OFf Topic: This-N-That

da rattler
As FAMU ushers in a new era with James Ammons, we here at Rattler Nation are also preparing to move into a new phase of our lives.

As we shared back in March, we delayed our spring graduation one semester to avoid having Cast-hell's signature on our diploma (see: Good/Bad news). As you may have noticed there hasn't been much original content on this site lately. Decisions like this have consequences, we are holding down one and a half jobs to pay the bills and taking that last course to complete what we started a few years ago (mom said she wasn't paying for a summer semester and she meant it). We've also been consumed with applying to, yet another grad school, and interviewing for jobs (at mom's request). We're pleased to report that we got accepted into the Graduate School of Business at Stanford, after some arm twisting. And we've accepted a job with The SF Examiner.

We came to FAMU six years ago as an 18 year old freshman, and will leave FAMU next month as an older, much wiser, 24 year old. We've seen a lot these past six years. We've seen the best and the worst of people.

We came to campus when FAMU was at the top of its game, and will leave the university as it prepares to dig itself out from one its lowest points in history. Yep, six years and five university presidents later, we've surely seen a lot. Too much in fact.

So, while we are not yet ready to say "that's a wrap", we'll be here with you for a few more days (about 30 to be exact). We wanted to fill you in on what's been going on with us. Now, let's enjoy the remaining time we have together.

On another note...
While our new president was hitting his stride, announcing his new leadership team, we were busy hitting our own ---setting new records for daily traffic. Yesterday was the busiest day on record for RattlerNation. Some 5,144 Rattlers logged on to help usher in the new administration and witness the changing of the guard.

Welcome home Dr. Ammons, we're proud to be one of the first to get a FAMU degree with your name on it!

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  1. Wait a minute ... does this mean the end of the Rattler Nation blog? Who will keep me abreast of university goings on while I'm in Germany? Nooooo!!!!!!

  2. Wow!!!! Absolute Congratulations!!! I'm sure all Rattler's are proud of you as we like to see our own "moving on and up."

    You have provided a valuable service to the FAMU community and it was right on time! Many of us would have been clueless without the information provided here. I would go so far as to say that many of the new changes are due in part to the in-depth issues exposed in RN that got people talking and asking questions.

    I'm sure your protege remaining in Tallahassee to carry on (*wink, wink*, right?) will do just as fabulous a job.

    If there is to be no more RN then after a good long cry, I will thank God that you were in the lives of Famuans when you were and I'll be grateful for the time we were given.

    Continue to represent FAMU on the West Coast and send of them folks our way! Best of Luck!

  3. Well you all are certainly smart young people. We know that you could not control the content of this blog, but you did create a space for FAMUans all over the world to talk.

    You should have trained a successor.

    You did get us through the Nadir of FAMU History, though.

  4. It might be good that Blog is gone. Now the next administration can operate without this negative scrutiny. We were not the only ones reading here. The world was. The Dixicrat, FSU, the Chancellor and everybody was watching us air our dirty laundry here.

    Ammons needs a fresh, positive start. Yeah, he messed up with Barnes. He will see that when she throws her first temper tandrum, but at least it will not be posted.

  5. California, here come men of distinction. Wow! Make your mommas proud. Wish we could throw them a party!

    Truth is never negative, it is just an opportunity for change.

    Much love.

  6. "We were not the only ones reading here. The world was."

    Get over yourself.

    Hopefully our new leader and his staff will make sure FAMU uses detergent throughout the administration so that there is no dirty laundry to air in the first place.

    Congrats to you and excellent work RN!!!!!!!

  7. "California rest in peace, simultaneous release, California show your teeth, she's my priestess I'm your priest"

    If the blog should disappear, we really appreciate what you guys have been doing. Tell those chumps at Stanford that they better mind their Ps and Qs, they don't want a CardinalNation popping up on them.

    I am 90% sure that without this blog, we would be ushering in the Thelma Thompson era at FAMU right now, which would basically mean the school would shut down in a few years. So be happy, by my count your efforts saved whole damn school.

    Best of luck in the other Sunshine State. If you pursue your bidness career with the same diligence you put into exposing the Sith on RN, you will be kicking ass and chewing gum in Corporate America in no time.

  8. 7:33, please go climb underneath a rock! RN, we love you and are absolutely proud of you and the things you did with this blog. Without you, there is no way we would have known the inner-workings of that interim president (I won't even say her name). With this blog, you single-handedly saved FAMU. I wish you the best out in California as you further your education. I know you will be very successful b/c you already are! Never mind the nay-sayers!!! If the blog is shut down, we understand. But at least you were here when we REALLY needed you. Again, I say thanks and good luck in Cali.

