2008 football schedule in flux

Alabama State interim athletic director Ron Dickerson believed he had one of the open dates on his football scheduled filled with Florida A&M. The Hornets were scheduled to travel to Tallahassee, Fla., on Aug. 30 to start the season. But now, he says, FAMU is considering an option to buy out the contract with the Hornets -- the cost of which was not available -- so FAMU can play the Miami Hurricanes for what would likely be a sizeable payday that weekend.

If that happens, it could cause problems for several years to come. Dickerson told the Montgomery Advertiser newspaper he had hoped to parlay the FAMU trip into a long-running series with the Rattlers in Mobile. Had that happened, it would've given ASU a permanent opponent for the Gulf Coast Classic game and, in turn, brought a top SWAC opponent -- probably either Southern or Jackson State -- to Cramton Bowl each year.

"I don't know what FAMU's doing at this point," Dickerson said. "I called down there a few days ago to discuss the long-term deal and I haven't gotten a call back yet. So, I don't know what's going on there."

Whether a long-term deal is worked out or not, ASU will still be looking for two opponents with just seven months until the season starts.

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  1. Forget Miami, let's get folks in Bragg!

  2. I concur with anonymous. It would mean a lot more to see a series with Alabama another HBCU, rather than get banged up for a few more dollars playing Miami. I though these new guys understood the importance of Black college football.

  3. that's sad to hear about the athletic program again involving the football program.Issues like these hurt recruiting. FAMU you still have an up hill battle and its embarassing.And it's going to get worst.
    BILL HAYES was the wrong guy for the job.

  4. Interesting.

  5. According to Heath Smith's blog, this is not true. Smith says that he talked to someone in the athletic department and they said the Miami game may be on for 2009, not 2008. The only game that is in doubt at this point is the Southern game, now I don't know what that is about. I agree with the previous posters however, I think that we can eventually create enough fan base to sellout Bragg Stadium with home and home games against local rivals, ie., ASU, SU, AA&M, JSU, you might even want to throw a game in there with GSU from time to time, to see who really is the best HBCU much as UF plays UM ever four years on a two year bases. I think if we could put two of these games on our schedule ever year as a home and home game rather than a "classic" that would eventually generate more interest in the games and in the program as a whole. This would ultimately lead to more money and better recruiting.

    On another note, I think we also need to talk to the Georgia Southern, Youngstown States, etc., to see if we can get in a home and home with one of them on a yearly base. These guys are not only in the playoffs every year, but win the national championships. If we don’t play this type of team until the playoffs, we will never beat them in the playoffs. Its time to take it to take the program to the next level and that doesn’t mean playing the “U” for a cool million.

  6. um... what is "black college football"?

    Have you seen FSU's team? Miami? Florida?

    Maybe you meant HBCU football.

  7. Who is the somebody that Heath talked to, the janitor?

    Here is the AD at Alabama State saying the game is a maybe. Should we discount what ASU AD says in favor of Heath's "somebody" ?

  8. LOL @ 2/01/2008 12:54 PM!

    It damn sure is black football all the way around!

  9. RN.... Can you please get information about the president's forum that was held today? The Democrat has reported that Ammons said 30 faculty or staffers will be fired. Is this true? Also, why is Ammons bringing 2 people associated with his old university, North Carolina Central, speaking at FAMU's Spring graduation ceremonies? (Bishop Eddie Long, who is on the NCCU Board and Atty. Willie Gray, an NCCU grad) This is not NCCU South! Get us some info.

  10. Well before we FAMU alum complain about Eddie Long or Willie Gray...it could be worse. He could get the FAMU alum, Kwame Kilpatrick, again...lol; I'm pretty sure everyone will be sitting there reading text messages through his speech....lol;

  11. Eddie Long's son, Eddie Long, Jr. is an alumnus of FAMU. Many of his church members are FAMU alumni.

    I guess we could get Dick Cheney or Clarence Thomas if yall don't like Long & Gary. lol.

