The Ammons era officially begins today, and FAMU is seeing a few new faces. Some are familiar, others are not.
Joining Mr. Ammons are:
+ Charles O'Duor, Vice President for Audit & Compliance
+ Teresa Tate, Budget Director.
+ Roland Gaines, Vice President for Student Affairs
+ Rosiland Fuse-Hall, Esq, Chief of Staff
+ Sharon Saunders, Chief Communications Officer
+ Patricia Woodard, Executive Assistant to the President
+ Avery McKnight, Interim University Attorney
+ Barbara Barnes, Interim Provost/VP for Academic Affairs
Oh Lawd no...not Barbara Barnes, she destroyed the School of General Studies after Dr. Wanton left.
ReplyDeleteShe is a treacherous, self-serving individual who fails to build consensus.
I hope he has a national search and doesn't let her stay long!
She will ruin him like she has everyone else she has ultimatley served.
She works hard, but she leaves a wake of casulties in her path.
A wake of casualties is just what the good doctor ordered. For those stubborn hanger-ons, she is just the right medicine. She retires in December and by then we should be well fumigated.
ReplyDeleteCastell was like a cancer: deep, widespread and terminal. We have got to cut every contaminated cell out, so that we can thrive again.
Go Barbara Barnes! You get 'em!
I'm sorry President Ammons needs a hatchett woman/man right now as his second-in-command.
ReplyDeleteThis ain't a job for the meek and scary.
Castell beleived in slashing and burning too and what did it get us...screwed.
ReplyDeleteBKB is no leader. She is a ruthless liar...ask anyone who has aksed worked for her.
Dr. Barnes is by no means worst than Debra Austin or Vivian Hobbs.
ReplyDeleteShe will serve her purpose and serve it well.
Ruthless is just what "Castell's leftovers" need.
This is great! What a way to start off a great presidency! Go Team Ammons go!!!! I know that things are gonna get better. Avery McKnight is a great choice for interim GC. I don't know the others, but am sure they are great as well.
ReplyDeleteBe careful what you wish for. Gainous and Castell doing the quick "slash 'n burn" is PART of what got us in this mess in the first place.
ReplyDeleteRemember, everything in good time! We have to trust in Ammons. He knows what he's doing....although I must admit, I, too have questions about Barnes.
We should give him a chance and not armchair quarterback from day 1.
Who said anything about slash and burn? Just get rid of these overpaid dead beats and soon. They add no value to the university.
ReplyDeleteI don't Avery McKnight was a good choice. He was the one that signed Gainous' contract remebmer.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Barbara Barnes is just what is needed. She will take no prisoners and has been around long enough to know who works and who just has a job. Do it Dr. Barnes!
"We should give him a chance and not armchair quarterback from day 1."
ReplyDelete7/02/2007 2:02 PM
Now, that is right on point and we all need to remember this!!!
I want to know if Eva Wanton, Jackie Maxey, Lisa Lang and Altha Manning are anywhere on campus today.
ReplyDeleteOoh yeah, that is newsworthy! I would like to know as well. If they are, I bet it won't be for long.
ReplyDeleteThe difference in the hatchet job that Dr. Ammons will do and what the previous two did is that he is going to bring in quality people to replace them and people that actually care about the University.
ReplyDeleteIs this leadership information correct? The Democrat is reporting different names and titles.
ReplyDeleteMy bet is the Democrat is off-base b/c they never seem to get the story right.
ReplyDeleteLook like Rufus Little needs moving boxes also. LOL
ReplyDeleteAmmons has hit the ground running. That's a wonderful sign, and I'm happy about that. (I wonder how far down the road those Castell-a-ways are right about now. Naww-w-w-w, I take that back. I ain' wondering how far down the road they are, just that they're down the road is all that matters up in here.
ReplyDeleteI saw Lisa Lang this morning and she looked haggard. She has no business trying to be dean of anything. Heck, I remember when she was working in another division in the university and she didn't know squat then, and since she's older now, she knows less than squat now.
