Pharmacy achieves 100% pass rate on boards

Since January of th this year 74 graduates of the FAMU College of Pharmacy sat for their professional licensure exam, and all 74 passed. Graduates of the FAMU College of Pharmacy surpassed graduates of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy which achieved a 99% passage rate on exams taken this year.

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  1. That fact that Pharmacy survived all Castell's sabotage attempts proves how strong a program it is.


  2. You got that right!

    Go Rattlers!

    BTW, this class set the national average passing score on the pharm exam!

  3. No anti-FAMU posters can take this victory away from us. The board exam results are completely verifiable.

    Take your FAMU hate some where else!

  4. You have to wonder why people hate FAMU. Is it our achievements, our significance? Maybe it's just the FLAVOR of the month- ORANGE AND GREEN HATERADE! Whatever it is, we continue to rise in spite of the insidious plots to mar our name by internal and external forces. Every dissenter will be dismissed and the love for FAM will place us back on top! Congrats on the progress! Grad '95

  5. "I wonder how many students bought their grades?" This has to be the most ignorant, and immoral comment i have ever heard. You cant forge a NATIONAL EXAM. Please don't comment on here anymore. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  6. WOW! We attract so much attention! Why do those of you who do not attend the school, care so much about our business? ALL institutions have idiots in position and your school is not exception, but it does not cancel out the greatness of your school. STOP HATIN ON FAMU! Focus on your school and we will handle our business! Peace!

  7. Really nice.

  8. No but BCC can take victory from you!

    The rattler house of cards is falling!

  9. " Focus on your school and we will handle our business! Peace!"

    Last I read FAMU is a state institution which means the state will take care of your business.

  10. Ok, Internet Stalker. Time to move on to another board, don't ya think. I haven't heard from you on the TDO.

    Next stop, the luny farm.

    This guy is obsessed with FAMU. Even though the white newspapers wrote the article on FAMU's success on the Pharmacy exam and white folks developed the exam, he still can't believe it.

  11. "Even though the white newspapers wrote the article on FAMU's success on the Pharmacy exam and white folks developed the exam, he still can't believe it."

    This is why you and your institution are still stuck in the "dark" ages.

    The world is no longer just white and black, but FAMU still thinks it is. Consequently the institution lives back in the mid 20th century.

    The funny thing about FAMU, is those who care for it and have different opinions about the direction of the university are dismissed as anti FAMU and called Uncle Toms.

    Oh what small minds are capable of!

  12. 3:15, oh, you should know what a small mind is.

  13. "3:15, oh, you should know what a small mind is."

    I do when I read these post about how too many Chinese and Indians are in your graduate programs. How Hispanics are taking your jobs, etc. What does FAMU have to fear? People of other color?

  14. what did Castell rank our students?

  15. what did Castell rank our students?

    You are not one of "us" so don't say "our." You're the anti-FAMU spammer.

  16. And if you are from Famu, then transfer!!!

  17. And if you are from Famu, then transfer!!!

    Get a life. You'll never succeed in trying to talk down FAMU.

  18. I was say that if the ANTI-SPAMMER is from FAMU, then they need to TRANSFER the heck away from us!

  19. No, 7:21: FAMU has to fear people like YOU, who obviously probably never find the good in anything (or anybody). Now, tell me I'm wrong on this insight.

  20. Newsflash. I am white! Dr. Humphries recruited me in the 90's. I was not the only white kid to get a scholarship that year.

    Please stop trying to portray FAMU as this anti-white institution. I enjoyed my time, SGA, the football games, the students and the professors.

    I am not ashame of my FAMU degree or the experience.

  21. 3:08, I am sure you are white and one of the only ones on campus.

    It seems FSU and UF have the best graduation rates with black student.

    In fact 5 other universities are doing a better job graduating blacks than FAMU. UWF is in virtual tie with the school.

  22. FAMU is anti everything but black. You should read some of the post here about aisan and indian grad students. About the hispanics etc.

    FAMU is a HBCU, Hysterically Black College and University!

  23. 8:31, you're an idiot!

  24. No, I think the idiots are the ones making racist comments about indians, asians, hispanics, and caucasians.

  25. FAMU is a HBCU, Hysterically Black College and University!

    NuRattler, please block this guy's IP address!

    Our Pharmacy faculty and students have done their jobs in the classroom. Yet, this anti-FAMU spammer wants to come on here on attack them.

    This is a pro-FAMU blog and it should not become another cesspool for anti-FAMU people. We can't afford to let Rattler Nation become as muddled with "shut down FAMU" comments as and other sites.

    This guy is not getting the message that you tried to send by simply deleting his posts. He continues to come on here and post more racist, hateful comments.

    Let's just ban this guy's IP address and move on with constructive conversation.