  9. Thank you for your tireless work on behalf of our beloved alma mater. While we will miss you, we understand that you now have to address your graduate studies. It is time for you to fly and strike out on your own. The world may never know the impact that you had on saving FAMU, but we know. I hope that at some point you choose to identify your true self, so that I can share with you whatever I have that you might need.

  10. Job well done!

  11. RN,

    I hope you have your protege groomed and ready to take the helm when you leave!

  12. To RN's Mom: Way to go! Mom, you da bomb!

  13. Whats up with the keeper of the records at the COL? I heard that she has left the building never to return. Is that true?

  14. Congratulations!

    How does it feel to know that YOU saved the best HBCU in the country? YOU DID IT and we thank you for it.

    As for the future of RN, I do hope it continues so we can hear the postive things that are sure to follow.

    This site wasn't driven by negativity; it was driven by love for FAMU. Do yall see what driven Rattlers can accomplish?!?

    Let me stop writing because I'm getting all misty-eyed. You were heaven sent to us. Go do your next thang knowing that your work here was good.

  15. I heard that she was escorted out of the building by the po-po
    and they took her keys too!

  16. Not unexpected. Some people seem to have more power than God.

  17. Anon. @ 11:47: ...and they took her keys too!

    Are you talking about the registrar at the COL?

  18. To 11:57:

    Yep, that would be correct!

  19. Thanks Mr. Blogger, you've made us all very proud. Thanks for your many scrafices.

  20. The R at the COL pissed one to many people off!

  21. Ruth Witherspoon is on the Warpath!!!!



  24. RN any truth to the Registrar rumor at the COL? Loyal readers REALLY want to know.

    And congrats on all your accomplishments!!!

  25. COL students are so happy that the imcompetant, unprofessional, gossip is no longer in the registrar's office. Good riddance!

  26. Yes, there have been changes in the registras position at the COL. We've heard conflicting reports on what Dean Witherspoon is up to.

    From what we understand this was a local campus decision.

  27. congrats rn on stanford. impressive.

    however, do think these problems go back a bit further than you care to acknowledge. humphries is just as responsible as any other person.

  28. oh, my God! what in the word are we gonna do without you??? Who's going to take up themantle and wave thebanner of news? Who will keep us informed about what matters most: the survival of theuniversiyt and what is happening across the campus? Those of us who do not live in Tallahassee depend on you. What are we gonna do??? We know that all good things come to an end, and we know you gotta move forward with your live, but what are we gonna do? Whose gonna take care of us???

  29. hopefully you made a little $$ on ad revenue from the traffic this blog was getting.

  30. The problem with failing to remove someone who is not functioning competently in their job, and further used their position to do things they should not, is that with a position such as a "registrar" who had sole authority over an office, you CANNOT go back and change all the incorrectly entered grades that are now forever the established GPA of graduates. When will we learn that process and procedure matters just as much as title and ties.

  31. RN, you have done a fantastic job with this blog. You helped save the university and kept the alumni and students informed about the various situations at the university. Good luck at Stanford and the Chronicle, they are lucky to have you!

  32. Who is the COL registra?

  33. I must say that I have become addicted to this blog. Although there have been some very unfortunate comments, overall, it has benefited the community by providing folks with a place to vent. Good Luck to you DaRattler. Make us proud. Even better, make yourself proud by giving something back to your community.

  34. It WAS Renee Washington.

  35. 8:44PM said it WAS Renee Washington

    And we are happy to use past tense when we speak of her employment at the COL. Now, maybe she can go get that job she's been threatening to get every semester.

  36. Can someone give me reliable info. on what is going on at the COL with Ms. Washington. What happened!!! As a law student, I would like to know. I really hate not knowing what is going on. Does someone have the real 411?

  37. Anon at 9:28 p.m. I had a sad smile when I saw your comment. I actually had a flashback ...a voice saying, "I don't need to take this shit." "I'm the only one who can deal with Tallahassee." "You'll get your grades when you get them." "Why do you need your class ranking." "I don't want to respond by e-mail because I don't want to leave a paper trail."

    If they only knew, but this too shall pass.

  38. The registrar was escorted from the building last week. I don't know why she was let go, it must be bad because she has done so much shit to students and faculty, and nothing has happened, we thought it would take an act of God to remove her. I guess we can now call Dean Witherspoon----god.