ReplyDeleteI've heard about how mean Barbara Barnes is, but what exactly has she done over the years to be labeled such an awful person?
ReplyDeletethere's talk of robert ruggles coming out of retirement and assuming the deanship in the J-School. Say it ain't so. Ruggles resigned his position a # of years ago, but I don't recall why he resigned. Anybody got the factson that?
ReplyDelete^^^^ There's absolutely nothing to the Ruggles returning thing.
ReplyDeleteTownsend as the AD? At least that's what the Democrat reported. If so, athletics is done, Ammons just destroyed that deprtment.
ReplyDeleteAmmons introduced Altha Manning at the staff meeting as a member of the leadership team...
ReplyDeleteAmmons introduced Altha Manning at the staff meeting as a member of the leadership team...
ReplyDelete7/02/2007 4:50 PM
Tell me it ain't so!
He must not give a damn about the alumni, cause we can't stand Altha's phony ass!
Kyle Washington the future of FAMU.
ReplyDeleteActually, you all must stand behind the people that Dr. Ammons appointed. Apparently, he knows something that you all think you know but don't. Just do your job and support the University through this difficult period and put trust in the man that we have hired to revive the life and intergrity of this university. Old choices, new choice...they are his and he needs our support not our ridicule. Grow up, we true Rattlers right now, not Baby Rattlers.
ReplyDeleteAny word if Danielle Kennedy-Lamar - AVP of Student Affairs or Mrs. Buggs- Director of STudent Activities are staying?
ReplyDeleteDr. B. Barnes is holding a place for someone.
Dr. Ammons has done something that the last two presidents did not do. He came in the door and respectfully told folks that he had his own team in place - thanked them for their services to the University.
This last president (interim) came in and told people that she was going to fire them, but needed them to stay until she could find the person she wanted.
A true businessman.
One day and already such a lack of class.
ReplyDeleteBring your own team no problem.
Introduce them immediately great.
Lacking the graciousness to respectfully dismiss the people who have served this institution to date....totally classless.
Lacking the graciousness to respectfully dismiss the people who have served this institution to date....totally classless.
ReplyDelete7/02/2007 7:58 PM
WAS THAT ANY DIFFERENCE FROM THE LAST TWO PRESIDENTS???? Who can be any more classeless that the last president. (You see, I won't call her name.)
Everyone who was hired by the last president KNEW that they would be asked to resign, or would be terminated. Ammons did not make any secrets with that.
That bunch that was dismissed was the mose CLASSLESS group of people I have every know.
every know = ever known (typo)
ReplyDeleteI left the 3:00 meeting with a feeling of hope. Dr. Ammons and FAMU needs all of our support. Dr. Ammons constantly talks about his life growing up...When you run across people like that, you know that they have compansion for others.
ReplyDeleteI wonder when he's going to start dealing with the Director's
Aren't you guys glad Dr. Ammons made the support staff feel like we are part of the University? Beside the point, we are the ones doing all the work.
ReplyDeleteB K BARNES is ill equipped to be any kind of leader. She is smart but very condescending, petty, shallow and vendictive. Her administrative style is micro-management to the tenth power. It is sad that this appointment accrued at a time when faculty morale is so low. She is incapable of improving the morale of the faculty. She is not a team leader. She is dictatorial. It is her way or the highway, period. She is easily threated and will hold a grudge.
ReplyDeleteI challenge you to ask those who have had the misfortune of working for her. Ask the veteran staff of DRS, School of General Studies and the COE Secondary Education Department. She has no admirable tract record of leadership. This is a sad appointment.
Dr. Ammons: you need to keep a strong hand and eye on this appointment. Find a permanent Provost like soon, soon.
Good job Dr. Ammons for naming Dr. Barnes as Provost. It's time for SOME employees within Academic Affairs to stop getting away with dirt and thinking they are untouchable. We'll see who gets fired now. It's no fun not having a job and young mouths to feed.