  26. "He continues to come on here and post more racist, hateful comments. "

    I don't think I am the one saying we have too many asians, indians, hispanics and caucasians in FAM's graduate programs.

  27. I don't think I am the one saying we have too many asians, indians, hispanics and caucasians in FAM's graduate programs.

    That viewpoint doesn't represent what FAMU is about, either. Whoever feels that way should be banned along with you.

    We've had enough of your disgusting, bigoted tirades calling for FAMU to be shut down! Your IP address needs to be banned!

    1, 2, 3, 4...

    Kick the spammers out the DOOR!

  28. "We've had enough of your disgusting, bigoted tirades calling for FAMU to be shut down! Your IP address needs to be banned!"

    Look at the pot calling the kettle black!

    I don't think FAMU should be shut down. I just think it should be more welcoming to students of all color. I think Ammons should be handing out scholarships to people of all color! What is wrong with that?

  29. I just think it should be more welcoming to students of all color.
    You are the same anti-FAMU spammer who comes on here calling FAMU a "hysterically black college" and claiming FAMU is "relic of segregation." Those are racist comments.

    You claim FAMU isn't "welcoming to students of all color." You ignore the fact that FAMU has never had any policy barring applications from anyone on the basis of race. Whites were the ones who demanded separate schools. And even after the Brown decision, whites have chosen to remain in predominantly white schools and avoid HBCUs like FAMU. Yet, you place the blame on FAMU's shoulders.

    I think Ammons should be handing out scholarships to people of all color!

    Again, FAMU does not discriminate against any scholarship applicant. FAMU's recruitment strategy targets blacks because a central part of the university's mission is to help close the academic achievement gaps between blacks and whites.

    However, whites who qualify for scholarships at FAMU get them. Many of the outstanding Pharmacy students who all passed the licensure exam are whites studying on full scholarships. Yet, you continue to falsely attack FAMU with baseless claims that whites aren't given scholarships. That's nothing but an attempt to make another untrue, racially-based attack against our institution.

    You are a spammer and need to go NOW!

    2, 4, 6, 8...

    Throw the spammers out the GATE!!!

  30. "You ignore the fact that FAMU has never had any policy barring applications from anyone on the basis of race"

    I am not ignoring that. I am simply saying FAMU is do nothing to recruit people of other color. The school is 94 percent black!!!!

    "FAMU's recruitment strategy targets blacks because a central part of the university's mission is to help close the academic achievement gaps between blacks and whites."

    Well there is no education gap between black students and others at FSU. In fact they do better at Florida State. In addition, it is a fact that 5 other institutions in the SUS are doing a better job educating blacks than FAMU. One institution, UWF, is basically tied with FAMU.

    Furthermore, 4 times as many black student go to other schools in the SUS. That is right 4 out of 5 black students in the SUS do not go to FAMU. So it seems other universities are doing a better job at closing this education gap that you talk of.

    " Many of the outstanding Pharmacy students who all passed the licensure exam are whites studying on full scholarships"

    What percentage of the students are "white"?

    Again, FAMU still lives in a black and white world. I am not sure where FAMU has been the last 20 years but there are alot of hispanics, asians, and indians that have moved into Florida. It is no longer a black and white world. But when you are FAMU I guess the only way to continue in the antiquated missioin is to hold on to an antiquated way of thinking.

    Come on to the 21st century FAMU!

  31. I am simply saying FAMU is do nothing to recruit people of other color. The school is 94 percent black!!!!

    There is nothing wrong with FAMU being majority black. The lack of whites is due to the fact that whites continue to avoid majority black institutions just like they did during the Jim Crow era.

    If FAMU had ever created a policy barring whites, then it would need set aside money specifically to recruit whites. However, the lack of whites at FAMU has always been because of the choice of whites and not because of blacks creating any policy to keep them out.

    Your attempt to blame the lack of whites on blacks is another unsubstantiated, racist attack.

    That is right 4 out of 5 black students in the SUS do not go to FAMU.

    Once again you're wrong. 1/4 black students in the SUS attend FAMU.

    FAMU's black enrollment helps keep the overall number of black enrollment up in the entire SUS.

    What percentage of the students are "white"?

    FAMU doesn't need to seek a specific percentage of whites because whites have never been barred from FAMU and have never been underrepresented in the SUS.

    But when you are FAMU I guess the only way to continue in the antiquated missioin is to hold on to an antiquated way of thinking.

    Get lost SPAMMER! It seems NuRattler hasn't gotten around to cleaning up the blog comments. I'm looking forward to seeing him delete your comments again.

    However, you've gotten enough warnings. It's time to get rid of you for good.

  32. "There is nothing wrong with FAMU being majority black. The lack of whites is due to the fact that whites continue to avoid majority black institutions just like they did during the Jim Crow era."

    I do not see an effort by FAMU to recruit other students. At FSU and UF you have programs to recruit and retain blacks, asians, hispanics, etc.