  39. Well I hope that the truth about what really happened to Ms. Washington is told. I think that individuals who pay their fees on time and study hard EVERYDAY should be informed of what is going on at the law school. Knowledge is power.

  40. Anon @ 9:50, don't worry about the 411, the dirty laundry always gets out. Think about it, technically, the school has never issued a formal statement on the Dean Luney mess. All information has been from media, the actual case and the state investigators.

    Let the musical chairs play out! FAMU likes to surprise students and alumni. When you look around, someone you thought was gone is working in another department or working as a consultant or just someone on a payroll related to FAMU.

  41. DANG!!!! The boo-boo has hit the fan. Is it true Renee Washinton is gone?

  42. We're lawyers RATTLER you can run but you can't hide from us or the truth. So give the people what they want, THE TRUTH from you.
    Many of my friends have posted but you removed them. What's with that? Everybody's on your tip about your contributions, but you got to take the good with the bad and be open to criticism.

  43. Did they finally find out that while proctoring an exam at the COL, the registrar sat there and took out her braids? Is this the type of behavior that we want exhibited at a professional school?

  44. Putonghua anyone? I am sorry I thought this was China.

  45. This has been a great week at FAMU. We have a new Wizard in Oz (Dr. Ammons) and the Wicked Witch is dead at the COL.

  46. Baby Ruth ain't no God, she's the Wiz. "No one, but no one sees the Wiz!

  47. Umpa lumpa doopety da, with Ms. Washington gone the law school will go far!!!!!!

  48. Dean Witherspoon are you reading this? If so, thank you for the gift of freedom. We are finally free from a registrar that treated students like crap, then threatened and retaliated against people whenever a complaint was filed against her.
    RN, there is so much you don't know that you need to know, but it would require another blog.

    Dean Witherspoon should feel like Abe Lincoln after the Emancipation Proclamation.

  49. Hey COL students, whatever happened to the professor that can't write?


  51. Anon @ 11:07pm

    Remember what Abe said, "If I could end this war by freeing one slave, I would , by freeing all of them I would, by freeing none of them I would do that as well" so don't give Dean Withersoon or Abe too much credit!

  52. MS. Washington did her job well given the materials she had to work with. What is everyone's problem. This is hateration at its best. Please lets stop the drama!!!

  53. The Registrar is glad to be gone from the law school. The chapter of the book is now closed and now the Dean can find another Registrar that will do all what she did for the school and the university. She's a strong rattler and who goes around comes around. Barbara Bernier the letter you wrote on her to main campus was f--ked up. Bernier you have wanted her gone for a long time and I see you used your "witch craft" Connie Buckner you should be ashame of yourself when she gave you 80 hours of annual leave. The word is you feared for you life. Come on she would not hurt you are anyone else at the school. I am sure it would be the other way around. The students probably want to kill her for their grades, but the professors are one's who give the grades. The entire law school is incompetant, unprofessional and gossip all the time. You can stop blaming it on the Registrar. This was not a local campus decision. It was a Dean Witherspoon. Lundy Langston, Omar Saleem, Pamela Leonard and Bruce Henson decision. Grades were entered correctly, if they were not then she would have been gone. The grades could not be changed unless approval came from the Dean or Associate Dean. Stop the lies on the grades. She will get the job she has threaten to get every semester. Just sit back and relax, fire the Senior Faculty. Oh, it that happen not one of them will be able to find a teaching position. Senior faculty can not teach. The Registrar has the best law representing her in the state of Florida. Don't had cause the Registrar is a "Rattler" and don't care what people say on Rattler Nation. By the way, the Registrar give up everything she had including telephone codes, keys and lap top. For all of you all the law school who wanted her gone, be careful because who goes around comes around. The Registrar know her job but did not have the help need to run a Registrar Office. I would not have stayed as long as she did without any staff. The two new people also were a part in getting her out. I heard that the Registrar has nothing in her office and no reason to return to the COL. Now eveyone is happy so lets move on to another subject. Post the law school Registrar position now. Who would want that position? I am sure she is glad to be gone. Please don't hate that she is a "rattler" and has ties. You'll are just mad because you'll don't have any ties and many at the COL are not graduates of the University.

  54. Read Anon: 11:17

    Wow! Is that girl real crazy are what? You see what we mean now right! I'll bet she's on medical leave!

  55. 11:17 how do you know she is happy to be gone. SHe loved her job and students loved her. WHo are you to speak for someone else? Don't speak about things you don't know about!!!

