There has been much discussion lately as to whether or not FAMU football coach
Rubin Carter has been moonlighting as academy award winning animated feature film actor
Shrek!? It certainly doesn't take much imagination to see the strong resemblance. And, moonlighting would certainly explain the lack of preparation of Coach Carter's Rattlers.
Low blow low blow.
ReplyDeleteI see the resembalance! lol
ReplyDeleteNo you didn't!
ReplyDelete(But truly, I do see a resemblance.)
Honestly what was the point? This Blog is not what it use to be and I understand that the times have changed and therefore the blog would naturally go in a different direction, I simply did not believe that it would be all down hill! We have enough people who are still attacking our institution and what it stands and has stood for, for over 120 years. If Carter is a poorly suited coach for the job and I may very well agree then it is the Boosters and Season ticket holders and students who must lead a positive, well crafted plan to oust him. Not, 3rd grade attacks on a has been blog.
ReplyDeleteWhat? Oust Carter? Are you nuts??!! First of all, we probably still owe Billy Joe for the stupidity we did to him. Secondly, we are going to have a revolving door of coaches until we decide to support our own program. We will never run a top notch athletic program on state money...or the measley budget they are allotted from all these classic we play.
ReplyDeleteWe can't act like Notre Dame. We are FAMU. We don't have money to pay coaches off. If anything, we need to allow him to go about his business and hope that he can bring in more great recruits like he did this year. With what he has, i think he will build a program. If not, when his contract is up, then we look for a new direction.
ReplyDeleteLighten up! WE ARE RATTLERS, and if we can't have a little fun, amongst ourselves, and laugh at ourselves than we don't deserve to be here.
I'm sure RattlerNation ment no harm. Damn!
I agree 6:05 I was simply stating how it should be done if that were the case. CVB did do a great job with the Orlando Classic even if I did not like her lack of leadership style. It did bring the school the school over 1.2 million dollars last year. And if we play four-to-five classics a year that could be would be well over 5 million dollars per year in additional income for our sports program and in these coaches contracts if we do want to be a "real" program then these contracts must have a win to loss ration clause. I wanna WIN. Look at the LOSER basketball coach that we hired need I say more? He states he needs to rebuild, rebulid what we had a 20 win season last year and gone to the dance twice.
ReplyDeleteOn Coach Carter, I say give him at least a graduating class, a seasoned quarterback that he recruited and a seasoned defensive unit. In sports terms, two more years; if at that point we are not on the "mountain top" then we should go in another direction. I honestly think what Coach Carter is doing is building a solid program, from the ground up. It is taking a while, but once he gets that "concrete laid" we will be one of the best in this subdivision. Look at how long it took Joe Taylor to build a power house at Hampton, now they are one of the best teams in this subdivision year in and year out. With the recruits that Coach Carter is brining in, we will be unstoppable (a small FSU, UF, UM, etc). Once again, give him and his coaching staff a chance. Next season you will truly see what he has recruited compared to what Coach Joe recruited (and I am a Coach Joe fan), which we have gotten a glimpse from Philip Sylvester this year. Lastly, with more financial support from boosters and alums, the program will continue to grow as we sorely need upgrades to the stadium, locker room, etc. With these upgrades, and even addition skills coaches (ie. Tight end coach, defensive tackle coach, one on one coaching that our players don’t get) our program will be one of the best in the country.
ReplyDeleteYou are wrong for dat!
ReplyDeleteDude at 10:06,
ReplyDeleteYou got to be kidding. 5 Classics all yielding 1.4 million dollars? That cannot happen. All classics BUT the FLA Classic are run by 3rd party dudes. Probably somebody's frat brother or something. These dudes are making a KILLING off these classics while black schools get pennies. They won't let us come to their state and run the show.
8:13 in these Classics FAMU IS THE SHOW! We can take our SHOW anywhere we want and drwa at the very least 55,000 people. Therefore all we have to do is demand that the brother, cousin, baby daddy, crap that is killing HBCU's is ended!
ReplyDeletePower concedes nothing without demand!
Why must we play in all those
ReplyDeleteClassics and continue to get pimped is beyond me. It is almost like the sponsors are saying look here comes FAMU, they'll play for anything.
Look if we play TSU at home, I the Bragg would be standing room only. Hence, we make 500K for and stay at home. And that is a low ball figure.
For some reason we do not support our football team at home, except on Homecoming. When was the last time you saw Bragg sold out for any other game. Now I agree and my goal is to present FAMU with a real check for the consturction of a new stadium and lets see if the old saying is true, "Bulid it and they will come".
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Lighten up! WE ARE RATTLERS, and if we can't have a little fun, amongst ourselves, and laugh at ourselves than we don't deserve to be here.
I'm sure RattlerNation ment no harm. Damn!
10/11/2007 9:39 PM
Exactly. Double Damn!!!
...and I too saw the resemblence and laughed. Coach Carter is family ain't he. If you can't crack on a relative, who can you crack on....rofl
Honestly, if you ever met the man you would have to wonder if he truly is not a relative (brother) of Shrek. His attitude is very similar in nature - it stinks. Come to think about it, so does his body oder. Carter is not a real Head Coach, he does not have the training for it, but he should fit in as someone else's assistant. He is not even Coordinator material - one has to think in those positions.