  12. 1:48, why is it that "the janitor" always get spoken of so negatively? Remember when all of the athletic receipts went missing, and "the janitors" got blamed? If items go missing in someone's office, it's always "the janitor" who must've taken it. A custodial staff automatically knows that they will be blamed for the first thing that goes missing in an office. This is why they take great care and make sure that they remain above the fray. Janitors perform a great service for our university, and their jobs should be as respected as anyone else's. Let one of "the janitors" not clean up your workplace for a week or so and see then if you don't value their service. Don't speak disparingly of blue collar workers. It's not nice. And this is my lesson for the day to you, 1:48.

  13. Playing Miami would be great for the financial future of the athletic department. I would love to see FAMU play Alabama State, but a buyout would not be a bad thing. Most people don't understand that most athletic departments end the year in debt. There are very few schools that actually make money off athletics. Stating that FAMU should not "get banged up for a few more dollars playing Miami" is ignorant and misinformed.

    There will come a time when FAMU can rekindle rivalries with non MEAC schools. Bill Hayes may feel like that time hasn't come. I say we support the brother's decision. He has a successful track record.

  14. I say if you dont want to play Miami then donate the damn money to the boosters and then we would not have to play them! In addition I went to a high school and for a few years we played schools on a "higher level" and after about three yrs when i began to play on the senior level we were on their level, but it took time and money and Great coaches, dedication from players and community! In addition, there was a "lore" that was created! We can do all of this at FAMU! WE must be the Change WE wish to see at FAMU!

  15. 7:28,

    You are soooo right. I stand corrected. So who is this mid-level paper pusher that Heath spoke with, and why should we believe him or her over the head mucky muck at ASU?

  16. Why would we believe the head "mucky-muck" at a school whose football schedule is in shambles due to poor scheduling? From my perspective, its time for the blame game to begin out there and that is what going on. If you read the article the guy is blaming past athletic directors for scheduling games years in advance, now the SWAC mandates they play 9 inter-conference games. Now he says FAMU is trying to pull out of the season opener; who knows maybe he is trying to pull out but since Hayes hasn't returned any calls, therefore he shifts the blame on Hayes to keep his booster off of his back for having to drop this game to pick up another SWAC team. Remember, they also have to drop BCU, whose fault is that, is BCU dropping ASU to play FSU for more money this year. My point is this, why should we believe this guy over ours?? Heath says he spoke with an insider, imo, it probably was Alvin Hollis, and not a staffer, give the man some credit. To me it sounds like the guy at ASU is looking for someone to take the heat off of him from his boosters, and if you read the paper closely it looks though he has done his job.

  17. 3:48. There is nothing unusual about a university inviting distinguished people to speak at graduation. Following your
    (il) logic, Bill Gates could not address Stanford. Oprah could not address Spelman and Bill Cosby could not grace the podium at FAMU.

    That's some shallow thinking, darling.

  18. I think the AD at ASU is at fault here. He didnt review the contracts that the previous AD signed before his resignation, and that's why ASU is in this mess. But it can all be fixed. The article states that ASU plans to buy out the Jacksonville St game ($10K) that conflicts with the BCC game because it's cheaper ($50K). Either we give ASU a lil more time to get things in order or find us another FCS opponent to bring to Bragg for a good ol fashion Rattler azz whoopin! I know for a fact that Jackson St is looking for a 12th game. Bring the Tigers to town so we can even up the series and re-ignite that particular rivalry!

    Personally I'm tired of waiting until the second or third week of Sept to bring Rattler football HOME! I cant even remember the last time the first game of the season was played in Tally. Maybe 2002???

    Running to UM for the quick buck shouldnt be the solution. Somebody should do a comparative analysis to see which operation produces the largest maximum benefit. I know we can fill out Bragg for the first home game especially if it's a good opponent and they bring their band. Offer/raise/charge better concessions, parking, reserved/prime location seats, outside vendors, gameday football experience, night time pep rally, etc. Whatever it takes to market and brand Rattler football and match the proposed game's payout. It should be ALL about the RATTLER EXPERIENCE! Not hoe'ing ourselves for peanuts.

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