Election Day preparations

da rattler
photos: Jay-Z, Russell Simmons, Mary J Blige, Diddy, and U.S. Rep(s). Kendrick Meek and Jesse Jackson, Jr. at a GOTV Rally at Florida Memorial University in Miami over the weekend.

The BIG DAY is almost here. Here’s a few things to remember tomorrow (Nov. 4th)--the official Voting and Election Day:

o Lines WILL (not might…WILL) be incredibly and unusually long. Do not get discouraged. Bring your Ipod, drinks, snacks, and your cell phone to check out RN mobile. If your boss is trippin’, give them a nice warm mug of B*tch Please and carry on to the polls. (Federal Law says that employers must give you at least 2 hours of leave to VOTE). Real talk. Most polls open at 6am. Jay-Z and ‘em probably won’t be in your area to surprise you in line that day, but oh well.

o Verify your polling place NOW. CLICK HERE to verify.

o DO NOT let a poll worker tell you that you are not registered or cannot vote there when you believe otherwise. Call the Civil Rights Division of the US Dept. of Justice at (800) 253-3931.

o Voting on your state and local officials and issues are just as important as the Presidential candidate. Look up that info for your area NOW. Shenanigans are very likely to pop off Election Tuesday. Keep your cool and call the above number for assistance.

o BRING YOUR ID. Also bring your voter registration card just in case.

o You CANNOT vote on Nov. 5th, despite what some people are saying. Bring others to the polls who can’t make it there on their own.

GET EXCITED! And where possible let's make this a RattlerNation.

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  1. Thanks. This is helpful

  2. Cell phone and munchies, I know that's right!!!

  3. hold on you can't wear political shirts and stuff to the polls either man please hurry up and post that info

  4. ^^^Different States have different rules^^^

    For example: The Pennsylvania Department of State allows voters to wear candidate T-shirts and buttons when they enter polling stations, saying to prohibit such could disway voters and force polling officials to act as "fashion police."

  5. In Florida, anyone can wear political paraphernalia as well as bring literature into the polls with them to assist them with the election process. The only big thing that is prohibited is the use of cell phones at the polls- that is a federal offense.

    There are many other states such as Virginia that prohibit the wearing of paraphernalia and even then they can't turn you away- you just have to turn your shirt inside out or remove your paraphernalia while you are in the polling place.

    Just thought I'd throw that out there.

    (grassroots campaign volunteer)

  6. TO: 7:57
    People can wear "political shirts and stuff" to the polls, but they cannot actively campaign for candidates at the poll. I'm sure this is probably what you meant in your post.

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