(L-R) Seated: Mahalia Bowman; Shakaya Andres; Driadonna Roland and Maya Franklin
(L-R) Standing: John Marsh; Guy Lemonier; Keith Miles; Bryan Brown and Sidney Wright
As we reported earlier, here is a complete list of awards that FAMU students won at the Associated Press state broadcasters competition.
o TV Best Light Feature: Mahalia Bowman and Driadonna Roland for " Tallahassee Bus Boycott" - 1st place
o TV Best Newscast : "Live at 5" Sidney Wright and Maya Franklin -2nd place
o TV Best Long Light Feature: "A Helping Hand" Mahalia Bowman, Shakaya Andres - 1st place
o TV Best Sports: FAMU "Football Postseason" Danon Bell - 2nd place
o Radio Best Newscast (5 minutes): WANM Special Report/FAMU Athletic Dept. Changes John Marsh -1st place.
o Radio Best Newscast (15 minutes): WANM News Brian Brown - 1st place.
o Radio Best Sports: WANM "FAMU Athletics Changes" Courtney Jones, Keith Miles - 2nd place.
o Radio Best Spot News: WANM - "FAMU Firings" Guy Lemonier, Keith Miles - 2nd place
o Radio Best Short Light Feature: WANM - "The Classic" Courtney Jones, Keith Miles - 2nd place.
o Radio Best Long Light Feature" Erica T. Hicks - 1st place
"This is the second year in a row that we've had a phenomenal finish in the Florida Associate Press College Broadcasters Award," said Keith MIles, WANM general manager and a professor in the broadcast sequence. "This is the best ever. With the TV entries, we finished strong."
"The broadcast faculty should be commended for the work the students are producing," said Dorothy Bland, director of the Division of Journalism."
Also see: AP Awards
Great News!!!!