  56. Rene done did a good jod at the law school she hepled mre to do my best at in the leap program.

  57. DAAANNNG 11:29- you a bit dyslexic ain't you, how did you get into law school.

  58. Damn, Did you also take V.D. for legal writing?

  59. Ms. Washington, girl get off the blog and move on. Don't let these people get to you-they just hatin'.

  60. Listen, The registrar did her best. Mr. Washington I know that you have many job offers waiting, so you'll lans on your feet.

  61. 11:17 PM I think its Ms. Washington because she keeps using improper English and she's moving from first to third person throughout the post. Sort of like the signs she used to post all over the law school.

    When you apply for that new job get somebody else to write the cover letter, because your English is f**cked up, like that letter you said Barbara Bernier wrote to Tallahassee.

    Next time make sure those ties that you keep bragging about are stronger so you can keep the job that you have.

  62. Wait a damn minute! Is all of the registrar's friend as ignorant as she is?

  63. 11:43 are you sure? What sense does that make for her to blog about herself. That would be CRAZY wouldn't it?

  64. Dear 11:17pm (ex-registrar)

    The cliche'is "What goes around comes around". Maybe Ms. Washington
    can get a job in the legal writing
    department at the COL.

  65. Bernier how did you do the voodoo that you do so well. I need to learn that "witch craft"- it's GGRREEAATTT!!!


  66. 11:17 PM Please don't let anyone know that you are a Rattler- from reading your post I can't tell that you graduated from high school. It is full of run on sentences, imcomplete thoughts, etc. You say that the Registrar know her job, well tell the registrar to know some English.

    I'm glad that you have the best law firm in Florida representing you, because you'll need a good one. There will be students lined up to testify against you. We are no longer afraid of retaliation by you.

    You running around saying you made the school, well go out and make another one.

  67. WOW people at the COL are filled with such hatred.

  68. Ya'll need to stop it, just stop it.
    That girl has big problems with her mind and ya'll know it. So don't pick at her so much or she might do something bad.

  69. What bad is she going to do? Throw her braids at us?mbmwrzz

  70. I'm sorry about the misspelled word in the last post, I was channelling Renee Washington.

  71. Dear Anon @ 12:10

    We are the hate that hate produced!

  72. In regards to Barbara Barnes getting appointed the Interim Provost, I would like to express my disgust by using the words of Florida Evans after James funeral==
    "Damn. Damn. Damn."

  73. Rattler Nation,

    I just got off the phone with the COL Registrar (she was sleep) and explained that she was all over RN. She stated that it does not matter, her mind is good, would never hurt herself or anyone at the law school, she does not have a computer and have NOTHING negative to say about the Faculty, Staff or Students are the law school. Lastly, she thanked me for calling and said that she does not have time to let it rent any space in her head and she hung up.


  74. Hey SB,
    You meant the former Registrar at the COL. If she doesn't have a computer then how did she know that she was all over RN.

    By the way, the word is spelled or not are. Correct it when you post again, its the same mistake that you made in the earlier posting that you wrote Renee. Don't try to play us--you're not that smart.

    Rent in your head? There is so little space in there already there couldn't possibly be any room for anything else.

    If you think we're being mean--we are, because you treated many of us so nasty when you thought that you had all of the power. Well you're right--what goes around comes around, I'm just glad I was here to see you get yours.

  75. Say it ain't so Rattler! I read this blog with much interest from the West Coast and hope that aren't taking off stuff the folks put on here. Keep up the good work and I'll be checking on ya!

    Laid back in L.A.

  76. It is the 4th of July and after I received so many phone calls about RN and what's going on at the law school. I had to find a computer so that I could respond. I did my job and welcome anyone at the school to do my job. Since I am the talk of the law school. Say what you want, words don't effect me (smile). I am a "Rattler" tell the day I die. If you want it, you got it, now work with it, since you have it, see who handles it now. May GOD add a blessing to anyone that reads this message. I welcome anyone who would like to respond to me. Please do not be anonymous. God bless the faculty,staff and students at the law school and the University.

    Thank-you Rattler Nation for all your support. It has been real! Do your best in school and we truly will miss you. See you before you leave.

    When Dark clouds gather on the horizon and when thunder and lightening fills the sky. I will strike, strike and strike aagain.

    By the way this is my FIRST time putting anything on RN. I don't believe in the Anonymous said ...., lets just be real! Don't worry I will not be reading RN again or responding. Enough people tell me what's on RN.

