SBI students tour China

This past spring break, a contingent of students, and faculty, from SBI traveled to the People's Republic of China to experience first-hand Chinese culture and business. While in China the group from SBI visited business centers in Shanghai, Beijing, and the "Great Wall".

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  1. Can we give more info, and talk about the students that have been studying abroad for months there and those that will be going for the summer?

  2. Since you know, why don't you tell us?

  3. I would love to know more about the trip

  4. That's all I know. If I knew more I would have gladly informed you :)

  5. There's always one. LOL

  6. 2:12, No. No. No, on the hyphenated phrase "... grammar-challenged" phrase. The entire phrase is, as noted, hyphenated to indicate the continuous, back-to-back use of the prominence of the descriptive modifiers. "Grammatically challenge" -- w/o the hyphen -- would be correct only if the entire phrase is not presented as a descriptive (adjective) marker in emphasis of the noun -- the person -- in question. I stand behind the writing.

  7. 3:27pm...

    YOU said:"Can we give more info,".

    If that's not what you meant to say then perhaps you should proof read your writings before submission to ensure you saying what you mean instead of having a gatdamn attitude about a mistake in grammar that YOU made.

  8. apologies, I'll work on my grammar if you can work on your vocabulary. The usage of such vulgar language is not a good look :). Be blesses on this Sunday.

  9. oh..I meant blessed...don't want to hear about that one too

  10. I have taught classes at FAMU, FSU, TCC, and a few other places.

    It is wonderfully refreshing to see all the English experts online!

    I am SHOCKED by the number of college students today that cannot write a decent essay. I am equally shocked by the number of students that are OFFENDED when I correct their papers.

    Perhaps I should have them submit their papers to Rattler Nation for critique.

  11. why are they putting their fists together like that? Is that some sort of gang sign?

    I hope its something positive - since they are representing FAMU.

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