He was intrigued after an on-campus interview Friday.
But ultimately Eason, 62, decided home is in Georgia for now.
"It was a situation where it was just not meant to be," Eason said. "I really wanted to do it. It was something that I wanted to do. But it felt like I should stay here.
"I was looking at what I have got coming back and what I have got coming in, and it is intriguing," he said.
Eason, who is also the wide receivers coach, has been with Georgia for Richt's entire tenure. Eason also spent time with him at Florida State.
According to the Hampton (VA) Daily Press, FAMU is now in discussions with Hampton University head coach Joe Taylor.
did famu really call eason, or did eason inquire about the famu vacancy?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't really matter now ...
ReplyDeleteLet's let the man enjoy his vacation in New Orleans, and let's just move on ...
"Who's Plan C?"
Looks like Hampton's Joe Taylor is now plan "C", what plan D, E & F?
ReplyDeleteOh brother. Here we go again. Can we start a "real" search process now?
ReplyDeleteWhy would Taylor leave Hampton for FAMU? It is going to be plan F before we get a coach.
ReplyDeleteThis is not good! I am truly ashamed of how we have handled the search for a head coach or lack thereof. We better start looking at Plan D, E, and F. It will be National Signing Day and FAMU still will not have a head coach. That's what we get for putting all of eggs in the Broadway basket. Thanks for nothing Dr. Ammons.
ReplyDeleteRemember what Celie said to Mister "until you do right by me" that is until FAMU does right by Billy Joe everything we do is going to fail. No Broadway, No Eason, No Taylor, now what? We don't have time to keep going back to the drawing board. A full search should have been done initially! Here we go again, new President, same old tactics. Think outside the box Dr. Ammons. We want a winning program that is respected on all levels not just among HBCUs! Start a search!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it this guys 3rd time turning us down? His name should never ever come up in another FAMU search!
ReplyDeleteas some of the poster has said Ammons...i think you need to swallow your pride on this one and fast track a national search and let people apply for this coaching job. it's quite obvious the instability of the football program and/or whatever package you are offering is not attractive to these coaches. there's a lot to be said for that.
ReplyDeletealso, let us learn from this. maybe the firing of rubin carter was premature. at least we would have had coaching staff in place. just think spring practices and drills should be starting soon and we don't have a coaching staff; not to mention recruitment. i don't think if you brought bill parcells in here right now we could have winning program because we are losing to much time and treading water.
hey! casey weldon is available
ReplyDeleteyou know what at this moment Casey Weldon actually sounds like a good pick......or maybe we should go and tap Mr. Rolle
ReplyDeleteHead Football Coaches are appointed and not selected. Will you please stop with the national search already?
ReplyDeleteEason made a smart decision. I just couldn't see him leaving Georgia to come to a situation where there's so much doubt and uncertainty. Plus, Ammons would have had to go begging the Boosters to come up with match money (and that would be an iffy situation). If I were the "C" fellow, I wouldn't come either. Come to me first, or don't come when A & B have said "no." Sorry.
ReplyDeleteit's time for a national search committee to be formed. dr. ammons tried to do all the levying on his own merit, but sometimes things dont pan out how we would like. i commend the man for having the ganas to go after the big men that he wants. it's no different from what the big schools do regularly anyway (ie UF = Meyer).
ReplyDeletepersonally i think that hiring a coach in haste just to meet the recruiting season deadline would be a major mistake in comparison to doing this thing the right way by forming a committee. i'd rather have one bad year of recruiting than to hire a bad coach in haste only to go thru the same ordeal again in two years.
as stated above let's start thinking outside the box. no more hbcu/meac retreads. no more career assistants. let's go after head/asst/coordinator coaches who are proven conference and playoff winners. whether they come from D2, D1AA, or D1A. black or white. alum or no affiliation. billy rolle would be a superb hire as an asst/head coach in waiting, but i dont think his success as a HS head coach can be translated to the collegiate level with zero experience. likewise with casey weldon.
Eason has name recognition but not much else. For all of his professional life, he's been swinging on FSU cheating coaches coat tails. He's a token for those white schools that is used to recruit black athletes. Eason would never make a good head coach on any level.
ReplyDeleteThere are some good coaches out there and Dr. Ammons will get one of them.
Head Football Coaches are appointed and not selected. Will you please stop with the national search already?