    God's Speed,
    Renee Washington

  77. By the way, I see errors in my comments above. I was typing quickly, as I am on my way to a July 4th celebration party. Forgive any typos.

    Enjoy your holiday.
    Renee Washington

  78. Ms. Washington, I see you came out of that stupor and finally tried to say something that made sense. Or did you get someone to type the posts for you?

    You don't have to convince the RN that this is your first time on the blog, we know better, especially when you tried to bash all of the people that you think had something to do with your exit.
    Who would know those details better than you?

    You have always blamed others for your shortcomings--and there are many. Please understand that there were others before you and there will be others that come after you-- you are not the only person in America that can handle the job of Registrar. It is not that difficult of a job.

    You named several people in your post that you blamed for your exit, but you and only you are to blame. The only problem that I have with the entire situation is-- WHAT IN THE HELL TOOK THEM SO LONG?

    Good luck to you in your future endeavors.



  79. Fuck you'll faculty at the COL and especially the faculty person that used the COL students at 3:02pm. Stop using us as your excuse because you don't know how all of us feel about the Registrar. It is not fair to us that you are using us as your excuse. The students had NO part in sending out the message on the Registrar RN. Many of us at the COL like and respect the Registrar because she is very helpful, professional and resourceful and knows the job very well. She works long hours, weekends and evenings. The problem is not the Registrar. The main problem is that you'll can't teach and we are not learning the law. COL Registrar, please don't think that the students are a part of this message about you on RN. We are very upset that Faculty are using us, because they are not bold enough like you to use their name. Stop bitching about the Registrar and get that office some help instead of talking negative. Now that she is gone what the "hell" am I and the rest of the COL students suppose to do now. By the way, the COL students are not happy the COL Registrar is gone. She is not incompetent or unprofessional. The faculty are the ones unprofessional and incompetant. Learn how to "Teach" and Learn how to "Act".

    1L Day Student and FAMU Graduate

  80. Listen people. Stop fucking with our boy that runs Rattler Nation. He has done an excellent job and the students at FAMU in Tallahassee don't appreciate you talking negative about him. This is his Blog and he can do whatever he wants. If he wants to take something off RN, he can. He can even put your ass on "BLAST". Now, leave him alone, or else we will post your "dam" name and let everyone on RN know your name. Don't play with us, enough is enough. Hey, RN forget those people at the COL.

    "Your Rattler family on the yard" Keeping it Real

  81. da rattler.....

    Why changes in the Registrar's position at the COL? What is Dean Witherspoon up to when it was her that worked the girl to death. Why was this a local campus decision?

    The office needs help and everyone knows it at the COL and the University. My home girl attends FIU and she said that it is an entire Registrar's office staff and they have the same amount of students enrolled. My home girl has her class ranking and has registered for Fall 2007 classes. This is Witherspoon, and it is not fair that she is blaming the Registrar.

    As a student, I need my class rankings and the Fall 2007 Schedule of classes. I heard that the schedule was completed by the COL Registrar a long time ago but Witherspoon made her hide the classes. None of the problems at the COL is the Registrar's. Witherspoon and others have to blame someone and she happens to be the perfect person. Her job depends on the Dean and Associate Dean who are very slow getting things done. After all she has done for the COL and Dean Witherspoon, all they did was use her to do the work. One thing I have to say is the Registrar knew her job well and was very helpful. She worked so hard at the COL and never hardly took off from work. If I was her, I would go back to Tallahassee because the law school is crazy. They get rid of the Registrar but keep Victoria Dawson for "perfect writing" and Lundy Langston gets to be in the same position as her "boyfriend". The COL should get rid of the Senior Faculty, Witherspoon and all the Legal Methods professors.

  82. The Alumni who have watched this travesty believe that when something is this corrupt there is more than enough blame to go around. This problem is too widespread. This institution needs radical surgery or the whole body will be diseased without a hope of cure. It's too late to play the blame game. It is absolutely astounding that the problems at main campus and at the College of Law being discussed today have been discussed every year (without resolution) for so long we can't remember anything else. The definition of madness is to keep doing the same thing and getting the same result. It's time to stop the madness.

  83. Hey 2:25 what do you mean by saying RN will put people on "BLAST". Are you suggesting that RN can and will disclose the identities of anonymous bloggers? Has this been done in the past?

    If this is what you are suggesting--then I have a question for all of those COL students. If an individual is put on "Blast" what can they do about it?
    Additional Questions:
    1. Any constitutional violations of privacy?
    2. Is there a state actor involved?
    3. Is there a reasonable expectation of privacy?
    4. Is there a state tort involving privacy?
    All right COL students, if your identity was put on "blast" what would be your cause of action and what damages would you seek?

