FAMU hopes to grow its reputation as a research institution to bring more graduate students to the university. Its graduate programs in pharmacy, physics, business and environmental science are a big draw for minority students.
“People are becoming more and more confident with FAMU’s ability to do research,” said Chanta Haywood, dean of graduate studies and research at FAMU.
It was FAMU’s reputation and connections that helped Viniece Jennings choose FAMU over other universities.
“My mentors (at Delaware State) recommended professors who were here,” said Jennings, a doctoral student in environmental science at FAMU.
FAMU is the largest producer of black PhD graduates in environmental sciences. Graduate students attract additional money to a public university. The state of Florida pays more money to university for each graduate student, just as it does for students in the upper division (junior/senior level).
Why does FAMU not want to recruit students of all color?
ReplyDelete2:23 why doesnt UF!!! Please get real! 12:43 why are you on this blog? The six year graduation rate at FAMU is in line more or less with the rest of the SU schools, in addition no other school in SUS has as many first time in college students or students recieving aid to attend school. These are all factors in the graduation rate!
ReplyDeleteI am a graduate of FAMU and I was accepted when no one else would have accepted me and that is not to say because I was not smart but life is different for everyone. Having said that I am a greaduate student at a Major White School. I have not had one African American professor there is not one African American Dean at the school and of course the only African American in any type of leasdership is a 'diversity" role. Give me a break!
I am SO PROUD of the fact that I will be back at my UNIVERSITY, FAMU, to obtain my Ph.D !!!!And if there are no white students at least I will know that they have no shortage of places where they can go!
Hey is Ammons giving out scholarships to people of other color, besides black?
ReplyDeleteFAMU does not have a "horrid" graduation rate. FAMU's 6-year graduation rate is in the 40s, just like USF, FIU, and UNF.
ReplyDelete6-year graduation rates (Class of 2000)
USA 53.0
SUS 62.3
UF 78.7
FSU 67.2
UCF 56.5
USF 46.3
FIU 45.3
UNF 44.3
FAMU 41.4
FAU 35.3
UWF 37.0
FGCU 32.4
Source for Florida information: SUS Fact Book, 2005-2006
Source for USA average: "Region trails in college graduation rates," by Scott Travis, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, February 13, 2007
Why does FAMU not want to recruit students of all color?
ReplyDeleteWhites have never been underrepresented in the State University System and have never been barred from attending any university on the basis of their color.
FAMU's mission focuses on the historically disadvantaged, not the privileged.
FAMU is at the bottom of the SUS.
ReplyDeleteFAMU is not at the bottom of the SUS. FGCU, with its 32.4% 6-year graduation rate, is at the bottom.
Ammons just gives scholarships out to the black man!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat simply isn't true. Whites are scholarship recipients at FAMU, as well. There are particularly large numbers of white scholarship recipients in the Pharmacy and Law schools.
FAMU is a one race institution, numbers don't lie.....
ReplyDeleteFAMU remains overwhelmingly black black because whites continue to prefer institutions with white majorities. That was true during the time of Jim Crow is still true today.
If you want more white students at FAMU, then encourage more to apply.
not to be a research nerd... but....those numbers really aren't statistically different.
ReplyDeleteThere is no basis for the claim that graduate enrollment has grown.
If we are going to be a respectable research institution, a big part of that is being able to properly interpret the data.
3:38 Congratulations on being accepted to the "Major White School." That is quite an accomplishment.
ReplyDeletePlease tell the rest of us how we can get into the "Major White School."
Is that one of their marketing points. Come to Major White School - where everyone (well almost everyone) is white.
nplz. lol.
Hey who ever knew that Rattler Nation edits?????
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Nu Rattler is editing.
ReplyDeleteWe should not let our blog become a sounding board for anti-FAMU elements who feel threatened by our university's progress in graduate education and research.
As Dr. Ammons has cleaned up Castell's mess, there's been an influx of UF and FSU supporters coming on here and the Tallahassee Democrat's forums to bash the university. These people wanted Castell to win so they could implement the Pappas Plan's recommendations to strip away all FAMU's professional schools and graduate degrees and keep FAMU from competing with them.