ReplyDeleteHowever you want to describe it...A public job posting needs to be implemented to cast out the net on a NATIONAL level just to see what fish we can bring in...I'm sure there are plenty of qualified coaches out there who have no clue about the vacancy! Obviously this "putting all our eggs in one basket"..."let's sit back and wait"..."you contact us first" approach/game isnt remotely effective!
Going to UGA was a good start...now let's go look at other winning programs in the region: Valdosta St, Ga Southern, App St, UF, etc...I'll take it a step further...Dont just think - ACT outside the norm!
However you want to describe it...A public job posting needs to be implemented to cast out the net on a NATIONAL level just to see what fish we can bring in...I'm sure there are plenty of qualified coaches out there who have no clue about the vacancy! Obviously this "putting all our eggs in one basket"..."let's sit back and wait"..."you contact us first" approach/game isnt remotely effective!
ReplyDeletePost a net casting school, please and then list what bowl they are playing in or played in post football season.
Dr. Ammons has casted his net and he is weeding out the coaches one at a time. What makes you posters believe that he is so simple, that he is not capable of getting this done? The best match and fit to move FAMU forward will be selected soon.
Let the man do what he is paid to do.
"Eason has name recognition but not much else. For all of his professional life, he's been swinging on FSU cheating coaches coat tails. He's a token for those white schools that is used to recruit black athletes. Eason would never make a good head coach on any level."
ReplyDeleteTone down the racism! The bottom line is that Eason knows a bad situation when he sees one. And that pad situation is FAMU!
Whoever we get, can they be under 45?
ReplyDeleteif casey knows what's good for him--bad situation--he won't come if JA & Co. coming calling, either.lus, the poster who made the analogy betw. Celie/Mister/& Billy Joe was right on time. Folks don't realize that people must be treated right or ugly things will come back to haunt them. Now, I know JA & Co. didn't have anything to do w/Billy Joe's ouster, but they should've asked the man to come back. He's a good coach. And a good, decent man. And he loves the university & Tallahassee. Before Reuben Carter left campus, he was already talking about suing. Apparently Dr. Ammons had all Carter's $$ ducks lined up before he gave the man the boot.
ReplyDeleteAn open appeal to Dr. Ammons!
ReplyDeleteBilly Joe has not signed with Miles College yet. FAMU did not handle him right. You know it and the entire Rattler Nation knows it. We need to do right by him. Quit listening to the haters, follow your first mind and hurry up and sign him. He's a man of his word and once he signs we have no chance of correcting the wrong we did to him. There will be some haters if you bring him back, but once we're winning again, like we used to, before the Corbin Clan destroyed his program, the stadium will be full again and we can all tell them, what we're in essence telling Castell and them now, to go to hell!
Eason saying no changes everything, do the right thing NOW!
Again please look at John Mckenzie the Guru of Alcorn St, Jackson St, and was the head Coach at Delaware St. And if you add Tim Walton as his Defensuve Cordinator to hone his skills after leaving UM Wow what a combination!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyea I heard Mr. Mckenzie is very interested and was in the top 5 when the job was open 3 years ago. he has put out some of the most prolific passer in the SWAC. And get this, He is endorsed by non other than the Doug Williams of Grambling.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't touch Eason, Weldon or any other former FSU player or coach with a 10 foot pole. FSU has a history of cheating dating back to the 70's. Eason probably was afraid that he would be implicated in one of FSU's cheating scandals and didn't want to take that chance.
ReplyDelete"Tone down the racism! The bottom line is that Eason knows a bad situation when he sees one. And that pad situation is FAMU!"
Having coached and lived through a bad situation for many years at FSU, I agree that Eason knows a bad situation when he sees one.
FAMU does not cheat and that is the reason we will get us a quality football coach.
I went on Alcorn St website and Saw that John Mckenzie also is the brain behind Alabama St offensive explosion. Has anyone mention his name to Bill Hayes or Dr. Ammons?
ReplyDeleteJohn Mckenzie was loser at DSU back in 90's.. FAMU should take risk by going after the likes of L.C. Cole, Kent Schoolfield and Dewayne Dixon..
ReplyDeletePost a net casting school, please and then list what bowl they are playing in or played in post football season.
ReplyDeleteThe schools that cast nets arent the ones that play in bowl games...since those schools already have the millions BEFORE booster support to go after and get the man they want...