  84. Ya'll leave Renee alone, I didn't like her either but she is one of God's children.

  85. Hey, what about a cause of action for intentional infliction of emotional distress? Can this be plead in the alternative?

  86. People who start invoking the name of God into their mess after they have failed to live up to a basic bibilical standard of treating others with love had better be careful of what God will do when they call on his name (IN VAIN)!

    God did not create this injustice.

  87. Hello Anonymous said at 9:47am on July 5, 2007.

    Just wait and see what happens.....................

    Don't worry be happy!

  88. I always got my grades on time, what is the problem?

  89. Who ever in claiming the Registrar has a computer or a lap top is wrong.

    I work at the COL and the Registrar's lap top is in the Deans office. I saw it myself. Stop this shit!!

    She is gone and so will RN soon. By the way she gave up her keys with pleasure and the police are always in the building.


  90. Robert Thompson, James Smith, Rhoda Cato, Barbara Bernier, Roberts Abrams,Timothy Blevins, Victoria Dawson, William Henslee, Reginal Mombrum, Karin Moore and Grace Mills

    You Blogers!!!!!

  91. Anonymous said 12:04pm

    Why are you so concerned who he knows. It is none of your business. Your name is already listed. So just keep on writing on the BLOG unitl the last day.

  92. I heard the new Dean of the COL will be in place on Monday. Pack your shit up Witherspoon. You are out of here just like the Registrar who was loyal to you and the University.

    Maybe you can go back to FSU Witherspoon. Oh, I forgot they don't want you back. The word is they are glad you are gone.

  93. Come on kids, let's play nice in the sandbox!

    Keep the post cute, cut out all that cussing.

  94. Anonymous said at 12:30pm

    I am a student and I was in Victoria Dawson's legal writing class. I am so upset that you keeping saying the Registrar's name. She is not in Orlando I heard. So what if I spelled some words wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, just like you.

  95. Renee,

    Please don't tell anyone else that in 2007, you don't have a computer. That's one reason why your ignorance is magnified. Get your ass off the blog and go read something---anything that will expand your mind. Oh yeah, there isn't any room left to put anything else in that little brain of yours.

  96. da ratter,

    Come to the law school on Monday to meet our new dean. We need your support. Come meet the students and staff. Forget the Faculty.

    3L Evening Student RD

  97. Anonymous said ..... 12:39pm
    Stop hating on Renee. I know where she is and I can promise you that she does not have a computer. She is somewhere where she don't have a phone, ok.

  98. Am I reading the comments correctly. The COL is getting a new Dean on Monday. Is this true? I hope that it is true. Don't play with my emotions.

  99. Hey COL Staff person (Renee),

    I know one person that's no longer in the building, thank goodness! She didn't gladly give up her keys, they were taken from her and she was escorted out. I saw it with my own eyes.

    By the way, you don't have to be in Orlando to type on a computer and read the RN, you can log on from anywhere in the world. But, you probably didn't know that Renee. You have been signing your blogs as so many different people, but it all still keeps coming out as ignorant, that's how we know it is still you.

    Give up, you can't keep up with all of the negative stuff that people keep writing about you. I still can't believe that you really think people at the COL like you.

    And get off of Dean Witherspoon, she shielded your pathetic ass from getting your walking papers earlier. Now, I guess she knows what a pit bull you are--turning on the people that fed and housed you. But, I don't feel sorry for her, she should have recognized it from the way you turned on Dean Luney.

    Oh, and one more thing, get off of the professors at the COL. How would you know they can't teach; you can't spell, read, or write a coherent sentence. We're still trying to figure out how you were given a college degree, the operative word being GIVEN.

  100. OUCH!!!!!! SUKI SUKI NOW!

  101. Ms. Washington,

    Why are you calling out the COL professors,saying they are writing on the blog about you? I've had classes from most of the ones that you named and they have too much integrity and are too respectable to spend a minute wasting their time on you and your craziness. You really give yourself way too much credit--believe me, you aren't THAT important. I hear they have somebody to fill your position already. I guess that lets you know how important you are.

    Dean Witherspoon can get another job if she wants one, she has a profession. You, on the other hand will probably need the help of your mama and daddy. Girl, go back to sleep or to an extended 4th of July picnic.

  102. Does anyone know who is going to be the next Dean?

  103. Hi,Rattler Nation. This my first time on and I would like more information about the Rattler and the law school registrar. Is there
    something between them? I was reading something at work but nothing was really explained said.