ReplyDeleteHold up on the Barbara Barnes whiplashing. She's only going to occupy the seat until December 2007. She's retiring at the end of the year. This is why she was named "interim" and not "permanent." I think we can tolerate her style of management and operation for six months. Let us all not get in a snit over the woman's appointment.
ReplyDeleteNo worries, Barnes retires in December.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteOne day and already such a lack of class.
Bring your own team no problem.
Introduce them immediately great.
Lacking the graciousness to respectfully dismiss the people who have served this institution to date....totally classless.
7/02/2007 7:58 PM
You came in without class and that's how you exit!
What happens to LaNedra Carroll, the university's spokesperson, since Ammons has brought back Sharon Saunders, who went to NCCU with him when he left on 2001 and is now coming back. Guess that Carroll-connection/name can only go so far.
ReplyDeletePeople by December all of these people will be history.
ReplyDeleteThe President came in served notice to those individuals directly responsible for those 35 audit findings.
The next round of terminations will come soon enough. All of these folks and their bad behavior will be a thing of the past come December.
2008 is the year of the RATTLER!
Look out now!
"What happens to LaNedra Carroll, the university's spokesperson, since Ammons has brought back Sharon Saunders, who went to NCCU with him when he left on 2001 and is now coming back. Guess that Carroll-connection/name can only go so far."
ReplyDelete7/02/2007 9:10 PM
She needs to pack her bags and get to steppin'. Don't know her and nothing against her, but Ammons has his own team.
What about Yarborough and Claya?
ReplyDeleteAre the old HR people coming back?
Like the man in the stall said to the man waiting: Give me time baby.
ReplyDeleteGive JA Rule the opportunity to do his thing. Unlike Gainous and Castell, we have documented proof that JA Rule is the right man for the job.
Besides, you cannot just get rid of every single person on your first day. There has to be some level of transition or you'll lose institutional knowledge (hello Gainous).
And let's not lose sight of the fact that several Corbinites and Sith supporters will likely stuff the message boards and whatnot with opinions and posts that bash Ammons every single day, even before any results can be achieved. Please be sophisticated enough to see it coming.
In my opinion, you have not seen anything yet. With the exception of Saunders and Woodard, FAMU has its hands filled with folks who have lied their way up the food chain on the backs of decent and honest people. (those from NC)
What about the VP of Research under the Bryant Administration. He was an excellent choice. Dr. Keith Jackson?
ReplyDeleteHow soon will we know what the thieves did with the money. It's going to take more than love for the new administration. It's going to take cash to keep this boat afloat...
ReplyDelete"Since 2005, FAMU has paid at least $4.7 million to the accounting and auditing firm KPMG as part of Bryant's plan to restore fiscal integrity.
"As far as I'm concerned, KPMG has been the biggest rip-off I've ever seen," said state Sen. Al Lawson, a FAMU graduate.
KPMG partner Paul Stepusin told members of the state task force on FAMU this spring that he found the university's financial house in utter disarray: no fiscal procedures, no use of purchase orders or contracts, and "everyone was going into the ledger and making entries." Financial accounting was such a mess, he said, he couldn't manage to close the books for two years."
Job well done, Dr. Ammons. But you must give Townsend his walking papers for his don't give a damn attitude about the athletic department. His only concern is how much money he can steal.
ReplyDeleteAmmons is good people and has the knowledge (and humanism) to get people out and get people in in a timely manner, unlike CVB and FG, who didn't know anything about how to treat people. This is, as we all know, essentially why their administrations failed. I think with Dr. Ammons, we finally have "the right stuff." Let's give him time. We'll be okay.
ReplyDelete10:42, you say a mouthful in terms of accusing Townsend of stealing $$. While I don't know the man from Adamn's house cat, and have no idea what he did and/or if and when he did whatever he is accused by you of doing, I still think such an accusation is an egregious claim. Do you have proof, other than the messed-up financial books of the athletic office? James Ammons, in his permanent appointment of Townsend, just might know something concrete about the man what we/you don't know.
