Floyd's, a popular Tallahassee night spot, admits local students free on Thursdays before 10 p.m. with ID unless your ID happens to be from FAMU.
Floyd's owner thought few FAMU students would show up that night.
He thought wrong.
"Historically, TCC and FSU students have attended Floyd's on Thursday nights," said Charles Jacquett, Flyod's co-owner. "I wanted to keep that night for them because they were familiar with it."
The FAMU chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. is scheduled to host Foam Fest 2007 at Floyd's on Friday. Because the Omegas are bound by a contract, they will host the party as planned, according to member Cyrah Hawkins.
Other FAMU organizations have hosted events at the club, including Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and Epicurean Fashion Experience. The Deltas had their homecoming party at Floyd's, and the Alphas were planning on having their annual Welcome Week party there in August.
Here's a Youtube clip of FAMU student's trying to gain admittance:
read more at: Not welcomed at Floyd's
I don't think the Omegas have to honor that contract because I don't believe that Floyd's would want the negative publicity surrounding a revisit of their seemingly racist behavior.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally I hope that my sorority along with other BGLOs at FSU will return to their campus this fall asking their fellow students to join them in boycotting Floyds and any other Tallahassee institution that promotes raced based discrimination.
Y'all can't let this sh*t go. This is classic '60s style Jim Crow. The Qs ought not to have thier event there. Damn it they should be outraged. Bite the bullet. Gettin sued for breach of contract would pale under the light of this blatant discrimination.
ReplyDeleteHawkins, show some leadership and tell Floyds "HELL NO. WE WON'T GO."
ReplyDeleteQs need to "man up" on this one.
ReplyDeletePut da sum b*tch out of business.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I do believe that boycotting Floyd's is a step in the right direction, I will have to disagree with those that believe the Ques should not host their party. They have signed a contract and paid for this venue. Clubs in Tallahassee are not cheap. If they do not throw the party they are looking to lose at least $2,000 (which is what most clubs usually charge), if not more. If they are sued for breach of contract they could end up paying court costs, lawyer fees, and still end up paying the rental fee. My question to those of you who think that they should not throw the party is, are you going to write them a check to cover these costs? If you are, then I support your statements. If not, please don't make decisions that don't affect when they can impact others so greatly. And no, I am not a Que or any other greek for that matter. I'm just a girl that goes to FAM and knows how it is.
ReplyDeleteWhat an absurd policy. I'd like to think that there's more to this story, but there probably isn't. It sounds like Charles Jacquett exercised some exceptionally bad judgment.
ReplyDeleteWhy not turn Friday's party into a "Farewell, Floyd's!" party? Have a blast, make FAMU proud and then boycott the place until Jacquett makes this situation right.
Do the "Greeks" stand for anything but partying. There will be no victory without sacrifice. No doubt 2 grand is a lot to loose. But, what is the value of dignity? The problem with our people is that we can be bought . . . and apparently quite cheaply.
ReplyDelete"NO NUTZ, NO GLORY"
ReplyDelete-Young Jeezy
Actually, if the Qs do go forth they can boycott within the party itself. The only money the club should be able to make (if any) is the rental contract fee. The Qs should not buy any drinks or food or anything else that Floyd should benefit from. No music or nothing, if it goes into Floyd's pocket. They should turn the event into a protest rally against this outrage.
ReplyDeleteGlad to know everyone is so worked up about Floyd's but there are soooooo many more things to focus on. Maybe I'm getting old but one less night spot on a Wednesday night just isnt going to hurt any of our students.
ReplyDeleteKeep your eyes on the prize, remember why you're here. Be this dedicated to making sure you and your fellow students get the education so many before you have paid for in blood sweat and tears.
If I recall correctly, there was another club in Tallahassee that went out of business soon after a similar incident at a FAMU frat's party (Sigma I think). One of the owners made some very racist remarks about club patrons, and there was quite a bit of financial backlash for that establishment. PEOPLE STOPPED GOING TO THAT CLUB. The owner even published an apology in the Famuan.
ReplyDeleteSo hopefully that goes to show you that 1)This isn't the first time something like this happened, and 2)Something can be done about it. Money talks!!
. . . and bullsh*t walks, Qs.
ReplyDeleteDoes Floyd's exclude FSU and TCC identified students on FAMU's night? If they do not, and these students are allowed inside, I think perhaps there may be something amiss here. If they exclude students from FSU and TCC on FAMU's night, then I don't know if we have an argument. I think, quite frankly, if people will simply sit down at the table and have a dialogue and behave sensibly and intelligently, then we may be able to get to the bottom of these so-called exclusionary "practices." I think if (and when) such a conversation takes place, we may simply be making much ado about something that does not need to be made much ado about. While folks are screaming about who let who in when, other people are making great academic strides above and beyond those who are clamoring for a seat inside a club. I say, go home and read a book. Enlighten yourselves. You can always party later.
ReplyDeleteThis is insane! But what's more insane is that the Q's are actually "considering" going through with it. Like 10:05 said, Man the fcuk up.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the 2000 dollars and breach of contract, you mean to tell me the Q's don't have fraternity brothers that can deal with this, isn't Crumps a Q.