    Mrs.Carol Evans
    1971 Florida A&M Graduate

  104. Ms. Evans I'm glad that you asked!
    DA CARDINAL (Once know as DA RATTLER) has been protecting Ms. Washington to the detriment of the COL. He's a "snake in da grass" and now you know.
    He has been removing post as evident by the number of blogs sent (103) versus the number that are actually posted. So, don't be surprised if you come back from telling your friends to read the blog, yours is gone.
    He doesn't want the RN to know that DER (Da Ex-Registrar is his good buddy. That's why she has been able to do all kinds of things at the COL and you are now just hearing about them . But she and DA CARDINAL will soon be gone , just like this post. So read it FAST!


  105. Mrs. Evans,

    I can't tell you what their relationship is, but the former COL Registrar wreaked havoc at the COL with administrators, faculty, and students. Several complaints were filed, but nothing ever happened to her, not even a reprimand. The COL students complained about many things on this blog, but nothing ever appeared about the Registrar and we couldn't understand why.

    Many students now know the reason, because we've written several blogs about her this week only to have them deleted. She has stated that he is a friend of hers. Many are afraid to blog now for fear of their anonymity being exposed. But at this point, we don't care.

    Because of these events, it has given us reason to question his concern for the university, because it seems pretty self serving.

  106. 5:54 PM I heard the new Dean is Renee Washington, oh that's right my bad--they took her keys.

  107. Renee W as Dean...

    You forgot they took her laptop too!

  108. In the words of Florida Evans...

    Damn, Damn, Damn

    I forgot she can't talk on the phone either...

  109. She also go be dean 'cause she'll be in Germany with da rattler.

  110. No Stupid, She'll be at Standford as their registar! With DA CARDINAL!


  111. 6:37 You are WILD. After reading this I need a drink!!!!

    6:37 are you the new Dean at the COL.

  112. No,Anon @ 7:03pm,

    I'm not the new Dean. Just a REAL RATTLER. The kind of Alumnus who will always do my best for FAMU.
    The post that you comment on has been us for a minute. I hope "da Rattler" is developing into the true DA RATTLER that we all thought he was.
    Here's your chance Mr. "da Rattler" let's hope that you've found some integrity. If you have I commend you.

    Peace! A RATTLER 2

  113. I hope so too, he did a good job 4 FAM.
    Who is gonna b the new dean?

  114. As a prospective 1L hoping to start this fall, I am interesting in exchanging emails with other students of the COL, either past or present. I've been following this blog since applying a few months ago. I don't want to bore the rest of you here w/ my inquiries. I hope the posts here regarding a new Dean are true. I don't know anything about the interim dean except what I've read here, but the COL surely needs the position to be filled before it can move forward. That's true of any position of authority.

  115. Wow! as you can see just catching up on the Rattler blogs. Happy for you but sorry to see you go.

    I believe Rattler Nation is a great blog and hope that it stays around.

  116. Thank goodness the wicked witch of the west is gone!!! When you get into FAMU COL, they ask you to send in two passport photos. They use one for your ID, and the other to create a photo database of all the students. Ms. Thing had everyone's picture at the school in a booklet. Those that filed complaints against her, or who crossed her had a big black "x" over their faces. She messed with them by putting incorrect information on their transcripts, spreading gossip about them, etc. She was telling student's grades to other students and professors, which is a violation of the ABA and the policy of the school. So glad to be rid of her!!! I never had to cross her, because I always knew that her time would come.

  117. Renee:

    You should not have posted a comment, sweetie. Let go and let God. Don't dignify this foolishness with responses.

    Your Soror
    Spring 1989

  118. To Ms. Washington's soror: Let go and let God?

    It's not foolishness sweetie, you don't know the half of it--God answered our prayers!

    COL student

  119. 8:32 A.M. said don't pay attention to this foolishness.

    First of all, the foolishness was her unprofessional behavior at the COL. If you're not here, then you don't know. If you were here to see it for yourself, I guarantee you that you would be ashamed, and not get on this blog calling her soror.

  120. As an alumni of FAMU College Law, I am saddened by what I have read on this blog today. I hope all of you spend as much time concentrating on graduating and studying for the bar exam as you obviously have writing on this blog. I am not writing on this blog to disrespect any of you, as so many of you have done. I am writing to say that the blame that you carry towards one person at this school is misplaced.

