Walls going up at new DRS


The new FAMU DRS is finally beginning to take shape, as walls at the school were being erected yesterday. The new $22 million school is slated for completion this fall.

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  1. How many years did it take to get us here? Thank God Ammons came!

  2. Can we get some pics of the new Teaching Gym construction. I won't believe it until I see it.

  3. This building is prefab? Yuk!

  4. Correction!

    Tilt up wall construction - not Prefab.

  5. What's the difference?

  6. It looks like a prison

  7. RN, where is the new DRS building being built on campus? They didn't tear the old one down, did they?

  8. no, they didn't tear down the old DRS. The new campus is being built at the corner of Wahnish Way and Orange Avenue (caddy corner from Bethel AME on Orange).

  9. What you are probably seeing in the photo is the "inner layer" of the exterior wall.

    More than likely an outter layer will be added. It may be brick or some other "non -prison" like material. I would be very shocked if the DRS building were a pre-fab construction (like a trailer home).

  10. What are the plans for the old DRS building once the new facility opens?

  11. So the F school get a new house?

  12. FAMU DRS is on the rise and will topple its current challenges. Put an end to your negativity!

  13. Talk is cheap. There has always been a lot of talk coming out of the university.

  14. 11/29/2007 5:01 PM

    Get lost! This is a pro-FAMU blog and if you're not here to support the university then hit the road!

  15. 5:05--just because someone writes something contrary to what everyone else writes is no reason for the person to "hit the road." why can't we read other folks' stuff w/o attacking the messenger. they must've hit a nerve, i say. what you say?

  16. This is a not a blog for bashing the FAMU DRS. If you want to trash FAMU's K-12 school, then go somewhere else.

  17. I think the DRS school should be shut down. Why waste the money on something that continues to fail. Spend the money elsewhere! The university needs to spend money more wisely.

  18. I think your IP address needs to be blocked from Rattler Nation. Take your disgusting, anti-FAMU attacks elsewhere!

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