“Throughout this week, we renew the call for this country to never rest until equality is real, opportunity is universal, and all citizens can realize their dreams,” Bush stated. “We also recognize our country's HBCUs and their important role in making these goals a reality.”
For the proclamation’s full text visit the White House’s website.
GWB is simply trying to make us forget about his horrendous handling, ineptitude, and absolute bungling of Hurricane Katrina, as well as the budget cuts he instituted for minority projects. Is he earmarking $$ for this proclamation of his??? Why now? He's been in office, what, like 8 years, so now he's trying to get our votes???I, for one, ain' buying it.And if folks are smart, they won't buy it either. I can get burned once, but I ain' tryin' to get scorched by the ol' okey-dokey.