ReplyDeleteRuggles was a great dean. He built the Journalism school. He was forced into retirement because he got so frazzled out by fighting with an administration that kept taking the money he raised for the new Journalism building and using it for other things. We're talking millions of dollars either moved around or taken outright.
ReplyDeleteNear the end, he gave some people a piece of his mind over this, and, of all the times on this campus somebody has done that, Ruggles's case was treated as some special kind of aberration (could that just possibly be because he was white? I dunno.), and they came down hard on him.
Ruggles deserved more respect than he got. The man gave FAMU his life. He created a great program. He worked incredibly hard and he had a principled dedication to fairness and equality. I salute him.
He could have put Joe Ann Houston in a position.
ReplyDeleteI do believe there is room for both Sharon Saunders and LaNedra Carroll, because we sure do need to feed the media and the community some "good news" for a long time.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if Eva Wanton is still on board?
ReplyDeleteIf she is, in what capacity (e.g.personal assistant, advisor, historian, etc.)
It's so sad that she almost destroyed her great legacy by alligning herself (too closely) with CASTHELL.
Eva is good people, but girlFriend needs to go on home and let somebody else get some money. She has three daughters at the university. They can all chip in and help ol' girl out, not, however that she needs the $$, but they (her daughters) could give her something to do at home, do some paper shuffling or rearranging some files or whatever, just so she won't feel displaced. Just go on home, Eva, and let others come in and do some thangs.
ReplyDelete11:33, wonder why he didn't. anybody know?
ReplyDeleteAnon, 11:42, there "might be room," but "room" isn't "space," and there's no space at the Inn for two folk to do the same thing.
ReplyDeleteI think there is room for Sharon and Lanedra. There certainly is a lot that needs to be done. In fact, they could hire a couple of more media relations people.
ReplyDeleteI tell you this, who ever planned yesterday, did a phenomenal job.
Only need one. Sorry! Free up some of that money so that the underpaid can use some.
ReplyDeleteAny of you talkers in here financially supporting the University? Just curious.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen the salaries of these folks. My goodness spead the financial love to your staff members that actually do the work. These folks making too much money in my opinion. I sure hope these folks make a liar out of me.
ReplyDeleteWell the BIGGEST question I have for the Ammons Team is.... When will he get someone competent to run the College of Law!!! Hello???? Please don't forget about the students suffering through the administration down here. We are a quick drive down 10, 75 and the turnpike! Come save us!!!!
ReplyDeleteWho would ask about Joe Ann Houston?
ReplyDeleteShe is just an English teacher, she is no administrator and as nasty as she is to her colleagues in the English department, she dare not think of ascending any higher!
Yeah. Who meantioned Joe Ann Houston? She is one unhappy, power-hungry, always-applying-for bankruptcy woman. She would kill (literally) to have a job in administrative. If the street committee was real, she will want to chair it and get paid for it.
ReplyDeleteShe can not stand Barbara Barnes (but who else can), so it would be interesting to see how this pans out.
In regards to Barbara Barnes getting appointed the Interim Provost, I would like to express my disgust by using the words of Florida Evans after James funeral==
ReplyDelete"Damn. Damn. Damn."
Sharon Saunders and Ammons' PR team:
ReplyDeletePlease take note of what the Barnes appointment is doing to Ammon's image.
... Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhat about the VP of Research under the Bryant Administration. He was an excellent choice. Dr. Keith Jackson?
7/02/2007 10:00 PM ...
Surely you jest!!! OR maybe you are just his sappy assed avp.
In my dealings with the research office through the years, I have never experienced such a feeling of bad aura as I do now. And I'm not talking about the sponsored programs, Ms. Ford is wonderful as usual. But the VP's office is the pits. Keith Jackson's arrogance is ridiculous. I understand he came from this renowned scientific laboratory out west but he's here at FAMU now. If he felt this job was beneath him he should have stayed out west.
Sharon Saunders and Ammons' PR team:
ReplyDeletePlease take note of what the Barnes appointment is doing to Ammon's image.
