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  1. Happy New Year

    We all love FAMU.

    Let me share a short story with you. A five year old boy goes to the store with his mother. The boy steals a small piece of candy, when no one is looking. The boy enjoys his candy in his room at home. The next time the boy goes to the store with his mother
    he steals a bag of candy and enjoys it for days in his room.As the boy grows from teen to young adult his stealing continued and he was never caught. The young man now was stealing jewelry, cars and equipment. One day the young man and his friends decided to rob a bank. They all put on mask. They robbed the bank and a guard was killed, however they got away.The next day the police came to the young mans apartment and arrested him and his friends. The young man was sentenced to 40 years in prison. The mother of the young man was in the bank when it was robbed and she recognized his voice. She reported him to the police. The mother was tired of all of her son’s stealing and wanted to stop him. It’s a blessing, from God, to get caught when we first do something wrong. Then we have a chance to change and escape a larger punishment. When we get away with a crime for years, it is a curse from God because the punishment gets larger as the crimes get bigger.

    People at FAMU are doing more good than doing wrong. Without FAMU thousands of peoples lives would be very different. Many people, who are doing wrong, at FAMU, think they are doing good. The punishment is getting bigger and they will be stopped in God’s time. (God willing)

    May God bless FAMU, Dr Ammons and all of you with success in 2008, Amen.

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