FAMU advocate eyes promotion

big rattler
U.S. Congressman Allen Boyd, Jr. (D-Monticello) is the man to watch during the 2010 election cycle. He’s polling well as a possible contender against Florida’s junior U.S. Senator, Mel Martinez (R-Orlando). A recent Public Policy Polling report showed Boyd leading the incumbent 37-34 percent.

Boyd, whose district includes FAMU, is also mentioned as a possible candidate for Florida commissioner of agricultural and consumer services in 2010.

In either position, Boyd is sure to continue a long record of assisting Florida’s only public historically black university. Over his 11-year tenure on Capitol Hill, he has secured millions for FAMU each session.

Recently, Boyd played a key role in landing a $5 million Department of Defense grant at the university. FAMU professors are using the funds to develop advanced sensors for use in unmanned military vehicles and devices that can detect weapons of mass destruction.

Carmen Cummings Martin, FAMU’s alumni affairs director, served as Boyd’s community relations chief for five years before President James Ammons hired her in 2007.

As a fiscally conservative “Blue Dog,” Boyd has the potential to peel many critical swing voters away from the GOP. Additionally, his strong record as a FAMU supporter could galvanize millions of black Floridians.

If Boyd pursues a statewide elected office, then FAMU alumnus and current state senator Alfred “Al” Lawson, Jr. (D-Tallahassee) could become the frontrunner to succeed him in the U.S. House of Representatives. Lawson’s senate district overlaps much of the area Boyd represents.

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  1. yikes! can we get past one election before folks start campaigning for one two years from now? i'm already exhausted from just reading about an upcoming race. dang.

  2. I have a bridge for sale if any on this board think Lawson will get elected as a Congressman.

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