence with Caring" should not simply be a motto; it should also be what we do.
ReplyDeletelet james ammons use some of that 325k to recruit. i ain' got no $$ to put in no damn hat or send in to recruit nobody. good lord.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the first comment and I think the statement goes deeper than we care to read. It's not just about paying a student's phone bill it's about supporting each other and looking to each other for support. If any of you had the opportunity to see Bill Cosby when he came to FAMU, you will understand where I'm coming from.
ReplyDeleteIf a our black schools such as bond elementary are in need of more funding (since it is not an A school it has limited funding), if a black business is in danger of closing, if students are not being paid it is OUR responsibility to fix the situation. That is where taking up "love offerings" can come in (instead of buying the pastor a new lexus...but that's for another blog). I know we are a state funded institution, but we can't keep looking to these officials to solve OUR problems primarily because they do not understand our situations.
Maybe it's due to the fact that black history is not properly taught, but whites have somehow forgotten that many of us started so far behind...and don't seem to understand the psychological effects of our situation.
WE need to understand and WE need to fix it.
Take up the love offering for Ammons but ask for it to go to a specific need of the university.
Actually, the goal of this year's FAMU Church Day is to raise money for scholarships. We edited the information we received and somehow that message was left out.
ReplyDeleteWe've reedited and hopefully made the intent much clearer. Sorry for the confusion.
Have all the kinks been worked out in terms of how the $$ will be handled and/or distributed to the intended students? What if an "interested" student no longer remains "interested"? Is there some sort of general committee to oversee the course of the "offerings"? I'd like to contribute, but certainly I'd need to see, on paper, the who, what, where, when and how of it all. Sounds good, but more specifics needed. RN, are you able to provide this tidbit of info for your readers?
ReplyDeleteWOW! Well I have, along with several other very young rattler alumni have raised well 10,000 dollars and we have given some to the school (during the bad years) and we have given several thousands directly to students for books, classes, and help with bills. This was an attempt to not let the negative press of "other" folk, who seem to love and too many of use buy into. Therefore, we will continue to do what we do in order to better FAMU! We would love to have a personal check in the amount of 100,000-1,000,000 dollars for Dr. Ammons and more after that! For one reason, if he is going to fight for FAMU we would be able to see really soon because we would make the checks out to him and if he takes the money for himself then he is just another PAWN of the "other" man. Just like our last President(Ganious) and the current interim president.Yet, if he puts the money towards FAMU then we have a MAN for FAMU! Note, Dr. Rivers, gave a 100,000 personal check to SSU when he became President! Now, if you would simply study the way higher education is set up at this point, thanks to Jeb Bush, any and all money rasied and donated to the University is really controlled by the BOT. Now who in the hell wants that? The money is not for JAMES AMMONS it is for FAMU!
ReplyDeleteDa Rattler is it true the FAMU has failed to reached it enrollments goals over the last 2-3 years?
ReplyDeleteIf so, how would this affect state appropriations, will our operating budget be subjected to cuts because of our declining enrollment?
I noticed that both Drs. Ammons and Rivers adopted a sought of Gulfcoast style recruitment their first couple of months on the job. Both saw a drastic increase in enrollment; however they both had 2-3 months to effect change.
Scholarships, YES! YES!
ReplyDeleteAnd: Any student receiving a scholarship should be expected to give back, by doing something like tutoring middle schoolers.
We must always, always work against the temptation to feel entitled and to encourage others to feel entitled.
Collection... If anything is going to be collected, it needs to be Castell's as well as her VP's salaries..
ReplyDeleteI think that we ought to think about what is going to help us in the long run. When a patient has been shot in the leg you don't kill them off, you just cut off the leg. Let's get rid of our schools with bad reps and problems and let the state handle the mess. The E school and this dumb ass law school can suck a bullet. Let the taxpayers bail them out and give them to FSU or someone else. Let's focus on main campus problems and getting the black man a scholarship. Why waste money on these white students at the E school and law school, they don't deserve any state funds anyhow. Their families got the benefit of my ancestors work so there should be no helping a white kid over a black kid with state money. We need to fix our school and help our football team.
ReplyDeleteTo this person:
ReplyDeletelet james ammons use some of that 325k to recruit. i ain' got no $$ to put in no damn hat or send in to recruit nobody. good lord.
No wonder our school is slippin, you folk don't wanna help make FAMU better, you just wanna take and take. Share the Kool Aid, BITCH! If you came to my house I'd let you have a plate. We need to give back to our FAMU!!!!
It's obvious that one or two posters have posted the majority of these comments. It is even more obvious that they are perpretrators. Get off the board with your ignorance. The days of JUCO thinking people like, James Corbin, Castell Bryant and Challis Lowe are over.
ReplyDeleteAlumni and supporters, we are on the clock and it is ticking! We need to step up and deliver the required financial support our new president will need.
The majority said they have been waiting on this day. Well it is here now. It you are not going to step up and be counted, then pack your sheezee and leave with the wrecking crew.
This mentality of not recruiting is one of the major reasons we are in the situation we face today. FAMU must recruit, retain and graduate quality students. We can begin to reverse the outcomes of the last 6 years today and the past two administrations today.
hey da rattler, is that photo real?
ReplyDelete6:16, who the hell is "taking and taking"? Listen, you stupid person, you. I've given and given, and will continue to give. But the organization of the "giving" initiative, in this case, must be outlined before I continue to do so. (And quit calling your mother that ugly name.)
ReplyDeletehey da rattler, is that photo real?
ReplyDeleteDefine real?
I made it at churchsigngerator.com