I'm tired of hearing about all these HBCU "roamers" (Joe Taylor, McKenzie, et al)...How successful were they in WINNING in the playoffs??? Beating up on other HBCUs isnt indicative of a great head coach nowadays...plus these guys are old/near retirement...
Go after the coordinators at FBS programs...Tim Walton from UM would be an awesome hire...it wouldnt hurt to pursue him...Go after head coaches/coordinators at winning FCS and DII programs like App St, Montana, Delaware, Delta St, Valdosta St, etc...
By the way...the name Eason should never be mentioned again in terms of FAMU...I dont care if he'd be "happy to pick up trash" for FAMU...he's turned us down enough times and can stay away from Tallahassee...I wasnt sold on him anyway...another career assistant (not even a coordinator) would be making the same mistake again...
By the way...the name Eason should never be mentioned again in terms of FAMU...I dont care if he'd be "happy to pick up trash" for FAMU...he's turned us down enough times and can stay away from Tallahassee...I wasnt sold on him anyway...another career assistant (not even a coordinator) would be making the same mistake again...12/28/2007 4:18 PM
ReplyDeleteEason, Corbin and crew are still trying to make FAMU look bad. I hope not a nan nother administration looks that fools way again. Eason can keep his arse with them folks. We've had enough of grads thinking that its better, colder and greener over there. Let him keep his arse right where it is.
I agree forget Eason! His name should never be mentioned with FAMU in the same sentence ever ever again.
ReplyDeleteRattler Nation are we ready to finally cross the lines and hire a white coach who can perpare us for the next level. Are should we stick to the old way of doing thing? if we are going to move into the next millennium, then might as well start now!!!! Are we ready to make the hill Diverse?
ReplyDeleteWe don't need to hire white coach whatsoever.. Diversity is basically joke.. FAMU should take look at brother Tim Walton or Kippy Brown..
ReplyDeleteNo time for toms either!
To be real honest with you i kind of ponder what is the Rattler Nations overall perspective of a coach of a different race over our football program. No, im not like the other poster who is referring to a white coach as our lord and savior....im just wondering are we truly ready to make a leap, or decision of that matter....i for one really could care less about his skin color.....if he is winning games....recruiting quality athletes...... and bringing revenue into our athletic program, i for one as a booster wil continue to contribute no matter if he is white......... its just all in if the Rattler community is willing and accepting to take that extra step......Nu Rattler i think we should have a poll on that too?
ReplyDeleteThat's what I meant are we really ready! because if everyone is saying have a national search, then the best qualified person might be of another race. And if he is bring quality young men in, then i for one will continue to support. And Bro. Tim walton is ok, but he has no HC experience. would you like him to experiment with the rattler team for a couple of years?
ReplyDelete3:43, kent schoolfield? surely you jest! kent is tired, beat-down, worn and frazzled; he's been all over the place. he was a famu when hubbard was there and he was not a fellow of merit, integrity, character and ethics. please! plus he was a womanizer, and he might be too old to be womanizing, but he's not too old to still talk smack, and no one wants to hear that nonsense from him--again.we need a coach, for sure. but we are so desparate that we will stoop to the likes of has-been kent schoolfield.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is with hiring outside of how we normally do it is: $$
ReplyDeleteIt's quite difficult to lure someone here and you only want to pay the people $175,000 tops! It's going to be difficult to get the kind of person you want for that little bit of money. And folks ain' leaving positions where they're situated to come here to coach for pennies on the dollar. Bottom Line. If not, we're still going to get what we've been getting.To get the really big name applicants, James Ammons has to offer big $$.
I think that is the major issue. We cannot expect to attract the quality of HCs that we want if the money is not commisurate of the task that they will be undertaking especially considering rebuilding. In addition, FAMU's treatment of coaches has made them a national BE CAREFUL BEFORE YOU TOUCH IT" program. Are we willing to expend the PAY & PATIENCE to get the quality? 2) If a Caucasian coach is interested, are we willing to break tradition? 2008 could be the year of new beginnings for FAMU.
ReplyDeleteThe highest paid coach in FCS makes approx. $200K+/-, so the amount we have to offer isnt too far off or more than what these coaches are already making. Eason only made $170K (2007) and $175K (2008) before incentives/boosters, and Broadway only made ~$160K.
