As you may know, this blog started out as a class project designed to allow me to enhance my computer skills and to put into practice classroom theories about media convergence. We tested several theories about news, and we learned alot.
One thing we learned, no matter how much folks say they like good news, the truth is you really don't. This site's stats show that the good news stories were among the least read and that controversy and "bad" news enjoyed the highest ratings. In short, yall like drama and the Castell Bryant years provided plenty.
Having said that, in time, this blog became so much more than an academic exercise. It became an obssession and a personal obligation to keep you informed.
As my good friend the Angry Black MF observed, this blog made me an internet junky. I've filed stories from many airports and hotel rooms, as I've traveled a bit these past few months interviewing for jobs and interviewing with schools. In between classes we've relied heavily on my cell phone and my computer to bring you the news.
And, to let you in on a little secret, hardly any of our stories were written prior to our posting them. You got the news pretty much as it was given to me. Generally, we woke up, or more often came in, in the middle of the night and started writing stories to get them posted in time for the next morning ---just like we're doing now.
So this, our 1179th, post will be our last.
So as we go, I want to thank you --the Rattler Nation family-- for making our 18 month journey a blast. Also, a special thanks to our many "Bureau Chiefs" around campus who became important informants and shared important "classified" documents to help us make our points. Thanks also for explaining things we didn't quite understand, so that I could write the stories that needed to be written.
Finally, I've talked alot about my mother on this blog from time to time. But, I need to thank my dad who I've recently learned has become an avid RN reader. Dad has only been online since late December, when I hooked up his computer for him and showed him how to get to youtube. He has somehow found his way to Rattler Nation and has the page book marked on his computer. Dad thought it was important that you know I'm not from a single parent family and that I enjoy a great relationship with both parents. My dad has been kind enough to slip me money this final semester, after I reported, on this blog, that mom wasn't cool with me taking a stand and extending my stay in school to avoid having a FAMU degree with Mrs. Bryant's name on it.
Anyway, we've rambled on way too much. Our research tells us that internet post should be short. So, let me just end now by saying goodbye. See ya around. FAMU today. FAMU tomorrow. FAMU forever!
Long live FAMU and the spirit of the Rattler Nation.
Thanks for all the information you provided over time. God Bless in your future endeavors!
ReplyDeleteNow, i can stop coming to this site 20 times a day. LOL
I pray that God's favour surround you contnously.
ReplyDeleteI pray that God's favour surround you continuously. (correcting spelling error)
ReplyDeleteGood Luck young brother. We will miss this vehicle you provided, but we find new ways to adapt and keep FAMU alive and thriving.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rattlernation -
ReplyDeleteSpecial Kudos to your campus reporter would could get the 911 even before Castelle could get up off the toilet seat. What a ride!
Young man....your journey needs to be told. Certainly hope that one day the journalism profession will learn about what you've done. What you've accomplished is indeed remarkable.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling that you'll become a prominent figure in the media / news world. Use this experiment to further your goals. You are worthy!
All the best...............
Thank you RN!
ReplyDeleteThanks and congratulations on all your acheivements. I think you have great humility and intelligence to stay anonymous. LOL If it were me,...
ReplyDeleteThanks, sweetie. Your parents have reared a very good son. We know you make them proud, and we're proud of the work that you've done on behalf of the Rattler family. I don't blame you for extending your stay another semester. I, too, would not want Castell's signature on my degree.
ReplyDeleteAren't dads great! Mine still refuses to let me get him a computer and complains that he is still trying to figure out the new cellphone I got him this year.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you!
There is really something to be said about going out on top. Thanks for all you did.
ReplyDeleteAwwww ... now I have no way to stay informed on the real deal while I'm out of country. But really, great job - I loved RN - and good luck with your futures. I'm sure we will continue to see good things from you.
ReplyDeleteHeckava ride, friend. Whenever we meet dinner and drinks are on me.....I insist!
ReplyDeleteCertaily, Rattler Nation has been an informative blog. You especially have aided many and kept us informed of the issues.
ReplyDeleteThanks and good luck.
just put the word out when you come to Texas. Shiner Bock and quesadillas until you're blue in the face, on me.
ReplyDeleteTime has a way of healing a wounds and wounding all heels.
ReplyDeleteThere is a thing called "Karma". You are right. The masses want to hear the dirt and not engage intelligent discussion.
Your blog empowered the masses.
"What goes around -- comes around"
See Ya' -- Would not want to be Ya' when you get what you gave.
11:51 PM get a life. If you didn't/don't like what was written, STOP READING IT! I don't remember anyone dying and making you judge and jury. The "masses" that read this blog helped create change at the university and put pressure on those in authority to demand better for the university; what have you done to better the university?
ReplyDeleteTime will tell - time will tell.
ReplyDeleteThe issues facing Ammons -- are the same articulated by Castell.
Let's talk 2 years from now.
Good luck and God bless!
ReplyDeleteCan't believe its gone. RN had become as much a part of my daily routine as brushing my teeth and checking my email. Lord help us if that flip-flopper Rosey Wilson is the only internet source we can use to debunk any falsehoods coming out of FAMU.
ReplyDeleteWow....saying goodbye is SO hard! If you do nothing else in your life (which we know isn't going to happen), you can still rest easy knowing what you've done. YOU saved FAMU, and I don't say that lightly.
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you for being the right person, in the right place, at the right time!
FAMU may, indeed, continue to live long, thanks to you!
It would be so fitting if you got hired by FAMU and could keep things going. Maybe we all could get used to "good news" for a change. Say it ain't so? PLEASE don't go? You never know when we'll be in crisis mode again.
ReplyDeleteTo 11:51 p.m.:
ReplyDeleteRN shouldn't have to worry as long as he continues to conduct himself like the upstanding person that he is.
It's those that have bad ulterior motives that have to worry about exposure.
If nothing else, RN has learned how NOT to handle himself.
You must be one of those who recently got a pink slip!
8:00, that's not a real shot of DaRattler leaving the university. It's a graphic (of someone else)pulled from another Internet source and posted to fit his departure. It is, however, a wonderful parting shot that captures the essence of two things: his graduating from the university and his departure from RattlerNation. He's killed two birds with one shot. Good deal and smart way to go out.
ReplyDeleteAdios AMIGO! You've done an outstanding job and provided an invaluable service to the Rattler Nation and the community at-large. We all owe you a debt of gratitude. If you continue to be dedicated, observant, productive, enlightened, compassionate, and intelligent as you move on in life and your career, doors will open that that you never dreamed of! Keep up the good work as you
ReplyDelete1:01 It's funny! The people who go out screaming "you're going to miss me one day", are never missed. We won't miss you baby. Not at all.
ReplyDeleteSo, where do you go from here to get the truth/happenings/events/comments, etc?
ReplyDeleteI can't begin to tell you how much of an inspiration you are. I wish you well on your journey without a doubt that you will continue to leave your mark on the world. I'm a little crushed, however, that you don't have a protege to continue your legacy (hint hint).
ReplyDeleteGood luck and God bless!!!