Walt Disney World Company has paid $250,000 to name the family and children's clinical law program at the FAMU College of Law the WALT DISNEY WORLD Family and Children’s Clinical Program.
When fully functional, the family and children’s clinic will provide a venue for law students to provide free legal assistance to low-income clients with wide-ranging family and juvenile law matters including, but not limited to, child custody, disability and landlord-tenant and other housing problems. The Family and Children’s Clinical Program is still being developed, but currently operates with the Guardian ad Litem Clinic and the Housing Clinic.
“We are excited about the prospects this initiative. It is our hope that it will touch the lives of families and children in the Orlando community,” said Ruth A. Witherspoon, interim dean of FAMU’s College of Law. “We couldn’t be more pleased than to have the Walt Disney Company as our partner for our legal clinic. And now, the sign outside our clinic brilliantly symbolizes that partnership.”
The Walt Disney World Family and Children’s Clinical Program will be complete when other family and juvenile law clinics are added and a Disney Professor is named.
Several other clinical programs and externship programs are in operation at the FAMU College of Law, including the Homelessness and Legal Advocacy Clinic, the Death Penalty Clinic, the Community and Economic Development Clinic, as well as the Public Defender, Prosecution and Judicial Externships.
This seems like a good idea. Now if we can only get full accreditation.
ReplyDeleteGo Rattlers....
Just what we need... a Micky Mouse Law School
ReplyDeleteThis is great! However, It would have been nice if it had been communicated to those who actually WORK at the COL instead of having to read the news elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteExcellent news. Let's see if it makes the St. Pete Times or if they continue to ignore the good and focus on anything and everything that's negative.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Ammons hiding from his faculty? He doesn't answer their emails and will not give faculty appointments to see him. Fuse-Hall is trying to protect him but in doing so she just makes his absence and inability to solve problems here at FAM more noticeable. Has Ammons finally discovered that, by coming back, he has just bought into the problems that he and Humphries created and left behind. Ammons needs to learn his honeymoon has drawn to a close and many faculty are really annoyed at his inability to solve problems.
ReplyDeleteNegative is real! Ammons was part of the problem at FAMU with Humphries. Now it is just one big photo op and pr stunt! Nothing has changed!
ReplyDeleteYou got that right. RN, please look into this. This is brewing all over campus. As a faculty member, I was promised an immediate remedy to my problem. I followed the chain of command, department head, dean, and provost. However, the provost has not responded or the dean. The department head just passed the buck. When I went to meet with the president some tall lady crossed my path in the reception area and told me his schedule was full.
ReplyDeleteWell damn it, my time is limited also. I hate to start performing a Bill Tucker during this next emergency session, but I am FEEDED the ----up.
Good gosh! Give Dr. A a friggin chance! He's trying to save the entire academic enterprize, let's give him room to work, before we saddle him with every knitpicking departmental problem.
ReplyDeleteFor 28 months Castell ran rough shot over everyone, and no one said a mumbling word. Now you've got somebody who cares trying to clean up the mess he was left with and you all want to pile more mess on.
Let Ammons get SACs and the Audits behind him before yall bumrush him! Geezh!
Lets not start this shyt again PLEASE!!!! My God who cares who did what in the past if I am not correct under Humpries and Ammons nuthing was perfect but people had jobs and students were learning and FAMU was not under attack everyday! Yet, yall want JESUS and aint nobody JESUS and JESUS aint coming to be the President of FAMU! Lets all help out! And if you can not help out, get out and go to FSU ( I promise they shyt stank as well) go to UF the only otha black folk you will be able to talk to there is the bathroom cleaners!
ReplyDeleteLets hold Dr. Ammons accountable! but at the same time lets support him publicly and not attack him on RN! It is counter productive.
