OT: Steele tapped to lead GOP

big rattler
Yesterday, the Republican National Committee elected its first black chairman.

Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele defeated four opponents that included incumbent Chairman Mike Duncan, who was handpicked by former U.S. President George W. Bush to lead party.

Steele has the task of rebuilding the GOP in the wake of major electoral defeats that cost it control of Congress and the White House. He’s made inclusiveness a cornerstone that agenda.

"We've been mis-defined as a party that doesn't care about minorities and average Americans,” Steele said. "Nothing can be further from the truth."

With Steele’s selection, the GOP seemingly heeded a warning that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush gave the party shortly after then-U.S. Sen. Barack Obama became the first black president-elect, saying: “We can’t ignore large segments of our population and expect to win. We can’t be the old white-guy party. It’s just not going to work. The demographics go against us in that regard.”

During the recent Republican National Convention, Steele received a standing ovation for his chant “drill baby drill,” calling for increased offshore oil exploration throughout America.

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  1. holy cow brothers... we have taken over the world.

    MLK would be so proud.

    Can you believe that the leaders of three major political parties are black?

    Conservative, liberal, green, moderate, socialist...the world is our oyster.

    DEM: Obama
    GOP: Steele
    GREEEN: McKinny

    This is the African millennium

  2. Steele has been a fixture in the GOP for quite some time. He decided to run for head of the GOP after his bid for Governor failed He was the best candidate for Governor...but black folks still voted for the unqualified white man :(

  3. It's a great thing that the GOP has rejected the politics of exclusivity, race-baiting, and religious fanaticism for intellectualism.

  4. Steele will be the mouth piece and token for the GOP. He will oppose everything that Presdent Obama proposes. The GOP's opposition to Obama cannot be called racism now "because a black man (Steele) said it". Brer Rabbit hasn't changed a bit.

  5. add Super Bowl Champion coach to the list.

    the African Millennium indeed.

  6. That Brer Rabbit comment was pretty unenlightened....

    The reality is that blacks have been enslaved by their democrat massas for at least 40 years.

    To infer that a person of African descent is somehow less black or a less loyal black because he supports Republican principles is the height of ignorance.

  7. Ignorance grows to even greater heights when it's percieved that by having an African American as the face of the GOP, is going to somehow change the mindset of those who despise all things Black. And before you say it, there are more of them that identify with the GOP than with the Democratic Party.

    I'm neither Rep. or Dem., but I see that party (GOP) splintering.

  8. when W took a hard turn to the left with the bailouts and other massive government spending... he put a death nail in the GOP... us GOPers are asking wtf is the difference between a compassionate conservative and a radical liberal?

    conservatives got the shaft by a prez that claimed to be one of them... now they are pissed...

    and McCain... omg... wtf is the difference between obama and mccain... except skin pigment and age? Ideologically they are the same. GOP abandoned it base and it deserves what it got. BIG LOSSES.

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