Let those people talk bad about FAMU in their own blogs and message boards, not ours.
What is it about FAMU that "threatens" folk? Is it the academic prowess, athletic achievements, fiscal power, competence in leadership, or its extreme attention to detail?
ReplyDeleteMaybe its the band. There is nothing funny about the band.
"What is it about FAMU that "threatens" folk? Is it the academic prowess, athletic achievements, fiscal power, competence in leadership, or its extreme attention to detail?"
ReplyDeleteYour joking right?
FAMU is 94 percent black? Are we still in the mid 20th century?
ReplyDelete4:33. why all the interest in FAMU and our demographics?
ReplyDelete12:10 Glad you don't want to be a research nerd, because you would be an abject failure.
ReplyDeleteThis might help you: http://www.surveysystem.com/signif.htm
"In normal English, "significant" means important, while in Statistics "significant" means probably true (not due to chance). A research finding may be true without being important. When statisticians say a result is "highly significant" they mean it is very probably true. They do not (necessarily) mean it is highly important.
Dude. Go find some children to play with.
Well because the NAACP is about to sue a local county school board because it is not diverse enough. So my question to the NAACP is when is it going to sue FAMU?
ReplyDeleteFAMU is 94 percent black? Are we still in the mid 20th century?
ReplyDeleteFAMU remains overwhelmingly black because whites have chosen not to attend. Black people never set up any policy to restrict people from attending a university on the basis of race.
Whites are ones who demanded separate schools. After the Brown decision, whites chose to remain in their majority white schools.
I don't see Ammons going around recruiting diversity. Bottom line is that non blacks are not part of the mission, hence HBCU.......
ReplyDeleteJim Crow ended along time ago, but FAMU for some reason still likes it there.
I don't see Ammons going around recruiting diversity. Bottom line is that non blacks are not part of the mission, hence HBCU.......
ReplyDeleteThe reason FAMU lacks whites is because whites have chosen to avoid HBCUs. Whites demanded separate schools from blacks and chose to remain in their majority white schools after the Brown decision.
It's not the fault of blacks that whites have historically chosen to go to majority white schools and blacks should not bear the burden of reversing that trend.
Jim Crow ended along time ago, but FAMU for some reason still likes it there.
Once again, you are misusing the term Jim Crow. Jim Crow restricted educational access on the basis of race. Blacks never placed any race-based restrictions on whits.
5:27 Not to be antagonistic... and hurl insults... (meaning stoop to your level), but ...
ReplyDeleteAny statistician will tell you that there is no meaningful difference between 1569 1516 1699 and 1690.
A four year compound growth of 1.87% is positive, but not statistically different than zero.
If you take the mean of the four years and divide each "x-mu" by the standard deviation (thats a t-value), there is no year where the numbers are statistically different than the average.
There is no statistical basis for claiming growth.
2:49. You're not being antagonistic, but you are showing your total lack of comprehension of elmentary statistics. The student's T statistics is to be used to determine if the means of two normally distributed population means are equal. Read that again, 2:49, t-statistics are designed to provide inferences regarding normally distributed POPULATION MEANS. they are not designed to determine if year to year growth rates are different from each other. You clearly do not know what you're talking about.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally your computation of compounded growth is off. But before that, may I ask why you would even attempt to apply a compounded growth rate? It is inappropriate.
You have survey familarity with some of the terms, but you ABSOLUTELY do not know when and how to apply them.
You're in way over your head. You need to back out and speak in generalities. Save the statistics and technical computations for people with real educations.
Blackrattler, are you saying that there is meaningful statistically significant growth or not meaningful statistically significant growth in the graduate program? Your point is lost somewhere between your assholishness and your condescension.
ReplyDeleteI'm quite disappointed to see that my comment was deleted. No cursing or negativity was written. I will never visit this blog again or post. It seems only the negatives make it to the blog. I'm out.
ReplyDeleteForever a true Rattler...
4:11 I don't comment on "statistics" for 4 data points. Neither should you. Don't get salty with me for pointing out that you don't know what you're talking about.
I should have said other than descripitive statistics.