Seems like Ammons is picking and choosing which of Castell's breakages/havoc he fixes. Not surprisingly he is copying the Humphries gameplan of putting as much money into student scholarships and ignoring the faculty and the universities infrastructure. Lets face it he does not know any other game plan! We are again headed to the days of trying to have large student numbers and no (or only broken) facilities for the students when they arrive. Just like Humphries Ammons will get caught but much sooner since communications amongst faculty, staff and students as well as the BOT and BOG are much more extensive and much more rapid than in the old days he was used to. (Thanks RN for this)
ReplyDeleteAnyone else noticed that we are not having nearly the same number of BOT meetings any longer and that when they do occur they are incredibly short suggesting the decisions for the most part have been made amongst the BOT members before the meetings. I thought the BOT was meant to obey the Govt. in the Sunshine laws!!! Seems to me those days are over.
5:05: Solve Problems? Dang, the man just got here. Hello? He's only been in the hot seat for what, like, ninety days??? He's done more in 90 days than CVB did in two and 1/2 years. Give the man a minute to get going. He's been ripping & running so until he ran himself into the ground. Goodness, gracious. Some of you folks are just impossible.
ReplyDelete6:30, what's wrong with cleaning bathrooms? That sure was a low blow there. People do what they do, so you need to back off with the stinking comments. Bathroom cleaners are important, too. Go into one--anywhere--and if it's clean, you'll appreciate the "bathroom cleaners." Damn, how condescending you were.
ReplyDeleteSome faculty members here are always complaining about something. Go teach somewhere else if its always a problem for you. The most important thing for the University at the moment is public image, SACS, getting finances in order, and the students. Whats the friggin deal with some of you professors, give it a rest already. You whining like a bunch of babies.
ReplyDeleteShut up Ashley. take your venom somewhere else
ReplyDeleteAnd back to the COL! Ammons needs to clean the house there in Orlando too! But he's in a hard place with ABA accreditation that is slim @best.
ReplyDeleteAmmons either a) knew what he was getting into when he came here or b) did not know what he was getting into when he accepted his 300K+ job. If it is b) then he is not the person we need leading this university. If it is a) then 90 days is more than enough time for the BOT, faculty, students and the Florida Taxpayer to have seen Ammons make some critical changes. So far he has not done that; at most he has rehired the Humphries crowd (Sharma, Shetty for example), reconstituted the Band and its excesses, and he has been handing out scholarships like there is no tomorrow. All things that will get us back to the Humphries days complete with the scandals that accompanied Humphries. Talk was Ammons would last 4 years. I give him the 2 that Gainous and Castell had and again we will be looking for another FAMU alum to save us. And again we will looking to repeat our mistakes, yet again. FAMU has had its day and needs to drastically change its mentality and ways. (Turning water into wine would be easier than saving FAMU!)
ReplyDelete6:48, after all of the points made, what do you suggest Ammons do?
ReplyDeleteAmmons needs to hire competent people at every level throughout the university but especially in administration, staff and some faculty. He and FAMU need to be blind to color, race and especially "..'isms" in hiring - something that, unfortunately, he is extremely unlikely to be allowed to do by the FAMU and Bethel AME alums and church goers. Likewise he needs to be blind to color and race when he recruits students. Our SAT scores are dropping through the floor simply because we insist on having "black" students attend FAMU. Any decent "black" student knows that opportunity for him/her is much better at the "white" schools and would not touch FAMU. "Black" youth see no required allegance to "black" schools and have voted with their feet. It is only those persons of the civil right era who are still living in the past that think the bad days of yesterday are still in place today.
ReplyDeleteThanks for asking.
V.K. Sharma and Marie Shetty are excellent financial managers. They made sure that FAMU received clean financial statement audits every year they were in office.
ReplyDeleteWhen Fred Gainous fired them in 2003, the state auditors said that it caused a loss of institutional knowledge that sent FAMU into turmoil.
ReplyDeleteThis is great! You definitely wont see news like this publicized. Disney is one of the largest corporations in the world. Think of the funding, networking, and publicity opportunities this could potentially bring to the COL. I really wish I didnt have to find out about it by searching a blog though.