Ammons has FAMU on the incline

Democrat editorial page editor, Mary Ann Lindley, wrote:

FAMU president James Ammons visited with the newspaper's editorial board this week and I had a couple of minutes to talk to him in the lobby afterwards. That's when he said something about leadership that resonated with me, and I think it will with you.

At the conclusion of an hour of discussing what you might call the before and after story at FAMU, its true incline as a university in recent months, he said, and very modestly, this: "You know we're all blessed in different ways, we all have our gifts. My gift is that I do know how to run a university."

It is key: knowing how to do your job. Not boasting that you do. Not exaggerating your experiences, not padding your resume, not climbing on the backs of others, but actually knowing how to do your work. Doing it often enough and with enough focus and concern to finally, as my friend Alton, who can fix anything, says, "finally get the touch."

For several years running, FAMU was in the headlines largely because its leadership was so controversial. Its president was promoting her own importance as often as not, or else having showdowns with her board of trustees, which fought among themselves. The alumni were unhappy and wondering why they should contribute to a university where money seemed to go down the rabbit hole.

Continue reading: FAMU on the incline under Ammons

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  2. It's refreshing to deal with professionals who understand it's more important to build the house that paint it. That having been said Dr. Ammons understands it's not about him it' s about the university

  3. Than Paint it 10:53am

  4. Keep up the good work Dr. Ammons & Team. FAMU is in great hands now. Lets show our financial appreciation.

    I Love FAMU!!!!!

  5. I really hope that all this is true. Remember they said the Castell was doing a good job but we found out that that was not true in the end.
    I am troubled by all the "stuff" that has been said about Ammons from the folks at NCCU.
    Only the test of time will let all the truth come out.

  6. Nobody cares what the people from NCCU are saying. Lets deal with the FACTS. According to the facts, Dr. Ammons did a helluva job and NCCU and is doing likewise at FAMU. We need to stop being spooked by everything we hear.

    Keep up the good work Dr. Ammons.

  7. The state auditors gave Ammons clean reviews at NCCU.

    That's all that matters.

  8. Maybe folks just mad that Ammons left NCCU to come back to FAMU.

  9. Give praise where praise is due. We should celebrate where FAMU is right not because its a lot better off when Castell was here. A monkey could have done a better job than her.
    The only suggestion that I'd make as a long time employee is to purge the Castell cronies that were left behind and that were part of her mess.
    If we all claim to love FAMU; we should be cautious about singing praises too quickly and let Ammons earned his stripes and not because some white man said so.
    Ammons is far more competent and he does have the ability to lead the University in the right direction as long as he does not let a few bad apples spoil the bunch and he cuts through the culture of seek and destroy at FAMU that vicitmized so many of us present and former employees.
    I would further allege that Ammons has some more work to do to heal the University and root out the evidence planting crooks here at the school. Most of us up here know that there are still a few "bad apples" here on the hill and when that is put in the context of the culture of the snitch ghetto mentality that is so pervasive here at FAMU- watch out, Dr. Ammons!!! Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  10. Amen Preach and shulnuff!

    There are a few bad apples that the FBI and state investigators mistakenly overlooked here at the school because I don't think that any of them took any classes in ghetto guerilla warfare!! If Black folks haven't figured it out you know white folks haven't.
    The FBI is still looking at some of these fools with a laser focus and sooner or later. You can't hide the truth forever.
    We're still mad because Castell wasn't arrested and she is the MAIN one that really needs to be arrested.
    How's this for a bombshell? Castell is waiting and hoping and praying that Ammons fails. Who better to do this then the no less than seven money grubbing slim balls that the Feds are secretly investigating at the school right now? There was a reason why Brown vs. Castell went down in the WWF's greastest all time matches!

  11. 9:26--Castell IS a monkey.

  12. give up the goods, 9:37. you can't throw this stuff out and then don't deal a straight hand.

  13. I say to Dr. Ammons be careful cancer destroys the body from within my advice take the necessary steps to eradicate it. Your enemies weakened you by virtue of being in your environment

  14. What has Dr. Ammons done that is go great? We still are in financial difficulties. (We can't blame the legislature for everything.) Dr. Ammons continues to use tactics he learned from the man he was provost under - - Dr. Humphries. Recently Ammons has begun depleting the coffers of the various colleges, leaving them scrambling to figure out how they are going to pay the bills. Not a classy move.

  15. To-4/10/2008 1:31 PM

    It's like this when you work on campus- you see a lot of stuff.
    I have seen the feds come up here on more than one occassion and they speak to the same folks over and over and over again.
    That's enough to lead some of us to think that Federal Investigations are ongoing.
    I have a cousin in the FBI and a friend in the ATF. I was told that it is not uncommon for them to do ongoing investigations up until they have something they really can sink their tooth into.
    The negro that they been talking to has been sweating like a cotton picking slave in the middle of August on a Alabama plantation.
    We all know that he is slimy.
    He knows he's dirty too. Best of all God knows it and his head and others will roll when the feds find out the truth-the whole truth. They can smell sin from a mile away and they will nto be made fools of. NO BS!!!
    Go feds Go! Get the reall derty rattlers.

  16. Amen---until the school is really cleansed of sin...preach you know the rest.

    We know Ammons ain't Jesus returned to save FAMU in the rapture and he does have some low life dirty sneaky fools that will hurt the school in the end.
    Those third rate attorneys at the school can not hide the sins of the school forever.
    Once a theft-always a theft. If you'll lie you'll steal if you steal you'll kill.
    Continue to pray for the school and that what is done in the dark shall come to the light. I'm done.

  17. dang, 3:21---that's some serious sweating: slaving under the alabama sun in august on a cotton field? right about now, if i were that fellow, i'd be real skeered. in fact, i'd be too skeered to even come to work.

  18. we ain' trying to have no church up in here. save your preaching and prophesyzing for sunday moaning (misspelling and pun intended).

  19. What has Dr. Ammons done that is go great? We still are in financial difficulties.

    How about getting the first unqualified state audit in THREE damn years?

    Ammons doesn't control the housing market and sales tax revenue drops that have depleted the state's higher ed funding coffers. Nor was he responsible for the enrollment drop that resulted in less FTE funding. He has no choice but to make massive budget cuts.

  20. I agree Ammons is not Moses.Everybody is jumping on the his band wagon.If you know like me, you better stay off that band wagon. Until further notice.

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