    From day one, the COL has had one registrar. One registrar that was responsible for the grades and registration of less than 150 students. As enrollment increased, the staff in the registrar's office remained the same. The salary of that one person remained the same. The responsiblities of the registrar's office; however, increased. Yes, the registrar was given an assistant, but an assistant who is unable to handle all aspects of a registrar's responsiblities given the fact that her daughter attends the school. When the registrar requested help, none was given. Who is to would seem to be administration!!

    Renee didn't just do her job, but she took on the responsiblities of administration, faculty and staff as well. When others did not know who to contact on main campus to get the job done, they came to Renee Washington. When students realized that people who were given the title of Director of Admissions and Director of Financial Aid could not resolve their problems, guess who they came to...Renee Washington. Guess who got the job done...Renee Washington. Why do you think that she was nominated and won the Percy Luney Staff of the Year award every year that I was there? I will tell you, because she did the best with what she was given. Yes, she had complaints but who wouldn't given all that was on her plate.

    I went to a school where the registrar was not even known to the students. WHY? Because the registrar had a staff of people that attended to students needs up front while the registrar was able to concentrate solely on his/her job. It is unrealistic to expect one person to keep up with the growing enrollment at the COL. Administration should have had a plan in place from the beginning, not just with the registrar's office but with Career Placement, Financial Aid, Admissions, etc. This school was not prepared to open at the time that it did because there was no plan in place.

    As students, you are doing yourselves more of a disservice than anything else. Without even knowing it, you are hurting your chances of finding employment after law school because of the ignorant things you are saying and doing. Employers are looking at this crap. They are looking at you as being less qualified because of all the things that you have put out there. I am not just saying this...I am living this. It doesn't matter that you pass the bar the first time. Employers are blinded by this foolishness. Yeah I know that the perception that we are not qualified is not true because I was taught by a group of stellar professors that could compete at any university, but employers don't care to hear that because of all the garbage that most of you have put out there. You are hurting the school's chances of getting accredited because of the things you are saying and doing. WAKE UP!!!

    Remember the don't miss your water until your well runs dry. Yes, Renee Washington can be snappy at times, but students can also be disrespectful at times. You all take a role in state in which this school is in...a CRISIS!! You all expect the registrar's office to operate like a fast food joint. If that is the case, then tell your professors to turn their grades in on time. A registrar can't get grades out if she does not possess them to put out. Demand your adminstration to enforce the rule that faculty is to turn their grades in within 15-21 days after an exam. Demand administration to get more help in the registrar's office. Demand that administration act like administration and stop being afraid of the faculty that they employ. Demand that administration stop hiring staff that are married and dating each other. All it does is encourages more mess. Demand that professor's actually write their exams instead of copying them from supplemental outlines. These are the things that COL students should be discussing and demanding. If these issues are not addressed, no matter who you get to fill vacant positions...THE PROBLEMS AT FAMU COLLEGE OF LAW WILL PERSIST!!!

  121. Demand that administration stop hiring staff that are married and dating each other.

    Sho you right!

    The pillow talk between Omar Saleem & Lundy Langston; Nate Friends & Victoria Dawson really put the school in a mess! Promotions & salaries were often based on personal ties not academic abilities.

  122. To Anon @8:22pm,

    I think that it was the treatment that the students received, the disrespect for the faculty and the unprofessional behavior that were the problems with Ms. Washington.
    She may have done you some good, but her overall performance at the COL was a detriment to the progam.
    As you suggest, the problems at the COL may persist, but at lease one of the major problems that did exist has been addressed and resolved.
    One problem down, many to go! Remember Eygpt wasn't built in a day!

  123. to: 8.22pm

    Is that you Renee? Sounds like you got some help writing this self serving congratulatory run on nonsense about how you alone have virtually run the COL. Please, your greatest difficulty is profs handing in grades late? So what. Then the grades go out late - it was your own attack mode of operation that has blown back in your face. Going after people - students, faculty or staff will, even in your case, eventually get noticed. It has and you are gone from COL. End of story and hopefully bogus "student testimonials" re your supreme sacrifice and extra work for the institution. Move on and learn.

  124. People, please proofread your posts prior to submission. I find it hard to believe that college educated individauls are so prone to gramatical and syntax errors.

    No wonder our graduates receive limited respect in the workforce.

  125. 2:20 P.M., this is a blog and some mistakes will be made. I concur that college educated people should be better writers and spellers, so next time before you criticize check your spelling--you spelled grammatical incorrectly.

  126. Hey 2:20 -the word is spelled "INDIVIDUALS"!!!!!!!

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