Former FAMU talent show winner releases CD

big rattler
It's been about four years since R&B artist JaMiel Cox won first-place at FAMU’s Homecoming Talent Show. His passionate rendition of Musiq Soulchild’s, "Love" received thunderous applause from the sea of students.

At that moment, the Fort Pierce native began to seriously consider a future as a professional singer.

This ambition led him to move to Orlando and train with Charles Watkins, one of the original "Drifters” and the father of R&B sensation T-Boz.

Since officially launching his career, Cox has sung back up for Angie Stone and performed at the Trumpet Awards in Atlanta. He pre-released his first single last year to test the market for his musical acceptance. His song, "Lost," soared to the top of the Internet R&B charts at # 14. Cox’s music is still climbing the charts in Japan and Europe.

Cox’s credits for the upcoming CD project titled "The Up and Downs of Me" read like a Who's Who of the American music industry. His line-up of producers includes individuals who have worked with music celebrities such as Bobby Brown and Kanye West.

"The title of the CD speaks for itself,” Cox said. “It is about life as I know it and I am sharing that with the people I love, and my fans," he said. "Love, Being Lost, Finding the right Woman, Making a living, etc. is what my project is all about."

More information about Cox's CD and upcoming appearances is available here, at his website.

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  1. Ohhhh i know him very well....

  2. Well, buy his album!

  3. YAY Jameil!!! Another famous Rattler and member of Images Modeling Troupe. I will def by your album! Congratulations!

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