I agree with the comments made above. Please do not think that the sentiments on this board about Barnes are not real. Ammon's appointment of Barnes may have put him back a few steps if he really does care about how he is perceived by the faculty and staff. NOw if he is like Castell and does not care about the feelings and thoughts of the unveristy community, then I guess he is ok with this decision and feels that we can all "get over it."
Everybody can't be wrong, though. Everybody that you ask about the BArnes appointment will not be able to honestly say anything positive about her. She is a power hungry vindictive person.
Ammons may feel that she is loyal to him, but little does he know----She talks about his "personal" situations all the time.
I agree that the Barnes appointment has set Ammons back. Right when I was feeling hopeful and starting to get excited because of his speech to the faculty, he threw us this curve ball and made me second guess his decision making skills.
ReplyDeleteThe PR people really need to think about how she will look trying to represent FAMU at the BOG and other meetings. She will not listen to anything they tell her because she knows everything already.
Ammons-- I wanted to believe in you- Not in the sense that you are a Moses, but in the sense that you have left and learned more. Why did you appoint this woman who is only respected by a few suck ups like Kirk Gavin?
How many heads do you think are on the chopping bloc for BB?
ReplyDeleteI heard she is blackmailing JA.....
will the university suffer because of her revengeful demeanor?
only time will tell......
i also here that she has put her hands on a student before......does she have a temper or just a bad attitude?
Why is it always "We heard" and "I heard"?
ReplyDeleteGod does everything for a reason.
It's time for us to start supporting one another. FAMU really needs ALL of our help, support, and cooperation. Let's put all of our differences aside.
People change. Let's give Dr. Barnes a chance and let's stop player hating Gavins. We must stop getting upset with people, especially when they are not responsible for their blessings.
Let's us pray for strength to get past SACS. Also, let's pray for Dr.Ammons. His personal business has nothing to do with FAMU and SACS, just like your own.
6:42 p.m. I agree with you. We said that we would support Dr. Ammons, and supporting the persons he hired is the best kind of supports we can give him.
ReplyDeleteBarbara Barnes is one of the hardest working people I have ever met at FAMU, and she is very intelligent. She bounced back when Gainous walked in the door and fired her, and maintained her dignity with her head held high. She continued to hold her head high when there were problems with the new College of Education dean (both which she now supervises). She continues to hold her head high now, and is to be admired for that. I know many of her students enjoyed the classes she taught, as she made them exciting.
Dr. Ammons is no fool! He needed someone in that position - and fast, but it is only "interim." Can we keep the devil from dividing this house before Dr. Ammons and his new administration get a chance to (re)build it?
By the way, is there anyone at the University that is safe from the venom of the Rattlers?
On the other blog, the COL students are mad with the owner of this blog (RattlerNation). Someone should tell those people to STOP DOWNLOADING THIS SITE and reading, if they don't like RN. They are really coming across as "HATEFUL" and "NASTY" future attorneys. I sure wouldn't want them to handle my business, if they come on an online site, open to the world, and curse and carry on the way they have. I trust that they decide to be professionals, and give Dr. Ammons a chance to handle the COL problems.
Some of us at the University try to keep a low profile, because if our names are ever mentioned on this blog, whether good or bad, some of you guys would go after us.
O Deus de Maio abençoa todos nós, como doctor Ammons nos conduz em uma viagem, como Rattlers, que nunca viajamos antes. Paz! Amor!
Be blessed, RATTLERS! We love you!
9:20pm - What other blog? I'm interesting in reading all I can about the COL as a future student. I promise not to post any profanity.
ReplyDelete3:02, who's blackmailing whom about what? Now, you know you oughts to give up the goods on this, or else you oughts to not be posting things, my friend. (We promise not to tell.)
ReplyDeleteWho would even suggest Joe Ann Houston? She is just a mediocre English professor who rejoices in holding black students down. She's completely fake and a very nasty person. FAMU definitely does not need her. She cant even reach her own students let alone anyone else.