The new commander-in-chief, James Ammons, plans to keep his word by keeping the lines of communications open between him and university stakeholders by holding seperate forums with faculty, staff, management and students tomorrow.
The "presidential forums", as the events are being called , are scheduled as follows:
11 a.m. - 11: 45 a.m. Faculty Forum (Lee Hall)
2 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Staff Forum (Lee Hall)
3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Student Forum (Lee Hall)
4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. Management Forum (Lee Hall)
Who cares. Ammons is not going to change anything.
ReplyDeletesame same same same
ReplyDelete8:14AM & 8:15AM, maybe it's time you looked in the mirror and say the same for yourself.
ReplyDelete7/30/2007 8:14 AM
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you change which blogs you visit.
*Wow* He's met more times with faculty, staff and students in less than a month on the job than Cast-hell met with them in 28 months!
ReplyDeletehe's getting er done. Maybe instead of calling him JA Rule, we should call him James "Get 'er done" Ammons.
ReplyDeletehey 8:14 & 8:15 - all that hate will dry up your bones, make you sick. It will only get worse when Dr. Ammons proceeds to succeed in his tenure as President of Florida a and M University.
ReplyDeleteEither quit involvement with things FAMU - OR GET OVER YOUR HATRED. It's for your own good.
8:14, I care. I'm a faculty member, and I care that the president takes a few minutes to listen to us. While nothing may come of it, that's not the point. What the forums say is that "I know you have concerns and issues, and I want you to voice your opinions. This is not a dictatorship." That's why we care, 8:14 and 8:15. If you are not a faculty member, you won't understand. We have to start somewhere. As I recall, the last two presidents didn't care one iota what the faculty, students, staff and others thought. It was their way or the highway. I care that he at least is making an "appearance of listening." It may be all bells and whistles, but we must begin somewhere, so let us begin here. Who knows? One or two comments from the faculty just might spark a new dialogue that could lead to a new center, program, service, etc. You don't have to care.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great thing. I hope he keeps those lines of communication open, especially with the students. When I was at FAMU, it was very discouraging to go from a president that was very accessible (Dr. Humphries) to two successive presidents that seemed estranged from the student body (Gainous and Bryant). I'm sure this is a breath of fresh air for faculty, staff, and students.
ReplyDeleteI hope when he turned around he saw some smiling faces, rather than the glum looks on the faces of the folks in the picture!! Not one person reading or writing on this blog would want to be judged this early into a new position. Please give him a chance - it's what we would all need if we were in his shoes. And keep him in your prayers, too.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know if this will all be on the FAMCast tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteI have only been at FAMU for a short while, but so far James Ammons is the best thing to have happened to this university in a long time. I applaud his style, attentiveness and accessibility. He's a good and decent man who deserves a chance. Let's give him and FAMU what they deserve-RESPECT!
ReplyDeleteWho knows? One or two comments from the faculty just might spark a new dialogue that could lead to a new center, program, service, etc
ReplyDeleteExactly, 12:40PM. It's about solutions. Dr. A. can't possibly think of everything, and know everything that is going on under his watch unless he get feedback from those who are on the ground.
I hope that he has an open ear for the concerns of law school students who feel that they are on a castaway island left to take what is dealt by the administration currently in place at the law school.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, is the COL administration held accountable at all to ANYONE on the main campus?
He may be communicating with the main campus but he's left out the stepchildren at the CCL.