    There is no such thing at FAMU.

    "FAMU's black enrollment helps keep the overall number of black enrollment up in the entire SUS."

    It might keep enrollment numbers up but you are not graduating those numbers.

    "FAMU doesn't need to seek a specific percentage of whites because whites have never been barred from FAMU and have never been underrepresented in the SUS."

    So now you want to behave just like the rednecks that civil rights leaders fought against. That is rather progressive and forward!!!!

    Blacks are under represented by 1 percent. It seems FSU, UF, or UCF are taking the lead now in minority eduction.

    The truth hurts does it not.

  33. And your point is? The objective of the term minority is not simply that which points out the lesser number within a given place or entity. More accurately, it suggest the population that has been disenfranchised or withheld natural privilege because they are not the dominant controllers of the given society. Now with that point of view, recruitment of minorities in PWIs should take place not primarily based upon the numbers, but rather upon their responsibility to reflect the changes that the society is making congruent with the "conscience" changes of the culture. In truth, no other ethnicity is RECRUITED for the same reason that African-Americans are. That being said, a poll should be done for other ethnicities (including caucasians) to see how many of them have had HBCUs HIGH on their college choice list, and have been rejected, biased, or did not receive assistance. From there, we can have a balanced and intelligent conversation of diversity and recruitment.

  34. FAMU has the "slave mentality"! Your choice.....don't look now but it looks like the majority of your comically labeled "PWIs" actually do a better job at educating young black minds than FAMU. Oh how the hysterically black uni is failing.

    FAMU really is not relevant anymore now are they!

    Instead of PWI, lets us use HHCU....Historically Honky Colleges and Universities. Yo man, It is historically honky!!!!!

    ha ha ha!!!!

  35. Excuse me, smart aleck, you didn't address the poster's comment. Stop showing your buffoonery and speak to the issue. You obviously have something against FAMU. If what you say is correct, then SHUT UP and let it be. Why come on and post some thing so negative about a university that you obviously know nothing about. Sincerely, a FAMU WHITE student!

  36. I take issue with the term "PWI" I think honky institutions should be addressed as so. From this day forward historically honky institutions shall be called HHCUs......Historically Honky Colleges and Universities. PWI is for the birds. Honky is were it is at!

    And one last thing to the white student at FAMU...girl you'd be a HONKY student!!!!!

  37. Wow! Your bulb is getting dimmer by the post. You are laughable. I do not consider myself a honky. I am a caucasian who happens to go to a HBCU and not because I couldn't get into any other PWI but because of research, this school had a better measurable program than most. No one has treated me offensively here and they haven't asked me to change. Get a life, dude. You are hurting more than helping. You are the problem with America.

  38. "I am a caucasian who happens to go to a HBCU and not because I couldn't get into any other PWI but because of research, this school had a better measurable program than most."

    It is not PWI, it is Historically Honky!!!!!

    Are you researching the grade scandal, or would it be the sloppy accounting, or would it be ghost employees? So much research is ripe if you are a criminology major/researcher.

    Everyone knows FAMU can hardly graduate students let own be known for serious research.

    How can a serious research school get placed on probation by SACs? How can a serious law school not get full ABA approval after 6 years?

    You are grasping! And it is not my bulb that is going dim honey, it is FAMU's!

    Blacks now get a better education and have more successful graduation rates at 5 Historically Honky Universities in the state. And a 6th Historically Honky U is practically tied with regard to grad. rates.

    Sounds like FAMU can learn from the Historically Honky!

    Last but not least, what serious research school hires Commissioner Proctor to a position that he does not even show up to.

    Get real my honky student at a Hysterically Black University and College

  39. You are an OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED IDIOT! Check the reason this post was made initially. In spite of the ill-repute that the former "president in the interim" and her Bush-bought cohorts have tried to bring upon our school, FAMU is still making strides. Sit back and watch us continue to rise. Go back across the track or to the G'ville where you are welcomed.

  40. You still haven't answered poster 12:13. Do the polls then talk.

  41. There are too many honkys in Gainesville! I am victim too you know, and I feel right at home with the victim mentality here at FAMU.

    The Honkys are coming the honkys are coming!

    FAMU makes very very little effort to increase non black enrollment at the school.

    How can there be interest outside the black community when there is not a recruitment drive for people of other color?

    Furthermore, the law school in Orlando, apparently had too many white people for certain supporters liking and the school began to cut back honky enrollment. Is it me or does that sound like how rednecks behave in Mississippi?

    FAMU talks out of both sides of its mouth......

  42. Well since CVB all but eradicated the recruitment program, you might need to holla at her. You seem like you are a race relations specialist. Are you sure that you are not the one posting the initial racist comments? Hmmm....

  43. Wow! Go Rattlers!

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