ReplyDelete^^^Continued --
ReplyDeleteThere are qualified head coaches on the FCS and DII level that make considerably less than $175K, so going outside wouldnt cost more $$$ than what we're putting on the table right now. In fact, compared to most DII schools, FAMU would certainly be an upgrade (salary increase, larger facility with future renovations, larger home crowd, more televised games, etc). FAMU is just a greater, more visible platform for some small school, but winning coaches who aspire to elevate through the coaching ranks (FCS, FBS, NFL).
I keep reading posts about Tim Walton and Alex Wood. Do these coaches have head coaching experience? I think if we're going to pursue coaches in FBS with no HC experience, then they should at least be coordinators. Heck we hired Carter, and went after Eason, both from FBS but not even coordinators; just simple position coaches. So I dont think it would be burdensome to go after those brothers above.
I think Walton and Rolle would be an incredible coaching and recruiting tandem! Plus Walton is currently seeking employment since he just left Miami...
ReplyDeleteIt shouldnt be an issue if our nets our casted nationally, and we pull in some white coaches. As long as the new coach knows what it takes to win their conference, has a history of winning in the playoffs, knows how to recruit, and values academics and discipline above all, then I dont GAD what color he is.
ReplyDeleteIn another blog, someone suggested the VSU head coach. I dont think that would be a bad inquiry at all especially with his familiarity with the N. Fl/S. Ga talent. He's white, but his winning record speaks for itself. I doubt he makes more than Carter ($135K) did anyway.
12:09, those are base salaries--what the university pays them. their packages are larger than the base. not to bring bobby bowden in the mix, but the university pays him a base salary; the boosters and other affiliates make his annual salary what it is. same thing for other high-profile coaches from other bi universities. are the boosters prepared to pay big bucks to the new coach? big boosters pay for cars, houses, trips, all kinds of incentives. we are barely scraping by. remember: reuben carter only made $135K. to even offer 175k--as ammons did to broadway--he would've had to do a whole lot of convincing to the boosters, and then the coaches we'd like to come already know of the turmoil of our past football program. 175+/- is not realy any money to attract high profile people, i don't think, unless we go get someone from a JC or HC who are not proven winners and/or even make that kind of $$ in the first place.
ReplyDeleteBroadway didnt have a problem with the $175K salary. Negotiations didnt follow through due to scheduling and staffing disagreements. Plus Grambling boosters werent providing bonuses to Broadway's base ($156K) unless he won the conference and the nat'l bcf championship. So the base FAMU offered him was indeed an upgrade.
ReplyDeleteNow Eason on the other hand is another story. UGA boosters sit a pretty penny in their boys' laps. That's why Dr. Ammons appealed to the boosters to come as close as he could in matching. I commend the man for his efforts. If you dont try, then you'll never know.
Kent Schoolfield is provern winner.. The man did excellent job during his stint as head football coach at FSVU.. Yea, he kinda of arrogant and have some charcather issuses.. However, coaches like Lou Holtz and Jimmy Johnson had silimar problems.. But they knew how to win ball games.. We are looking for winner.. Schoolfield is the right man for job..
ReplyDeleteFAMU isn't desparate unlike Savannah State, CAU and Norfolk State. We don't need to hire white man to be next head ball coach at FAMU..
Four of the coaches that won national titles and had winning records had something to do with the state of Ohio.. Why not go after likes of Dewayne Dixon, Tim Walton, Alex Woods, Kent Schoolfield, Rick Comegy, James Woody, Hue Jackson and George Edwards..
On the other hand, FAMU can take risk on Alzono Lee.. Lee is consider one of the best defensive coordinators in nation. He had privilage to worked for Willie Jefferies, Joe Taylor and great Billy Joe.. He was really responible for helping Aggies winning 2003 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Tile..
Lee is very sexy name unlike Broadway. But he understands the tradition and history of the FAMU. He will have the players attention and get them prepare to win 1-aa national title..
FAMU hire a little assistant back in 1945.. I believe that little known assistant won six national titles and twenty siac conference titles during regin as head football coach.. This is reason why I like Lee..
Lee has burned too many bridges in the MEAC, my God he has coached at almost every school, Howard, FAMU, Hampton, NC A&T, and now Morgan. He lacks stability and I hear he is not a man of his word. FAMU doesn't need drama, we need a good Head Coach with experience, a people person, honest, and willing to work hard. Lee is not the man!
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you what, with all of the suggestions and rebuttals on this blog, I am glad we are not choosing the next coach. I think we all are gonna be surprised at who is chosen.
ReplyDeleteSources say its Joe Taylor from Hampton.