Sueing the Q's, from a public reltions perspective, would be the worst thing that Floyd's can possibly do. The press would be all over this story and sueing just keeps it alive.
Advice to the Q's, man-up cancel the damn event tell Floyds to come with it if they dare. Make Jessie Jackson, Tom Joyner, Ricky Smiley, Shaq, Bill Cosby, Langston Hughs, and the rest of Black America proud.
Damn is just a party.
PS stop selling each other like yall slaves or some shit.
Who took down the video?
ReplyDeleteMan I'm telling you these students are cowards. Protesting when it's convenient
the Qs are behaving as if this is some major milestone, breaking agreement betw Floyd's and
ReplyDeletewho-the-F-gives-a-damn. How much effort do these brothers put into real issues? Damn. Move the muck on let this sh*t go, man. Like Celie said in "The Color Purple," he (Floyd) ain' wuff it. Give the sh*t a rest. Good grief. Go and find some real issue to get steamed about. Let it go. Get if flow. Just move the duck on, I say. Go find some new sh*t to protest. Y'all protesting 'cause some mf told y'all "no"? Give me a mfing break.
I don't see how this is a race issue, a black student from FSU/TCC would be allowed in, as a white student from FAMU would not.
ReplyDeleteBoycott and protesting is not needed, they are a private business and they can chose to serve who they want. Last time I checked university discrimination is not against the law. Just take your business elsewhere if you don't like the service.
you can't say this is racial discrimination unless they turned away black FSU and TCC students.
ReplyDeleteThey didn't turn anyone away. All were welcome if they paid. It was a "special" like ladies night.
This is blown out of proportion by those who relish being a victim.
Shut up.
Oh, you can bet this is a race issue. See, Floyd's doesn't care about the 18 blacks who go to FSU (the ones who don't play ball) or the 25 blacks who go to TCC. They care about the great numbers who go to FAMU. You've got to understand the code. Don't buy in to the seperate but equal party nights. FAMU night is negro night. Damn, can't y'all see nothin'?
ReplyDeleteI agree that race is not a part of this issue. According to the list that came out a few weeks ago on RN, FSU graduates the 5th highest number of blacks of any university in the country.
ReplyDeleteAgain, one less party on WEDNESDAY NIGHT is not going to hurt any of our students.
Just some thoughts:
ReplyDelete1.) For greeks at FAMU parties aren't just about fun, they are fundraisers...If the Ques break their contract that money will not be available for community service. However, standing up for what is right, not what is convenient is the mark of a true man.
2.) The issue IS black and white because the majority of blacks at FSU attend on "black" or FAMU night. I am sure a small number of FSU black students go to Floyd's on Wednesday, however, think about this critically, FAMU=black and FSU/TCC=White (FSU has less than 3,000 black sutdents out of its 30,000+ students with a large number of them being FAMU transfers or former FAMU undergrads),don't take everything at face value.
3.)I don't think the club owner started out to be maliciously racist, but benign racism is just as dangerous. To me, FSU/TCC was a euphemism and unspoken code that the students attending the club understood to mean white. It's done all the time at clubs in other cities R&B and hip hop night versus Top 20/Pop, etc.
The club owner is just reluctant to admit he used FSU/TCC to market the type of customer that would be the majority that night.
Qs, what price dignity?
ReplyDeleteBottom line Qs. Ff y'all don't ante up and kick in like men, then y'all aint sh*t.
ReplyDeleteThis type of rage over nothing is exactly why this university is having some many problems. Y'all are so busy being mad and being the victims of racism, genderism, or prolitareliatism (I just made that one up)that you can get you job done.
ReplyDeleteGet to work.
I agree with the previous poster.
Shut up.
Go find a REAL cause to rally behind.
Okay. ^^^^^^ must be the bar owner or some affiliate of the bar owner.
ReplyDeleteOkay. ^^^^^^ must be the bar owner or some affiliate of the bar owner.
ReplyDeleteTrust me, it is definitely racial issue with that club. I peeped that when I ordered some tickets to a reggae concert. I saw online that you could save 5 dollar if you show your fsu/tcc id. I emailed the cluckers to make sure that I could still save 5 dollars with my FAM id. No response. However, when I got to the door, they honored it. But what's so hard about getting the webmaster to add FAMU? I haven't been back since. Tallahassee is a segregated city, bottomline, and Floyd's falls right in on it.
ReplyDeleteAAaaawwww yall trippin. Floyd's aint shit to begin with. I went to that mess once in 2003 as a freshman when they had *blue jeans and white tees(theme)*. And told myself that I'd never go back. The club atmosphere was dirty and nasty in every possible way to me and the pipes leaked. If that's the way they do business just accept it and dont go back and I guarantee that they'll promote parties specifically directed toward FAMU students when they realize that their very own ignorance is causing them to loose money and support. There's better clus around, why are yallz feelings hurt. Plus if you've been in Tallahassee for at least 3 years, you'll be able to recognize how many clubs have been shut down, Floyd's maybe one. FLoyd's will get it b/c they're already exposing themselves. That shit aint got enough emergency exits anyway :P