Badger received his bachelor’s degree in 1963 from FAMU and master’s degree in guidance and counseling in 1969. Badger was then earned a doctorate degree in education in 1975 from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale.
Most recently he served as District Dean of Student Affairs for Florida Community College at Jacksonville, and was backed by Ava Parker of the Florida Board of Governors.
Please send help to the COL. It doesn't have any student affairs at all.
ReplyDeleteCharlie Crist needs his ass whooped for this!
ReplyDeleteOur Board has enough folks with opinions! When are we gonna get somebody on our board who can help us raise some money?
ReplyDeleteThe COL could really use the help of someone like Badger who sat on the Bar Bd of Govs.
ReplyDeleteChuck Badger is a strong, quality appointment. He loves FAMU vigorously and has credibility in the university community. He's also a big Ammons supporter.
ReplyDeleteLet's all give him a chance before we start bashing him.
No one is bashing him, however, the University deserves better.
ReplyDeleteThe other Universities have a veritable "Who's Who" on their Board--people of affluence and with a great deal of political clout.
We need people who will do and can do important things and not just people who want to be important--people who want to serve and not be served!
Crist has fucked up this time!
I am having some trouble figuring out what is so "messed" up about this appointment....
ReplyDeleteDr. Badger is a FAMU Alumni and strong member of the community having served as the public member appointee to the Florida Bar Board of Governors and most recently appointed to the Florida Bar Foundation Board of Directors as well as having served as the District Dean of Student Affairs of FCCJ.
What we need are board members who have such a vested interest in the future of FAMU that they will go out and fundraise, more importantly we need members of the board who are not there to go against the grain at the drop of the hat. If you are looking for that in Chuck Badger you are mistaken. He has the wherewithall to stand for the best interest and not with the "person" of which his loyalty may be. The loyalty of all members of the board should be the BEST INTEREST OF FAMU!!
Can we please just let the man be named to the board first, before we start badgering him? (Pun intended) May his last name is the right one, b/c the naysayers have already begun trashing the man, and he ain' even sat in on a meeting yet. You know, we can be some foul people. Whomever Crist appointed, he was going to be damn if he did and damned if he didn't. Damn.
ReplyDeleteChuck Badger stood tall on the Florida Bar BOG.
ReplyDeleteHe is seasoned and loves the hell outta FAMU.
I take him over Branker and Allen anyday.
Chuck is gonna call a spade...just that.
Be mindful of the name Ava Parker...she is a heavy hitter, one of Milton FL's finest, she has a whole lotta of respect from the Crist admin.
You will see her name a lot.
Ava Parker is an attorney & a past president of the Fl chapter of the National Bar. I hope that Gov. Crist will lend her to the COL to clean this s*** up! Why hasn't the COL taken advantage of her position on the BOG?
ReplyDeleteAva...my middle school classmate is right where she needs to be right now.
ReplyDeleteTake my word for it
Badger, is just going to be an Ammons "yes" man. The cronies will still be in place and FAMU will continue to sink further and further. We are doomed.
ReplyDeleteBadger, is just going to be an Ammons "yes" man. The cronies will still be in place and FAMU will continue to sink further and further. We are doomed.
ReplyDeleteSounds like "GodBlessCastell" is back. Are you longing for the good ole days of no recruitment program, a phony "$8M surplus," and payroll meltdowns?
People like you are always upset to see FAMU getting strong, principled leaders who love our institution.
6/20 5:09 PM Anonymous said, "I am having some trouble figuring out what is so "messed" up about this appointment...." Well, let's see. He's a Nova Southeastern alum with a Community College background. Sounds a lot like Castell Bryant.
ReplyDeleteShe was also appointed to the BOG, so that's no credential. And he hasn't really distinguished himself in any way, just done a credible job and moved up through the ranks like a thousand other people. FAMU doesn't need people who "aren't so bad." We need people who are gifted strong leaders, who have exhibited creativity and wisdom and won the respect of their peers as well as their detractors. I don't think that describes our newest trustee.
10:49, you know you're right. The newest member is quoted in the Tallahassee Democrat as saying that his family has, collectively, a total of eleven degrees from FAMU, which includes degrees earned by his children and grandchildren. Ok. So now we know that he has a strong association with the university, academic-wise. But other than mediocre credentials, similar to those of CVB, what else does he bring to the university BOT? Many of us graduated from the university, as did many of our relatives, and we've gone on to create a niche, in our professionals. But what I see with this recent appointment, as you, 10:49, point out, is that we need a stronger member, not simply someone who has sat on academic/governing boards in Florida. We need someone with a national reputation to fill the vacated seat. It makes one wonder what kind of credentials the other ten candididates came to the table with. I know we can do better than this.
ReplyDeletecorrection on my above post: "professional careers..."
ReplyDeleteTo the 2 previous posters - You are so right!
ReplyDeleteOn a different note - The brother has major sex appeal :)
Ava Parker is one of the strongest supporters of Castell Bryant. I am sorry we can't afford another community college, Nova graduate anywhere near FAMU.
ReplyDeleteSACS, the Joint Legislative Audit Comm, the Task Force and the State of Florida are breathing down our neck.
Sorry, Crist messed up on this one and this may be a sign of what we can expect from the BOG.